
Sunday, December 2, 2007

Made to Count

One of my favorite fiction authors is Randy Singer. He and Bob Reccord wrote a book titled, Made To Count: Discovering What To Do With Your Life. It is an excellent book especially for those looking for God's call on their life.

Eight Biblical truths found in the introduction: taken from p. xv
  1. God prepared a unique plan and calling for your life even before you were born.
  2. God calls you to a life-changing relationship with Him through Jesus Christ.
  3. God calls you to partner with Him in a mission that is bigger than you are.
  4. God calls you to be on mission with Him right where you are - starting now.
  5. God reveals His mission through His Word, His Spirit, wise counsel, and His work in circumstances around you.
  6. God will repeatedly bring you to a crossroads of choice as He forges you for His mission.
  7. God guides and provides for your mission one step at a time.
  8. When you answer God's call, you will experience His pleasure and change your world.
If you yearn for an important position, a major platform, a lot of fame, or massive power, He won't use you. p. 3

You may think you're carrying around a design defect or two, that maybe God created you on a Friday afternoon or a Monday morning, but nothing could be further from the truth. God created you with a purpose in mind. And the master designer knew just what it would take for you to accomplish that purpose in complete reliance on Him. p. 15

When Christ issued the Great the Great Commission, He didn't emphasize the training the apostles had received or the sermons they would preach or the church office they might hold. Instead, He focused on a power that's available to everyone, from brand new Christians to seminary presidents. "But you shall receive power," Christ emphasized, :when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses..." The power is universally available, and the call is universally applicable. It is also nonnegotiable. You can't hire a pastor to take your place. This is not a mercenary army. There are persons who will see Christ only through you and skills that only you bring to this great task. So, whether you are paid to be good (a full-time minister) or are good for nothing (the rest of us), you are called to be a vital part of the Great Commission. p. 29

Contrary to what we have heard, we are not called to live for Christ. We're called to live in Christ. The Christian life is not just one of imitation but habitation. p. 50

He always blessed them in order that they in turn might be a blessing. People were saved in order to be sent. They were changed in order to become change agents in the lives of others. p. 50

What an amazing metaphor of a life transformed by Christ. It's not like God helps us do a little better what we can do on our own. He doesn't call us to Him so that we can keep pursuing our own agenda and accomplish a mission we could have done by ourselves. When God calls us into life-changing relationship with Him through Jesus Christ, He takes us places we could never go alone. p. 58

Religion is activity; relationship is intimacy. While religion is words and works, relationship is walk. p. 60

This is only from 1/4 of the book. This is an awesome book that encouraged me to allow God to use me where I am now!

To order this book click here!

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