Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Good Day!: The Paul Harvey Story

Good Day!: The Paul Harvey StoryGood Day!: The Paul Harvey Story by Paul J. Batura
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Paul harvey was my favorite radio personality. I love listening to his program. When I saw this book in a book store I knew I wanted to read it. My first question was who is Paul J. Batura, the author? It was amazing to find out he was Paul harvey's son. The book is an excellent read on the life of Paul Harvey. I was a little surprised to find out Paul harvey was a little liberal on some issues. I trust you will enjoy the book quotes below:

Veterans of the broadcasting business will suggest that a true star hasn’t earned his or her stripes until they’ve been fired. In fact, the National Radio Hall of Fame is full of people who were told at some point in their careers that they had no chance, no future, no talent, and no right to hold a microphone in their hands.

He (Paul Harvey) most certainly disagreed with A.J. Mosby’s judgment, but he again saw the hand of Providence moving in his young life. A student of Benjamin Franklin and a man of abiding faith, he believed that, indeed, “God governs in the affairs of men.” He would come to credit Mosby with pushing him up and kicking him out.

The (Harveys) couple was resolved to work like it was all up to them, but pray knowing that it was really all up to God. They held their blessings and dreams lightly. “God answers prayers ‘yes’ and some ‘no’ because if a father, however loving, did all his son’s homework…he would ruin the son,” Paul once wrote. “The ancient Greeks had a saying that, ‘If you want to destroy a man give him everything he wants.’”

Even though it was radio, he (Paul Harvey) insisted on maintaining formality. “It is all about discipline,” Harvey once told Rick Kogan of the Chicago Tribune, “I could go to work in my pajamas, but long ago I got some advice from the man who was the engineer for my friend Billy Graham’s radio show. He said that one has to prepare in all ways for the show. If you don’t do that in every area, you’ll lose your edge.” At one point during his career, he compromised and began to dress a bit more informally. “I had Bob Benninghoff, fifty years an engineer on Paul Harvey News. He took me aside on one day and said, ‘you’re beginning to sound as casual as you dress.’“ The coat and tie made a comeback.

“In flying they teach us when we can’t see where we’re going, go on instruments, and trust them,” Harvey wrote once in an essay referencing the Bible. “Read your tested and proved charts and instruments. They will see you through.”

I recommend this book to all who enjoyed listening to Paul Harvey.

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