
Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Courageous Living: Dare To Take A Stand

Courageous Living: Dare to Take a StandCourageous Living: Dare to Take a Stand by Michael Catt
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Michael Catt is the Pastor of the church that has made the movies, "Flywheel," "Facing the Giants," "Fireproof," and "Courageous." This book is a book written as a resource for the message in the movie. I have read several of Michael's books. He does a great job reinforcing the truths of Scripture. He uses lots of quotes from others as well as giving Scripture support for the principles taught. I will leave one quote from the book for you to think about: "Instead of cowering to the pressures of this culture, Christians need to become a force for positive peer pressure. We need to break out of the box and drop the baggage. Boxes are designed for storage and shoes not saints."

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Below are a few quotes from this book:

Instead of cowering to the pressures of this culture, Christians need to become a force for positive peer pressure. We need to break out of the box and drop the baggage. Boxes are designed for storage and shoes, not saints. p. 6

I’m praying for God to raise up a generation who will venture out and discover the view is worth the climb. God longs to find a man or woman He can trust with a great opportunity. p. 7

The choices we make determine the roads we take. Choices have consequences and reveal our true character. p. 8

Sometimes God has to slow us down to get our attention. Jim Elliot said, “I think the devil has made it his business to monopolize on three elements: noise, hurry, crowds….Satan is quite aware of the power of silence.” When Moses left the wilderness, he was a man on a mission. p. 30

Martin Luther said there are only two days that matter: this day and that day. If you aren’t living this day for Christ, you won’t be ready to face Him on that day. p. 31

Adrian Rogers said, “God showed up and said to Joshua, ‘I didn’t come to take sides, I came to take over.’”  p. 38

John Blanchard says, “God thinks most of the man who thinks of himself the least.” p. 48

Humility is not thinking poorly of oneself, but rather it means not thinking of oneself at all. p. 48

Gary Inrig said, “One of the great truths of Scripture is that when God looks at us, He does not see us for what we are, but for what we can become, as He works in our lives. Other people look at us and see our flaws and failings. God looks at us and sees our possibilities, through His transforming presence.” p. 48

Hudson Taylor said, “All of God’s great men have been weak men who did great things for God because they reckoned on His being with them; they counted on His faithfulness.” p. 54

God is not looking for great people; He’s looking for available people who will follow Him. p. 57

God will use you publicly if you allow Him to tutor you privately. p. 82

The person of courage is willing to face the consequences of his decisions. We may stand alone, but we are never alone. p. 83

Vance Havner said, “If you lack knowledge, go to school. If you lack wisdom, get on your knees!” p. 84

Billy Graham said, “Courage is contagious. When a brave man takes a stand, the spines of others are often stiffened.” p. 85

The New Rebellion Handbook defines courage as a “willingness to go the distance when the vision has faded, when you’re weary, when no one is there to cheer you on. Courage is an enduring commitment to be your true self when no one is looking and you’re facing intimidation….Courage has many faces. Is yours one of them?” p. 85

We need the fire of the Spirit and the showers of revival. p. 92

Teddy Roosevelt said, “It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena; whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; who does actually try to do the deed; who knows the great enthusiasm, the great devotion and spends himself in a worthy cause; who, at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly.
Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat.” p. 105

Our standard is not Hollywood; it’s Him. p. 107

When you walk with God, you’ll anger those who don’t. p. 110

If you are doing God’s will, expect opposition. p. 110

Chuck Swindoll said, “Part of the unwritten job requirements for every leader is the ability to handle criticism. That’s part of the leadership package. If you never get criticized, chances are you aren’t getting anything done.” p. 112

Jonathan Accuf writes, “Hate from others is like moss, it can only grow on stagnant objects. “The motion of following your calling repels hate.” p. 114

Roy Laurin writes, “Never stop working to fight. Be ready to fight and repel the invader but always keep up the work. A man’s greatest defense is the work he is doing. If he constantly answers the attacks made on him he cannot work and if he doesn’t work he will not be able to fulfill the purpose of his life. p. 114

We don’t have time for average. Average is climbing halfway up the mountain and stopping. It’s as close to great as it is to bad. p. 128

To order this book click here!

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