My rating: 4 of 5 stars
This book explains Huckabee's views on lots of issues. I agree with him on about 96% and the few I disagree I can see his side. He also clears up some of the out right lies that have been told about how he believes. I think he would make an excellent President! I hope he will run in the future!
View all my reviews
Here are some quotes from the book:
As we saw victims of Hurricane Katrina overwhelmed by the
unexpected storms and surges of water that washed away their hope, we also saw
ourselves as likewise being vulnerable. We are reminded that in many ways we
all live below sea level, surrounded by levees that we thing will hold and that
we trust to keep us safe. But whether the levees are those made by human hands
with concrete steel, or are the levees of our personal health, our jobs, the
safety of our neighbors, our pension plan, or the confidence we have placed in
our government, churches, banks, or other institutions, all of us indeed live
below sea level and are but one breached levee away from devastation. p. 16
Just as I needed to change my personal habits to regain my
own health—so America must change its habits in order to regain its true
greatness. ACTION America – Activating Citizens To Impact Our Nation. p. 17
[ACTION Church – Activating
Christians To Impact Our Nation] ~My thoughts
My own optimism, both personally and for our nation, is not
the result of having spent time on a mountaintop but from having spent so much
time in the valley. The air tends to be thin on the mountaintop, but in the
valley the soil is rich and good things grow there. It is in the depths of the
valley that we discover our weakness but also our capacity of strength and
resilience. p. 24
There is value in approaching life with the attitude that I
might actually learn something from those with whom I disagree. p. 33
I once heard an eloquent African-American pastor speak of
the four kinds of pride: pride of face
(outward appearance); pride of place
(socioeconomic position); pride of race (ethnic background); and pride of grace (religion). p. 38
It’s been said that profanity is the strong expression of a
weak mind. The excessive use of such language causes it to lose any impact or
shock value, and only demonstrates disrespect and contempt for others and for
propriety. p. 40
One of the studies the commission conducted was to determine
the most important factors in predicting whether a student would succeed in
college. When I have posed the question to audiences, most respondents guess
that the key predictors would be socioeconomic standing or even race in
determining the likelihood a student would complete college. Both of these
responses are quite wrong. Fifty years of research indicates that the key
predictor of getting through college and graduating is having access to and
participation in a rigorous and challenging curriculum at the high school
level. It is critical that schools offer a broad range of courses and that the
rigor of the curriculum is challenging, adequately preparing the student for a
real future. p. 50
From an educational standpoint, numerous studies have shown
a direct correlation between music education and math scores. This makes
perfect sense in that the study of music helps develop both the left and rights
sides of the brain and improves spatial reason and the capacity to think in the
abstract. p. 51
The younger the age at which one is exposed to and learns
music, the more impact the study of music will have on his or her academic
capacity and achievement. p. 52
It is always best to remember that people are working with you, not for you. p. 182
“He who is my
opponent today may be my friend tomorrow.” Never burn bridges and end
relationships. p. 190
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