My rating: 5 of 5 stars
John Maxwell always writes so wonderful, thought provoking books. This one on Intentional Living is excellent. I hope you will be challenged by the quotes below.
To be significant, all you have to do is make a difference with others wherever you are, with whatever you have, day by day. ~ John C Maxwell
When you intentionally use your everyday life to bring about positive change in the lives of others, you begin to live a life that matters. ~ John C Maxwell
If your story isn't as meaningful or significant or compelling as you want it to be, you can change it. ~ John C Maxwell
To dare is to lose one’s footing momentarily. Not to dare is to lose oneself. ~Soren Kierkegaard
Be the change you want to see in the world. ~Mahatma Gandhi
Here's to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. . . . Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do. ~ Steve Jobs
If you want to live a life that matters, don't strike when you get good; start now so you can become good. ~ John C Maxwell
What is the number one catalyst for change? It's action. ~ John C Maxwell
In life, it is not what we get that makes us valuable. Is what we become in the process that brings value to our lives. Action is what converts human dreams into significance. It brings personal value that we can gain from no other source. ~ John C Maxwell
A butterfly cannot go back to being a caterpillar. When you start living the significant story, you get a taste for making a difference and you won't go back. ~ John C Maxwell
When I die, I cannot take with me what I have, but I can live in others by what I gave. ~ John C Maxwell
Having a heart to help people and add value to them make sure a better person. But if you don't act on it in an intentional way it won't make a difference. ~ John C Maxwell
If you're going to grow, you have to be intentional. ~ Curt Kampmeier
You need to put details to your dreams and attach deadlines to them. You need to examine yourself and where you are. You need to look at your strengths and weaknesses. You need to identify your goals every week. ~ John C Maxwell
An unintentional life accepts everything and does nothing. An intentional life embraces only the things that will add to the mission of significance. ~ John C Maxwell
Intentional leaving always has an idea.
Unintentional living always has an excuse. ~ John C Maxwell
Intentionally living fixes the situation.
Unintentionally living fixes the blame. ~ John C Maxwell
Intentional living makes it happen.
Unintentional living wonders what happened. ~ John C Maxwell
Intentional living says, “Here's something I can do.”
Unintentional living says, “Why doesn't someone else do something?” ~ John C Maxwell
Intentional living turns the doubt-filled question “Can I?” Into the invigorating, possibility-inducing “How can I?” ~ John C Maxwell
When you know what you want and can't find what you need, you must create what you need, so you can get what you want! ~ John C Maxwell
Most people don't aim too high and miss. They aim too low in hit. ~Bob Moawad
If you will first help others get what they want, they will help you get what you want. ~ Zig Ziglar
Make every day your masterpiece. ~ John Wooden
Nobody finishes well by accident. ~ John C Maxwell
Once you find your why, will be able to find your way. Why is your purpose. Way is your path. ~ John C Maxwell
If the why comes before the way, your ability to make a difference will come more quickly and immediately be more effective. ~ John C Maxwell
Humans were made to have a meaning. Without purpose, life is meaningless. A meaningless life is a life without hope or significance. ~ Rick Warren
The sooner you know your why, the sooner you can shift your focus from yourself to others. ~ John C Maxwell
Purpose is the rudder of your boat. It gives you direction and keeps you going in the right direction when the wind is blowing and the waves are crashing against you. It provides calm and confidence in the midst of the storm. ~ John C Maxwell
Purpose is like a snowball rolling downhill-it builds over time. ~ John C Maxwell
Having a life that matters comes from the ability to add value to others. ~ John C Maxwell
The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
Our souls are not hungry for fame, comfort, wealth, power. These rewards create almost as many problems as they solve. Our souls are hungry for meaning, for the sense that we have figured out how to live so our lives matter, so that the world will be at least a little different for our having passed through it. ~ Rabbi Harold Kushner
People who matter most are aware that everyone else does, too. ~ Malcolm Forbes
Self-centeredness is the root of virtually every problem-both personally and globally. And whether we want to admit it or not, it's a problem all of us have. ~ John C Maxwell
Self-centeredness and fulfillment cannot peacefully coexist. They're incompatible. ~ John C Maxwell
People need to have found themselves, achieve something, and made themselves valuable before they have something to give to others. ~ John C Maxwell
Significance is always about others, serving them intentionally. ~ John C Maxwell
When you change your thinking from “What am I going to receive?” to “What am I going to give?” your entire life begins to turn around. ~ John C Maxwell
There isn't anyone you couldn't learn to love once you've heard their story. ~ Fred Rogers
As you start your day, are you wondering what you will reap, or are you wondering what you will sow? ~ John C Maxwell
John Wooden described an unselfish player as one who “showed an eagerness to lose himself to the group for the goal of the team.”
If you want to be significant and live a life that matters, you must add value to others. ~ John C Maxwell
You know you truly value yourself when each day you silently affirm that you are the type of person with whom you would like to spend the rest of your life. ~ John C Maxwell
If you want to connect with people you must make the conscious decision to embrace the following seven qualities and practices:
Availability-I will choose to spend time with others.
Listening-I will listen my way to common ground.
Questions-I will be interested enough in others to ask questions.
Thoughtfulness-I will think of others and how to connect with them.
Openness-I will let people into my life.
Likability-I will care about people.
Humility-I will think of myself less so I can think of others more. ~ John C Maxwell
If you have the heart to make a difference, there is always an answer, but if you have a heart of indifference, there is never an answer. ~ John C Maxwell
Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction ends up being the biggest step in your life. ~ John C Maxwell
Fear is the most prevalent reason why people stop. Faith is what makes people start. ~ John C Maxwell
Faith does not make things easy, but it makes things possible because it puts everything, including fear, into the right perspective. ~ John C Maxwell
My dream allows me to continue and discourage, for where there is no faith in the future, there is no power in the present. ~ John C Maxwell
Dreams often come one size too big so that we can grow into them. ~ John C Maxwell
Life isn't made by what you can accomplish. It's made by what you can accomplish with others. ~ John C Maxwell
Most people miss opportunities in life, not because the opportunity wasn't there, but because they didn't have a clue what it looked like when it arrived. ~ John C Maxwell
I cannot do what you can do. You cannot do what I can do. Together we can do great things. ~ Mother Teresa
If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together. ~African Proverb
A strong partnership divides the effort and multiplies the effect. ~ John C Maxwell
You can't take action if you're spending too much of your time trying to get on the front lines. You need to be on the front lines. ~ John C Maxwell
Anticipation is a wonderful proactive and intentional word for seeking out significance. ~ John C Maxwell
When you live with intentionality, you know and understand that every day is your time to make a difference . ~ John C Maxwell
You don't really know if you're going to be afraid of death until you've been close enough to touch it, taste it, and smell it. ~ John C Maxwell
The difference between the assuming and numbering your days is huge. ~ John C Maxwell
Most hockey players follow the puck on the ice. I never skate to where the puck is. I skate to where it's going. ~ Wayne Gretzky
You anticipate that you can and will make a difference, you prepared differently. ~ John C Maxwell
There is not one door of opportunity. There's not one door to significance. There is a series of doors. ~ John C Maxwell
The compounding potential and return of working with others makes my sense of anticipation soar. ~ John C Maxwell
A transformational leader intentionally engages people to think and act in such a way that it makes a positive difference in their lives and in the lives of others. ~ John C Maxwell
Where you are in the process doesn't matter. As long as you're engaged in it and anticipate positive results, you're on your way. ~ John C Maxwell
There are those that look at things as they are and asked, “Why?” I dream of things that never were and asked, “Why not?” ~John F Kennedy
Every generation gets an opportunity to make a difference, but the people of that generation have to seize that opportunity. ~ John C Maxwell
Opportunities do not multiply because they are seen. . . . They multiply because they are seized. ~ John C Maxwell
The people who most often make the biggest difference are the people who are first to step up and help at a time when it makes a difference. ~ John C Maxwell
People most often regret the chances they failed to take, not the chances they took that failed. ~ John C Maxwell
The classroom is the molder of the opinion of the lives of people. I came back because if I can change a 19 year old's life, that is much more significant than what I was doing because I get them on the front end. ~ Condoleezza Rice
Unless Someone Like You cares a whole lot, nothing is going to get better period it's not. ~Doctor Seuss
You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. ~Doctor Seuss
You're off to great places! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting! So get on your way! ~Doctor Seuss
What we teach our children to love and appreciate is far more important than what we teach them to know. ~ John C Maxwell
Maddie, John Maxwell’s granddaughter, list the following ideas she has learned from her dad or granddad:
Attitude is a choice.
Maturity is seeing things from another person's point of view and being flexible.
Always plan ahead. You're either prepared or repaired.
You are what you do every day.
Failure is inevitable, but learning is optional.
Once you taste significance, success will never satisfy you again. ~ John C Maxwell
Significance is not a destination thing-it's a daily thing. ~ John C Maxwell
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