Sunday, March 16, 2008

Come Thirsty Part 2

Below are some quotes from Max Lucado's book, Come Thirsty, No Heart Too Dry for His Touch. Part 2 covers chapters 6-9. To order this book see Part 1.

You began your life in Christ by the Spirit. Now are you trying to make it complete by your own power? That is foolish (Gal. 3:3) p. 57

As you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so continue to live in Him (Col. 2:6) . p. 58

How does one receive Christ? By coming thirsty and drinking deeply. How, then, does one live in Christ? By coming thirsty and drinking deeply. p. 58

When you do, saving power becomes staying power. " God, who began the good workin you, will continue His work until it is finally finished on that day when Christ Jesus come back again." (Phil. 1:6) p. 58

The real question is not, how do I get more of the Spirit? but rather, how can you, Spirit, have more of me? p. 60

... God opened the floodgates on the greatest movement [Pentecost] in history. It began because the followers were wiiling to do one thing: wait in the right place for power. p. 66

... waiting doesn't mean inactivity - rather inHIMactivity. p. 66

For ten days the disciples prayed. Ten days of prayer plus a few minutes of preaching led to three thousand saved souls. p. 67

Change your definition of prayer. Think of prayers less as an activity for God and more as an awareness of God. Seek to live in uninterrupted awareness. Acknowledge His presence everywhere you go. As you stand in line to registar your car, think, Thank you, Lord, for being here. In the grocery store as you shop, Your presence, my King, I welcome. As you wash the dishes, worship your Maker. Brother Lawrence did. This well-known saint called himself the "lord of pots and pans." In his book, The Practice of the Presence of God, he wrote:

The time of business does not with me differ from the time of prayer, and in the noise and clatter of my kitchen, while several persons are at the same time calling for different things, I possess God in as great tranquility as if I were upon knees at the blessed sacrament." p. 68

God gets His fingers into our lives, inch by inch reclaiming the territory that is rightfully His.
Your tongue. He claims it for His message.
Your feet. He requisitions them for His purpose.
Your mind? He made it and intends to use it for His glory.
Your eyes, face, and hands? Through them He will weep, smile, and touch. p. 72

C.S. Lewis put it well:
Christ says, "Give me All. I don't want so much of your time and so much of your money and so much of your work: I want You. I have not come to torment your natural self, but to kill it. No half-measures are any good. I don't want to cut off a branch here and a branch there, I want to have the whole tree down. ... Hand over the whole natural self, all the desires which you think innocent as well as the desires you think wicked-the whole outfit. I will give you a new self instead. In fact, I will give you Myself: my own will shall become yours." p. 74

And do not bring sorrow to God's Holy Spirit by the way you live. p. 75

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