
Sunday, June 7, 2015

The Ravine: A Novel of Evil, Hope, and the Afterlife

The Ravine: A Novel of Evil, Hope, and the AfterlifeThe Ravine: A Novel of Evil, Hope, and the Afterlife by Robert Pascuzzi
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This a novel about forgiveness. Even though I did not agree with all of the theology in the book is was a good read.The story involves two brothers who are start football players in high school. After high school and the lights dim they turn to crime. The get caught and sent to prison. Prison changes the two brothers. One learns to trust God and changes his life, the other allows his heart to get header and just plays the system. The story really begins after they get parolled from prison.  Robert Pascuzzi, the author, started each chapter with a quote. I always enjoy quotes at the beginning of chapters. I have them all listed below and a few other quotes from the book as well. Enjoy!

There are some who bring a light so great to the world that even after they have gone the light remains.  ~Author Unknown

Lord, help us realize that everything that happens to us happens for a reason. Help us realize that every sorrow or setback we experience can be transformed into a blessing, if we but trust in you. Help us realize that if we trust you, all things – even tragedies – will work out for our good.  ~Robert Pascuzzi

Life changes in an instant. The ordinary instant.  ~Joan Didion

God dislikes evil. And no happiness can be built on hate. Love one another as brothers.  ~Josephine Baker

But I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep.  ~Robert Frost

Fame is a bee.
It has a song-
It has a sting-
Ah, too, it has a wing.  ~Emily Dickinson

Our lives are the sum total of the choices we have made.  ~Wayne Dyer

What’s done cannot be undone.  ~William Shakespeare

Brief is life, But love is long   ~Lord Alfred Tennyson

Grief teaches the steadiest minds to waver.  ~Sophocles

The trust of the innocent is the liar’s most useful tool.  ~Stephen King

Deep into that darkest peering,
Long I stood there,
Wondering, fearing   ~Edgar Allan Poe

Go out into the darkness,
And put your hand into the hand of God.  ~Minnie Louise Haskins

To love and win is the best thing;
To love and lose, the next best.  ~William Makepeace Thackeray

If in Christ we have hope in this life only, we are of all people most to be pitied.  ~1 Cor. 15:19

We cannot do great things on this earth, only small things with great love.  ~Mother Teresa

My mind is like a bad neighborhood; I try not to go there alone.   ~Anne Lamott

God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks in our consciences, but shouts in our pains.  ~C.S. Lewis

Let us forgive each other; only then will we live in peace.  ~Tolstoy

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