
Sunday, June 29, 2008

Breaking Free: My Life with Dissociative Identity Disorder

My all time favorite football player wrote a book about a disorder he has. I enjoyed reading Herschel Walker's book, Breaking Free: My Life with Dissociative Identity Disorder. He talks a lot about his life growing up and his time as a college and pro football player. He is brutally honest. I have only quoted from the end of the book. He talks about a one-of-a-kind figurines made by Lladro'.  He says:

The difference between the sculptures and man is simple. Once a figurine is broken, it cannot be restored to its original beauty and elegance. However, when a man is broken by life's traumas, the great Master Potter can repair and restore him as if completely unscarred by life's suffering. When God picks up the pieces of our lives, He reshapes, refines, and reconstructs us. Then we become the vessel God intended us to be.

By contrast, a Lladro' piece, although beautiful, does not feel pain or sorrow. It has known neither disappointment nor loneliness, nor ever shed a tear. If it is never touched by life, it will retain its beauty forever. However, once it leaves the Lladro's' hands, it becomes very vulnerable. If it is broken, its creator cannot restore it to perfection. p. 233

There is an account in the Bible of Jeremiah going to a potter's house to observe him remaking a broken vessel. The craftsman turned the clay on the wheel and formed it with his hands until it was without blemish. As Jeremiah watched the transformation of the clay, the Lord said to him, "Just as the clay is in the potter's hand, so are you in My hand."

Now when I look in the mirror with the knowledge that I am in the Master Potter's hands, I realize that Herschel is just a piece of clay spinning on the Potter's wheel. I am being remade, reshaped, and worked into a new vessel. When I see cracks and chips, I simply remind myself that I am a work in progress.

I sincerely believe that God is creating a special vessel who will be able to transcend geographic and cultural borders.

Some of the Lladro' figurines bear the original signature of their creator, whereas you and I have been tattooed into the palm of God's hand with His own unique signature on our lives.  

Each year, certain Lladro' pieces are retired; but we can rest in the assurance that we will never be retired by our Master Potter.  pp.237-238

To order this book click here!

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