My rating: 5 of 5 stars
The author of this book is a friend of mine. He sent me this book. When I saw the title and read the back cover to be honest I did not think I would enjoy the book. Boy, was I wrong. This short book is an excellent read. The story is a fictional account of what happen to the 10 lepers that were healed (The Biblical account recorded in Luke 17:11-19). The main character in the book is the one leper that returned to Jesus to give thanks. The story is very interesting and it also is inspirational.I share just a few quotes below:
His years of ministry had prepared him well to deal with my youthful zeal ... impatience. "We must trust the solid examples we find in God's Word, my son. Consider how Noah spent 120 years building a mammoth ark before the great flood. Or, how Moses had to spend all those years in Pharaoh's court and in the desert before he was ready to lead the Israelites out of Egypt. God is in control and He is not hurried. He wants you to be properly prepared before you go. You must also seek His wisdom for the best plan. You need a God directed mission strategy."
The wise:
1. They listen to sound advice
2. They obey it
3. They are declared righteous
4. They ultimately prosper
5. They receive life
The foolish:
1. They ignore sound advice
2. They rebel
3. They remain evil - wicked
4. They ultimately fail
5. They end in hopeless death
The key to Proverbs:
Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.
My List - We must:
1. Live a godly life first
2. Have a working knowledge of God's Word
3. Be somewhat familiar with those we are called to reach
4. Pray for guidance to find them and wisdom to deal with them
5. Trust God for the results
6. Meet weekly to encourage each other and share God's progress
As you can see the book is very practical. I especially enjoyed the author listing the hymns and words to the hymns that he enjoyed. These were listed at the end of the book.
All believers will enjoy this book. To order a copy of this book email George at georgebrainard@reagan.com
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1 comment:
We also go to be Thankful for GOD's blessings! Gratitude will = action!
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