
Wednesday, December 24, 2008

FireProof Your Life

The book, FireProof Your Life, is a study based on the movie Fire Proof. It is a very good book.

Here are a few quotes:

Trials show what we are made of - they reveal our hearts, our faith, our level of maturity. p. 14

Noah built an ark.
"Are you kidding, Lord? What's an ark?"
Abraham, set out for a city.
"What city? Aren't You going to give me a map?"
Abraham, you've going to have a child.
"At my age? Do You know how old my wife is?"
Joseph, I've got big plans for you.
"Lord, You're going to have to get me out of this prison first. I'm a forgotten man.
Israel, take the land.
"Are you crazy? We're grasshoppers and they're giants."
 (Remember the Bible records the failures of faith and its consequences as well as the stories of those who trusted God and took Him at His Word.).
David, you are going to be the next king of Israel.
"How? If I don't keep running, King Saul is going to kill me!"
Elijah, pray down fire from heaven.
Are you sure, Lord? It seems to me I'm out numbered."
Job, trust Me with your loss and pain.
"Lord, nobody knows the trouble I've seen."
Isaiah, prophesy in My name.
"Lord, don't You know my friend the king just died? I'm grieving right now."
Jeremiah, buy the land.
"Lord, I'm no expert in real estate, but it seems to me that's not a very good deal."
Micah, tell them Messiah will come from Bethlehem.
"Lord, most folks can't even find Bethlehem on the map."
Peter, get out of the boat.
"And do what? Walk on water?" pp. 44-45

The biggest problem we face is not knowing what is right, but being willing to do what is right. p. 71

We think getting is the answer to all our problems, but in God's economy giving is the answer. Through our giving we understand that Christ supplies all our needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus. p 126

God always reserves something for Himself in the physical realm, where man obtains his living, to remind man that God is the owner of everything. God reserved for Himself a tree, a day, a city, the tithe, a year when the land was to stand idle. The facts here are clear. What God sets aside as holy, as His, is a reminder that we are stewards, not owners. p. 131

If God is your Father, please call home. Corrie ten Boom said, "The Devil smiles when we make plans. He laughs when we get too busy. But he trembles when we pray." When you feel swept off your feet, it's time to go back on your knees. (John Mason in Why Ask Why? If You Know the Right Questions You Can Find the Right Answers) p. 142

Acknowledge that conflicts are a part of of life. Where there is movement, there is friction.
Thank God for the conflict. Yes, you read that correctly. Anything that causes you to seek the Lord is a blessing.
Leave the results to God. When we have taken our stand on His Word, we can rest knowing He will respond as He has promised.  p. 145

To order this book click here!

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