spills happen in life. But when they do, help us to be so full of Your Spirit
that what pours out of us is the kind of hope that others can’t help but notice
and be blessed.
Father gave us the Spirit to make us like the Son.
forgiveness defies our labels of failure or pride.
measure God’s unlimited power by your limited expectations.
God gives
us the seasons of our lives.
others see us, may what they see speak well of the Savior.
God is
with us in all our struggles.
The secret
of true service is absolute faithfulness wherever God places you.
The man
who lives in a small community lives in a much larger world.
As the years add up, God’s faithfulness keeps multiplying.
delights in saving His children.
Christian’s heart is the Holy Spirit’s home.
your heart daily to avoid wandering from God’s wisdom.
prayer, we have instant access to our Father.
kingdom is alive and active in all generations.
offers new life.
can lead to wholeness.
Jesus loved us by serving.
Jesus is
our peace.
times can be faith-strengthening times.
words are always the right words.
intimate moments spent with God can change us and direct us to His love.
Jesus is the way to a rich and satisfying life.
Jesus’ example: Reach out to others in need.
Follow Jesus’ example: Reach out to others in need.
Caring for
others honors Jesus’s love for us.
God’s love
for us is as expansive as the open arms of Christ on the cross.
To trust
God in the light is nothing, but to trust Him in the dark – that is faith. ~Charles
Haddon Spurgeon
grateful to God for even the smallest gift.
When faced
with difficult circumstances we can trust God to be our strength.
Be an
expression of the love of Jesus.
When fear
causes hope to fade, flee to God, the refuge you can reach on your knees.
Fear can
paralyze but faith propels us to follow God.
promises His children a peaceful home in His kingdom.
growth occurs when faith is cultivated.
One day
our sorrow will be turned to joy!
surprising God often shows His presence when we least expect Him.
Each day
we need to be still and listen to the Lord.
We can
reap what others have sown.
When God
forgives, our guilt is gone.
Serve God
by serving others.
Pray your
way past the urge to do wrong.
God seeks
His beloved children.
Only a
life given away for love’s sake is worth living. ~Frederick Buechner
The fruit
of the Spirit changes us so we can impact the lives of those around us.
The Lord
makes us clean.
The beauty
of creation reflects the beauty of our Creator.
troubles can fill our prayers with love and empathy for others.
Who can I
encourage to persevere through difficulty today?
offerings motivated by our love for God will always be priceless expressions of
imparts the power to walk and not faint.
~Oswald Chambers
God is
making all things new.
God is our
greatest help in times of distress.
ministry of mourning with others helps healing to our hearts.
God is
lovingly working toward restoration and joy in and through the pain of our
clearer we see God, the clearer we see ourselves.
We are Christ’s letters.
understands the struggles we face.
willingness to seek reconciliation with others shows God’s heart to them.
Linger in
God’s Word and you’ll find stories of faith.
God gives
us the power and the privilege to enjoy the rewards of doing things His way.
God is our
Eternal Father.
Put out
the fire of anger before it blazes out of control.
The gospel
changes people and relationships.
Let us
keep our eyes on Jesus our Savior as He directs our lives.
When we
are His, He is ours, forever. You have made us for yourself, Lord. Our hearts
are restless until they can find rest in You.
~Augustine of Hippo
We need
each other to get where God wants us to go.
prayers lessen daily worries.
God uses
suffering to strengthen our faith.
obedience to God will guide us through the unknown and draw us closer to Him.
God gives
us a solid foundation for our lives.
we’re far away from those we love, they are never far from God.
sacrifice pays for our spiritual debt.
is the oil that takes the friction out of life.
God never
leaves the voices of His children unheard.
God can change our doubts into bold statements of faith.
Only God
can make us new.
David's refuge was in the Lord. A refuge is a place of hiding - a place of secure protection. The term "chasah" in the ancient Hebrew. A chasah is a protective enclosure that provides safety from that which would otherwise consume everything in its path. It's an impenetrable firewall of protection from danger and distress - from anxiety and fear. David makes it clear that the Lord is his chasah. He is our chasah too. Take time to read Ps. 11 and Ps. 46 today!
Words of
truth spoken in love can guide us all toward maturity in Christ.
There’s no
greater privilege than praying with Jesus.
Your next
crisis is your next opportunity to trust our unfailing God.
can be opportunities to serve.
God hovers over us with love.
Leave your
heavy burdens with God.
despair because of evil; God will have the last word.
An offering given in faithful obedience is just right.
To take
the fear out of living, put your faith in the living God.
time with Jesus is a joy!
Call out
to God; He is wanting to hear from you.
The Good
Shepherd cares for His sheep.
No one can
steal your identity in Christ.
children, we can learn to rest in the love of God.
Care for
creation honors the Creator.
By God’s
grace, we can have our best witness in the worst of times.
to the Holy Spirit leads to right living.
Our sin is
great – God’s grace is greater.
The Holy
Spirit transforms us through His love and by His grace.
We were
created to enjoy God forever.
God is a
safe place in life’s storms.
Share Christ’s
love with another.
rivalry is natural. God’s love is supernatural.
When we
serve others, we serve Jesus.
Only Jesus, the Living Water, can satisfy our thirst for God.
God’s gift
to us in Jesus Christ exceeds all gifts.
Our needs
will never exhaust God’s supply.
When we
follow God, He makes us to flourish.
God’s past
faithfulness proves His everlasting dependability.
commitment to read and follow God’s Word begins a journey of discovering His
love and power.
to Christ is not rehabilitation; it’s re-creation.
Teacher, I
will follow you wherever you go.
~Matthew 8:19
Always be
humble before God and allow Him to be your all in all.
God can do
the most with what we think is least.
Hope in
the heart puts a smile on the face.
Work for
justice; pray for mercy.
When we
cannot see God’s hand at work, we can still trust His heart.
God gives
us second chances.
words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones. ~Proverbs 16:24
promises His people a good end to the story.
gestures can bring powerful comfort.
In the
beginning God created the heavens and the earth. ~Genesis 1:1
The most
treasured gift we can give to God is our love.
generosity meets needs and glorifies Jesus.
How deep
is the Father’s love for us!
God’s gift
of the Holy Spirit in our lives is available to each of us today.
moment can be lived in God’s presence.
love. Give love. Repeat.
God knows
us completely … and loves us just as much.
masterfully creates each person with uniqueness and purpose.
In the
midst of troubles, peace can be found in Jesus.
calls us to give our lives in serving Him.
takes the focus off us and places it where it belongs – on God.
is the memory of a glad heart.
all our longings is a deep desire for God.
is the result of knowing God and knowing yourself.
God sees
everything we do for Him.
God gives
us a new start.
through His love created the world. Praise Him!
calls us to stand with others as if we were in their place.
You can do
more than pray after you have prayed, but you cannot do more than pray until
you have prayed.
people are made whole by God’s love.
God is at
work to make us who He intends us to be.
ourselves about God’s goodness can keep us filled with His peace.
True faith
demands not only our words, but also our actions.
God’s Word
is a valuable possession and a guide to life.
The gift
of God’s love in us can bring light to any darkness.
knowledge that God has loved me beyond all limits will compel me to go into the
world to love others in the same way.
~Oswald Chambers
We keep
unity by being united in Spirit.
We can
never praise Jesus too much!
Sometimes encouragement may be the greatest gift we can give.
A friend
is one who can tell you the truth in love.
expectation on our part honors God.
confuse temptation with opportunity.
The birth
of Jesus is the best news the world has ever received!
to love people well shows the world what God is like.
To see
Jesus will be heaven’s greatest joy.
discipline is designed to make us like His Son.
The only
permanent covering for sin is the blood of Christ.
identity of Jesus is the central question of eternity.
Love conquers all.
Take the joy of Christmas with you every day.
Share the love of Christ.
The best
Christmas gift is Jesus bringing peace and forgiveness to others.
If I were
a wise man, I would do my part. Yet what can I give Him – give Him my
heart. ~Christina Rossetti
The joy of
Christmas is Jesus.
The good
news of Jesus’s birth is a source of joy for all people.
timing is always right – wait patiently for Him.
Go and
make disciples of all nations. ~Matthew
death and resurrection are the measure of God’s love for me.
We are
God’s heirs and ambassadors, sharing His love in the world.
When we draw near to God our minds are refreshed and our strength is renewed!
There’s no
better day than today to enter into God’s family.
When you
think of all that’s good, give thanks to God.
The best gift we can give to God is ourselves.
Lord, we love You! Please give us unwavering faith – and strength and hope for
each day – no matter the circumstances.
is able.
thank You for dying for us and uniting us as one people – the church.
Holy Spirit turns “us” and “them” into “we.”
You have so graciously forgiven us. Help us today to forgive others who have
wronged us.
those who curse you and pray for those who mistreat you.
God, how we need Your rescue today!
death on the cross rescued us from sin.
please give me the strength and boldness to talk to others about You.
of the matchless love of Christ to those who need to hear.
You are my friend when I feel alone. Thank you for being with me in the dark
caves of life.
God is our friend in seasons of loneliness.
thank You for placing us in communities. Help me to look out for other’s needs
and to show hospitality.
whom do I need to be “God with skin” today?
we thank you for those who serve their communities as First Responders. We humbly
ask You for their safety.
We honor the Creator when we honor the memory of His creatures.
in the midst of troubles, help me to focus on Your promises.
on God and regain perspective.
Father, thank You that I can come to You without fear of having to get my words
just right. Help me to keep company with You today.
love is beyond words.
Jesus, we again stand in awe at Your sacrifice. We kneel in Your presence and with gratitude acknowledge what You did for us on the cross. Thank You for making it possible to have fellowship with the Father forever.
cross reveals God’s heart for the lost.
we believe prepares the way for how we behave.
us always, Lord to love children as You love them, even as we come to You with
the trusting faith of a small child.
earthly families may fail us, but our heavenly Father never will.
sometimes my suffering seems too much to bear. Help me to trust You and
continue to walk with You on this journey.
can trust the Lord to be our strength in tough times.
Never forget in the light what you learn in the darkness.
help those who are hurting today so they may see and know Your loving presence
in their darkest hours.
Creator of the universe, thank You for being mindful of us.
greatness of God is evident in His awesome vastness and intimate nearness.
thank You for teaching me not to discriminate among people. Help me to see
people through Your eyes so that I may honor You.
breaks down the walls of discrimination.
must recognize our weakness to experience God’s strength.
Father, thank You for Your love that never changes! Help me to love You by
serving You faithfully today.
our changing world, we can always depend on our unchanging God.
God, You know what’s on my mind today. Help me to experience the peace that
comes from sharing my concerns with You.
Distractions don’t have to derail our prayers.
Heavenly Father, thank You for leading Your people in triumph and spreading the fragrance of Your truth through us.
smells like Christ to you?
thank You for Your constant care for our souls.
in His righteousness alone, faultless to stand before the throne. ~Edward Mote
in heaven, thank You for calling us by name and surrounding us with Your love,
today and forever.
knows our names and He holds us fast in His love.
help me to use my time well and to fill my mind with what is pure.
we let into our minds shapes the state of our souls.
You, Father, for proving salvation through Your Son, Jesus.
name is also His mission – to seek and to save that which was lost.
I long to know You more. Only You can satisfy my deepest desires.
God can satisfy our spiritual hunger.
thank You for leaving us Your inspired Word. Help us to read it carefully,
interpret it correctly, and apply it enthusiastically in our lives.
Word is the only sure foundation for life.
Jesus has
made true love possible.
Jesus came
to usher peace into our lives and our world.
To live
forever we must let Jesus live in us now.
The Bible
is the only Book whose Author is always present when it is read.
God’s love
for us is revealed through Jesus.
Grace and forgiveness
are unearned gifts.
Hearts in
tune with God sing His praises.
biggest work a Christian can do is to find his friend and introduce him to
Jesus Christ.
highest form of prayer comes from the depths of a humble heart.
Do what
you can with what you have and leave the results to God.
Creation is filled with signs that point to the Creator.
wants us to walk with Him.
desires unity among believers.
We owed a debt we could not pay, but Jesus paid the debt He did not owe.
delights to hear from us!
A life for
Christ is the best inheritance we can leave our children.
everything for the glory of God.
What could
be better than working to bring out the best in one another?
comforts others as we share how He comforted us.
righteous care about justice for the poor, but the wicked have no such
concern. Proverbs 29:7
There are
no soloists in God’s orchestra.
No deed is
small when done for Christ.
If I find
in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most
probable explanation is that I was made for another world. If none of my
earthly pleasures satisfy it, that does not prove that the universe is a fraud.
Probably earthly pleasures were never meant to satisfy it, but only to arouse
it, to suggest the real thing. ~C.S.
There is
more power in a mother’s hand than in a king’s scepter. ~Billy Graham
All the
things that ever deeply possessed your soul have been but hints of Heaven.
Tantalizing glimpses, promises never quite fulfilled, echoes that died away
just as they caught your ear . . . If I find in myself a desire which no
experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I
was made for another world . . . Probably earthly pleasures were never meant to
satisfy it, but only to arouse it, to suggest the real thing. ~C.S. Lewis
forgiving is like drinking rat poison and then waiting on the rat to die. ~Anne Lamott
When you
forgive someone, you set a prisoner free . . . yourself! ~ Greg Laurie
The words
we take in determine the words we speak, live by, and pass on to those around
creation bears God’s autograph.
It’s not
the words we pray that matter; it’s the condition of our heart.
He is the
potter; we are the clay.
We live
out our faith through good deeds.
God has
given the world extra time to respond to His offer of forgiveness.
things worth doing are difficult.
God can
purge our hearts of the sin that destroys our intimacy with Him and others.
Living for
Christ brings true freedom.
In the
darkest hours of life, only through the eyes of faith can we see the loving
hand of God.
God loved us first so we can love others.
We are
good – and we please God - when our hope and faith are in Christ alone, not in
our goodness.
In our
faith and service, rest is as important as work.
Praise is
the overflow of a joyful heart.
Sin will
not ultimately be judged by the way we see it, but by the way God sees it.
The prayer
of the feeblest … is a terror to Satan.
God is everywhere,
is available every time, and listens always.
The God of
the cosmos cares for us intimately.
We can
speak to the Lord as a friend.
God uses
present circumstances to prepare us for the future.
Scripture helps us see our need of Jesus.
The Father
gave us the Spirit to make us like the Son.
forgiveness defies our labels of failure or pride.
measure God’s unlimited power by your limited expectations.
God gives
us the seasons of our lives.
others see us, may what they see speak well of the Savior.
God is
with us in all our struggles.
The secret
of true service is absolute faithfulness wherever God places you.
The man
who lives in a small community lives in a much larger world.
As the
years add up, God’s faithfulness keeps multiplying.
delights in saving His children.
Christian’s heart is the Holy Spirit’s home.
your heart daily to avoid wandering from God’s wisdom.
prayer, we have instant access to our Father.
kingdom is alive and active in all generations.
offers new life.
can lead to wholeness.
loved us by serving.
Jesus is
our peace.
Faith-testing times can be faith-strengthening times.
words are always the right words.
intimate moments spent with God can change us and direct us to His love.
Jesus is the way to a rich and satisfying life.
Jesus’ example: Reach out to others in need.
Caring for others honors Jesus’s love for us.
God’s love
for us is as expansive as the open arms of Christ on the cross.
To trust
God in the light is nothing, but to trust Him in the dark – that is faith. ~Charles
Haddon Spurgeon
grateful to God for even the smallest gift.
When faced
with difficult circumstances we can trust God to be our strength.
Be an
expression of the love of Jesus.
When fear
causes hope to fade, flee to God, the refuge you can reach on your knees.
Fear can paralyze
but faith propels us to follow God.
promises His children a peaceful home in His kingdom.
growth occurs when faith is cultivated.
One day
our sorrow will be turned to joy!
surprising God often shows His presence when we least expect Him.
Each day
we need to be still and listen to the Lord.
We can
reap what others have sown.
When God
forgives, our guilt is gone.
Serve God
by serving others.
Pray your
way past the urge to do wrong.
God seeks
His beloved children.
Only a life given away for love’s sake is worth living. ~Frederick Buechner
The fruit
of the Spirit changes us so we can impact the lives of those around us.
The Lord
makes us clean.
The beauty
of creation reflects the beauty of our Creator.
troubles can fill our prayers with love and empathy for others.
Who can I
encourage to persevere through difficulty today?
offerings motivated by our love for God will always be priceless expressions of
imparts the power to walk and not faint.
~Oswald Chambers
God is
making all things new.
God is our
greatest help in times of distress.
ministry of mourning with others helps healing to our hearts.
God is
lovingly working toward restoration and joy in and through the pain of our
clearer we see God, the clearer we see ourselves.
We are
Christ’s letters.
understands the struggles we face.
willingness to seek reconciliation with others shows God’s heart to them.
Linger in
God’s Word and you’ll find stories of faith.
God gives
us the power and the privilege to enjoy the rewards of doing things His way.
God is our
Eternal Father.
Put out
the fire of anger before it blazes out of control.
The gospel
changes people and relationships.
Let us
keep our eyes on Jesus our Savior as He directs our lives.
When we
are His, He is ours, forever. You have made us for yourself, Lord. Our hearts
are restless until they can find rest in You.
~Augustine of Hippo
We need
each other to get where God wants us to go.
Daily prayers lessen daily worries.
God uses
suffering to strengthen our faith.
obedience to God will guide us through the unknown and draw us closer to Him.
God gives
us a solid foundation for our lives.
we’re far away from those we love, they are never far from God.
sacrifice pays for our spiritual debt.
is the oil that takes the friction out of life.
God never
leaves the voices of His children unheard.
God can
change our doubts into bold statements of faith.
Only God
can make us new.
David's refuge was in the Lord. A refuge is a place of hiding - a place of secure protection. The term "chasah" in the ancient Hebrew. A chasah is a protective enclosure that provides safety from that which would otherwise consume everything in its path. It's an impenetrable firewall of protection from danger and distress - from anxiety and fear. David makes it clear that the Lord is his chasah. He is our chasah too. Take time to read Ps. 11 and Ps. 46 today!
Words of
truth spoken in love can guide us all toward maturity in Christ.
There’s no
greater privilege than praying with Jesus.
Your next
crisis is your next opportunity to trust our unfailing God.
can be opportunities to serve.
God hovers over us with love.
despair because of evil; God will have the last word.
offering given in faithful obedience is just right.
To take
the fear out of living, put your faith in the living God.
time with Jesus is a joy!
Call out
to God; He is wanting to hear from you.
The Good
Shepherd cares for His sheep.
No one can
steal your identity in Christ.
children, we can learn to rest in the love of God.
Care for
creation honors the Creator.
By God’s
grace, we can have our best witness in the worst of times.
to the Holy Spirit leads to right living.
Our sin is
great – God’s grace is greater.
The Holy
Spirit transforms us through His love and by His grace.
We were
created to enjoy God forever.
God is a
safe place in life’s storms.
Christ’s love with another.
rivalry is natural. God’s love is supernatural.
When we
serve others, we serve Jesus.
Jesus, the Living Water, can satisfy our thirst for God.
God’s gift
to us in Jesus Christ exceeds all gifts.
Our needs
will never exhaust God’s supply.
When we
follow God, He makes us to flourish.
God’s past
faithfulness proves His everlasting dependability.
commitment to read and follow God’s Word begins a journey of discovering His
love and power.
to Christ is not rehabilitation; it’s re-creation.
Teacher, I
will follow you wherever you go.
~Matthew 8:19
Always be
humble before God and allow Him to be your all in all.
God can do
the most with what we think is least.
Hope in
the heart puts a smile on the face.
Work for
justice; pray for mercy.
When we
cannot see God’s hand at work, we can still trust His heart.
God gives
us second chances.
words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones. ~Proverbs 16:24
promises His people a good end to the story.
gestures can bring powerful comfort.
In the
beginning God created the heavens and the earth. ~Genesis 1:1
The most
treasured gift we can give to God is our love.
generosity meets needs and glorifies Jesus.
How deep
is the Father’s love for us!
God’s gift
of the Holy Spirit in our lives is available to each of us today.
moment can be lived in God’s presence.
love. Give love. Repeat.
God knows
us completely … and loves us just as much.
masterfully creates each person with uniqueness and purpose.
In the
midst of troubles, peace can be found in Jesus.
calls us to give our lives in serving Him.
takes the focus off us and places it where it belongs – on God.
is the memory of a glad heart.
all our longings is a deep desire for God.
is the result of knowing God and knowing yourself.
God sees
everything we do for Him.
God gives
us a new start.
through His love created the world. Praise Him!
calls us to stand with others as if we were in their place.
You can do
more than pray after you have prayed, but you cannot do more than pray until
you have prayed.
people are made whole by God’s love.
God is at
work to make us who He intends us to be.
ourselves about God’s goodness can keep us filled with His peace.
True faith
demands not only our words, but also our actions.
God’s Word
is a valuable possession and a guide to life.
The gift
of God’s love in us can bring light to any darkness.
knowledge that God has loved me beyond all limits will compel me to go into the
world to love others in the same way.
~Oswald Chambers
We keep
unity by being united in Spirit.
We can
never praise Jesus too much!
may be the greatest gift we give this Christmas.
A friend is one who can tell you the truth in love.
expectation on our part honors God.
confuse temptation with opportunity.
The birth
of Jesus is the best news the world has ever received!
to love people well shows the world what God is like.
To see
Jesus will be heaven’s greatest joy.
discipline is designed to make us like His Son.
The only
permanent covering for sin is the blood of Christ.
identity of Jesus is the central question of eternity.
Love conquers all.
Take the joy of Christmas with you every day.
Share the love of Christ.
The best
Christmas gift is Jesus bringing peace and forgiveness to others.
If I were
a wise man, I would do my part. Yet what can I give Him – give Him my
heart. ~Christina Rossetti
The joy of
Christmas is Jesus.
The good
news of Jesus’s birth is a source of joy for all people.
timing is always right – wait patiently for Him.
Go and
make disciples of all nations. ~Matthew
death and resurrection are the measure of God’s love for me.
We are
God’s heirs and ambassadors, sharing His love in the world.
When we
draw near to God our minds are refreshed and our strength is renewed!
There’s no
better day than today to enter into God’s family.
When you
think of all that’s good, give thanks to God.
The best
gift we can give to God is ourselves.
Things are
always better than they seem to be when we remember that God is by our side.
Love your neighbor as yourself. ~Jesus
When God
calls, we need to answer.
When we
find Christ we offer our worship.
Prayer is
the voice of faith, trusting that God knows and cares.
Prayer is
the place where burdens change shoulders.
Creator God makes everything new.
It’s never
too soon to be kind.
The growth
we gain from waiting on God is often greater than the answer or result we
No part of
our lives is hidden from God’s grace and power.
When we
cannot see God’s hand, we can trust His heart.
God never
Every loss
leaves a space that can be filled with God’s presence.
God is the
master of turning burdens into blessings.
Only Jesus
can give us new life.
what’s done for Christ will last.
Let others
see your testimony as well as hear it.
thanks to God, our Creator, who gives us the breath of life.
There is
no risk in abandoning ourselves to God.
God’s will
done in God’s way will never lack God’s supply.
Our life
and witness for Jesus Christ are not in vain.
connects our weakness to God’s strength.
To be a
Christian means to forgive the inexcusable, because God has forgiven the
inexcusable in you. ~C.S. Lewis
heroes are always seen by God.
The reason we exist is to be in fellowship with God.
holds all things together. ~Colossians
We cannot
change the past, but God is changing us for the future.
gave His life on the tree for our salvation.
We are
never out of God’s sight and His loving care.
The Lord
who made you wants you to make Him the center of your life.
To know
that God sees us gives us comfort and confidence.
To know that God sees us gives us comfort and confidence.
By God’s
grace we can be thankful in all things.
[God] is
the beauty behind all beauty. ~Steve
A focus on
the Lord is the beginning of joy.
A friend
is the first person who comes in when the whole world has gone out.
The one
who died as our substitute now lives as our advocate.
alone gives the rest we need.
God is what matters the most.
Jesus gave
His all; He deserves our all.
Real doubt
searches for the light; unbelief is content with the darkness.
We know
how much God loves us because He sent His Son to save us.
There is
now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. ~Romans 8:1
Jesus is
the restorer of life.
God sees
the beginning to the end.
Jesus came
to bring us hope in the darkest of circumstances.
We have
been saved by grace. Now we enjoy the many blessings that come by grace.
remember in good times what we have learned in days of trouble.
There’s no
better news than the gospel-spread the Word!
Jesus fulfilled
the perfect requirements of the law so that we may enjoy the perfect peace of
His grace.
Never call
it quits in pursuing Jesus.
greatest hope comes from trusting God.
to Christ is a daily calling.
Because of
the cross of Christ, we can become friends of God.
darkness retreats when Christ’s light is revealed.
Christ has
replaced the dark door of death with the shining gate of light.
“Who is Hannah Scott?” asked John. Hannah answers, “I am created by God. He designed me. So I’m not a mistake. His Son died for me just so I could be forgiven. He picked me to be His own, so I’m chosen. He redeemed me, so I am wanted. He showed me grace, just so I could be saved. He has a future for me because He loves me. So, I don’t wonder anymore, Coach Harrison. I am a child of God. I just wanted you to know.” ~Overcomer Movie
It was one thing to believe God could forgive a sinner. It
was another thing to believe that the sinner could live forgiven.
It is our
privilege to give everything we have to the One who gave us everything on the
No one
understands like Jesus.
When we
put our cares into His hands, He puts His peace into our hearts.
God looks
past our words to our hearts.
When we
practice hospitality, we share God’s goodness and gifts.
To show
His love, Jesus died for us; to show our love, we live for Him.
God is
great, we are small, and that is good.
sacrifice of Himself motivates us to sacrifice ourselves for others.
The first
step to receiving God’s forgiveness is to admit that we need it.
Hope means
the most to those who have lived without it.
God hears
our cries for help and leads us in His way.
There are
no ordinary people – we were created to be unique.
When we
help or hurt one another, Jesus takes it personally.
When worry
walks in, strength runs out. But strength returns when we run to God.
If someone
has left you a godly inheritance, invest it in others.
We can
trust God to handle the things that overwhelm us.
God always
gives His best to those who leave the choice with Him. ~Jim Elliot
The best
kind of friend is a praying friend.
What will
our words be like today?
In our
life of faith and service, rest is as important as work.
Though we
may be unfaithful to God, He will never turn from us.
to God is true success.
comfort soothes us perfectly.
the face of God can strengthen our faith.
God may
conceal the purpose of His ways, but His ways are not without purpose.
Be slow to
judge others but quick to judge yourself.
God’s deep
love means we can be real with others.
Spirit lives in His people, in order to work through them.
Trials and
tests can draw us closer to Christ.
The Lord
will never abandon us, especially at the time of our death.
When we
accept Jesus’s invitation to follow Him, our whole life changes direction.
answers are wiser than our prayers.
God is
always at work on behalf of His people.
is understanding the troubles of others.
The Spirit
of God renews our minds when we meditate on the Word of God.
children, keep yourself from idols. ~1 John 5:21
The One
who holds the universe together will not let go of you.
The most
powerful testimony is a godly life.
God never
abandons us.
Many books
can inform, but only the Bible can transform.
God’s free
gift cost Him dearly.
Even on
the cross, Jesus forgave those who hurt Him.
worship is right when we are right with God.
Because of
God’s love, we are never truly alone.
The cross
of Christ reveals our sin at its worst and God’s love at its best.
Jesus was
the perfect sacrifice who died to give us life.
Jesus prepares
a place for us to live forever.
He is not
here; He has risen! Luke 24:6
Join God
in taking delight in all that He has made.
We are the
aroma of Christ to others.
God can be
trusted to guide us.
refreshes others will be refreshed. Proverbs 11:25
Our God is
big enough to hear the smallest voice.
growth is a process.
Praise to
God comes naturally when you count your blessings.
In prayer
we call on God “who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or
imagine.” Ephesians 3:20
No one is
too troubled or unclean to be touched by Jesus.
Before you
tell others about Christ, let them see how much you care.
Be slow to
Faith is
the radar that sees through the fog.
~Corrie Ten Boom
The true
measure of God’s love is that He loves without measure. ~Bernard of Clairvaux
What could
be better than getting answers to our why questions? Trusting a good and
powerful God.
Prayer is
an acknowledgment of our need for God.
God can
use our deepest disappointments to nurture our faith in Him.
others expresses our trust in God’s right to judge according to His perfection
and goodness.
God helps us recall His goodness that never ends.
We can
face the reality of our own mortality because we trust in God.
The gospel
is too good not to share.
God is
with us even when we can’t see Him.
When God
gives us a new beginning, we find a joy that’s never ending.
The Holy
Spirit fills Jesus’s followers.
A God wise
enough to create me and the world I live is wise enough to watch out for me.
~Philip Yancey
A big part
of loving is listening.
to God inspires others.
Who can
wash away my sin? Jesus!
conversation and demonstration, help prepare children to follow the Lord on the
road ahead.
promises to help us when we are tempted.
God is God
When you
blink, remember to thank God for His protection.
The best
way to defend Jesus is to live like Him.
Love is
the family resemblance the world should see in followers of Christ.
The remedy
for jealously is thankfulness to God.
God guides
us through the rapids of change.
close to Christ helps us to live as He designed us.
Death is
the last shadow before heaven’s dawn.
The more
we serve Christ, the less we will serve self.
When we
realize the depth of our need for mercy, we can readily offer mercy to others.
sorrow leads to joy.
kingdom is upside down.
When we
are abandoned to God, He works through us all the time.
We wait
for God’s promises, believing they will come true.
The good
news of Jesus’s birth is a source of joy for all people.
thank You for reminding us You hear every prayer.
on Jesus as our loving Savior and Lord is the right way to pray.
You for those who shared Your love with me, Father. Please help me to point
others to Your salvation today.
we share our faith, we share the greatest treasure of all.
God, how vast is Your love for me! You keep me ever before You. I know You’ll
never leave me, and I’m grateful.
Lord engraves us on the palms of His hand.
You have permitted this season in my life. Help me to be content in the midst
of it, and to recognize Your power and might are at work.
brings beauty from all seasons.
grateful, God, for the love You pour on me. Please bring me contentment in You
and confidence in what You are doing in me.
is the anchor of the soul.
in heaven, please help us to find courage in Your whisper – and in the ways of
Your Son. Have mercy on us for not seeing beyond Your power to a love we’ve
barely begun to know.
won’t shout if we only need a whisper.
we be eager to offer encouragement to help support others, especially as they
face difficult circumstances.
encouragement of a friend can make all the difference.
we praise You for placing us in Your spiritual family. Help us to learn and
grow through the wise words and godly behavior of mature believers.
grows when we listen to the words of mature believers.
You’ve promised to guide us through the ups and downs and decisions we face in
life. Help us to trust and follow You, and to actively listen for Your guiding
is “the message of the cross”? Jesus, an innocent man, willingly suffered
crucifixion for crimes He didn’t commit to pay the price for our sins – and
then rose again. All who turn to Him in sorrow for their wrongdoings will live
eternally with Him. That’s the “power of God!” ~Alyson Kieda
patiently directs us as we trust Him and listen for His voice.
Father, help me express my love to You in beautiful ways.
our lives display the beauty of God.
we tend to look at what others “deserve” forget we need Your love just as much.
Help us live in Your love and to tell others about it.
love has limits; God’s love is limitless.
God, thank You for the encouragement we receive from Your Word. Help us to
persevere in doing good.
can leave the results of our lives in God’s hands.
me, O God, to put You first in everything I do. Show me how to take delight in
You, that my heart will be transformed to be like Yours.
your decisions please God?
You desire that no one would go hungry. Open our eyes to the ways we can help
those in need. May we share Your love, for Your glory.
cares for the vulnerable.
You, Jesus, for the unity all believers can enjoy in You. Help us to serve
together as equal members of Your body.
Unity in Christ breaks down barriers and builds the church.
thank You for showing us what it means to love. Help us to love like You.
we love Christ, we love others.
we give You our thanks for rescuing us and making us right with You. We humbly
ask for Your Spirit’s guidance as we serve You today.
freedom isn’t the right to do as one pleases, but the liberty to do as one
should for God. We follow in Jesus’ footsteps when we use our freedom to choose
building others up instead of serving ourselves. ~Poh Fang Chia
rescues us because He loves us; then He equips us to share His love with
I am needy, I want to share my heart with You now. Help me to humbly receive
the help of others also.
opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble. ~1 Peter 5:5
might a “courageous stand” involve? It may be working against injustice or
intervening on behalf of someone you know who is vulnerable or victimized.
Whatever form the conflict may take, we can have courage – our God has already
provided what we need to stand for Him and against evil. ~Bill Crowder
enables us to stand for Him.
I’ve failed You again. Please forgive me again. Change me. Turn me around.
Teach me to follow Your ways.
has both an all-seeing eye and all-forgiving heart.
God, may Your light shine out of the very cracks of our beings as we hold out
the Word of life to others.
brings light into our life.
open our hearts to all people who enter our lives – showing them Christlike
love and godly hospitality. Help us to make everyone we meet feel the warm
welcome of Jesus’ love.
we practice hospitality, we share God’s goodness.
help us to embrace Your tender love and “hear” the songs You sing.
heavenly Father delights in His children like a parent singing to a newborn
You, Lord for understanding my language and innermost longings. When my prayers
are weak and dry, bear me up through Your Spirit.
we feel weak in our prayers, God’s Spirit helps us in ways we can’t imagine.
strengthen our faith in You so that when we face trials, or even approach
death, we can sing with confidence about Your love.
sweet is the sound of God’s amazing grace!
write the love of God above would drain the ocean dry. Nor could the scroll
contain the whole, though stretched from sky to sky. ~F.M. Lehman
your life tell the story of Christ’s love and grace.
in a world where we are sometimes threatened, we are comforted because of Your
gracious care for us – in and through the Lord Jesus Christ.
makes all things to expand, and the warmth of love will always expand a man’s
heart. ~ Chrysostom
good news is that God cares for us!
sometimes our guilt and shame can feel so heavy. Help us to release our past
and its pain to You and experience Your peace, knowing You have carried it all
and have set us free.
carried the burden of our sin so He could give us the blessing of life.
world teaches us about Him.
God cares for birds (Matthew 6:26; 10:29), we can be assured He loves and cares
for you and me, even when we don’t understand our circumstances. Look around
and learn of Him. ~Alyson Kieda
Father, I praise You for carrying me through life. Please give me faith to
trust that You are always with me.
carries us to new places of grace as we trust in Him.
and Redeemer, thank You for holding us and healing us with Your endless love.
Help us find in Your love the courage to follow You and share Your love with
those around us.
love and beauty make us brave.
Your Holy Spirit reminds us to pray first. Today, we commit to doing so as Your
Spirit prompts us.
prayer a first priority, instead of a last resort.
defined – the inner attitude of rejoicing in one’s situation regardless of
outward circumstances. One of the fruits of a right relationship with God. ~ Angela Thomas
a husband, you have to be the frame. The wife is the art. ~Mark Ballas
want my beliefs to shape how I live instead of letting how I live shape what I
believe. ~Candace Cameron Bure
painting “Consider the Lillies” by Makoto Fujimura as a simple,
monochromatic painting featuring a lily seemingly hiding in the background.
However, the painting came alive when I learned it was actually painted with
more than eighty layers of finely crushed minerals in a style of Japanese
art know as Nihonga, a style Fujimura calls “slow art.” Looking closely reveals
layers of complexity and beauty. Fujimura explains that he sees the gospel
echoed in the technique of making “beauty through brokenness,” just as Jesus’
suffering brought the world wholeness and hope. God loves to take aspects of
our lives where we’ve been crushed and broken and create something new and
beautiful. ~Lisa M. Samra
are two kinds of debts in life. There is the debt that one incurs with credit
cards, mortgages, and loans. It is a debt that will eventually be paid off over
time; it’s a personal responsibility to make good on your word and return the
money you borrowed. The other kind of debt is one of gratitude. It is a
gratefulness and recognition that allows you to thank someone who has done
something selfless to help you. Gratitude is that appreciation and
acknowledgement that you show anyone for something that they have done to help
you. This is the kind of debt that is not repayable over time. It is not a
liability; there is no balance due or money owed; you can only chip away at a
debt of gratitude over your lifetime. Even when that person is gone, you can
still pay it forward by helping others. ~David A. Bossert
of fitting Jesus’ purpose into my life; I should be pursuing His purpose for my
life. ~Candace Cameron Bure
honest with ourselves does not make us unacceptable to God. It does not
distance us from God but draws us to Him – as nothing else can – and opens us
anew to the flow of grace. While Jesus calls each of us to a more perfect life,
we cannot achieve it on our own. To be alive is to be broken; to be broken is
to stand in need of grace. It is only through grace that any of us could dare
to hope that we could become more like Christ. ~Brennan Manning
says, “Your mother died to save you. If there is one thing Voldemort cannot
understand, it is love. . . . To have been loved so deeply, even though the
person who loved us is gone, will give us some protection forever. It is in
your very skin.” Isn’t that beautiful? Love changes those we extend our love
to. Love matters, always. ~Kara Tippetts
No, the journey doesn’t end here. Death is just another path, one that we all
must take. ~J.R.R. Tolkien, “The Return of the King”
up isn’t easy at times. But maybe that’s why there’s such value to be found in
it. I’ve learned real beauty lies in the good that comes out of the hard. While
walking through suffering with a friend or loved one can hurt in the bigger
ways, it also brings the greatest blessings. It changes people. Showing up can
be the greatest gift ever given or received. It’s not about you! ~Jill Lynn
might not feel qualified to show up. I know I never have and probably never
will. But God uses those of us who aren’t qualified so that He’s glorified.
~Jill Lynn Buteyn
we bring the focus back to God, He once again makes this journey about Him and
not us, and we’re blessed in the process. ~Jill Lynn Buteyn
feel too young to be in this battle, but maybe I’m not in a battle at all.
Maybe I’m on a journey, and the journey is more beautiful than any of us can
comprehend. And if we did understand, we would hold very loosely to one another
because I’m going to be with Jesus. There is grace that will seep into all the
cracks and pained places when we don’t understand. In the places we don’t
understand we get to seek. And how lovely is one seeking truth. Stunning. ~Kara Tippetts
I can’t imagine the pain Your Son endured to wash away my sin. Thank you for
sending Him for me, to be pierced for my sins that I might have a relationship
with You.
allowed Himself to be pierced – by a sword, by nails, by a crown of thorns – to
bring us spiritual peace with God.
all that I have is from You. Help me to always use what You’ve given me to help
provides for His people through His people.
thank You for loving me as I am, and for making me perfect through Your Son’s
sacrifice. Teach me to submit to Your daily renewal.
Christians are not perfect, but we’re loved.
thanks for eliminating our shame and insecurities as You use us to serve You,
no matter what our life looked like before You saved us.
accepts us as we are, and changes us as we serve Him in love.
Father, thank You for putting Your truth into my heart and life. Help me to
bear up under the challenges I face with Your power. May others see Your work
in my life and come to know You too.
power is at work within us.
as we go through this day, give us eyes to see the narrow road that leads to
life and the courage to follow it.
to walk the road of life with Jesus.
Jesus, Your victory over death gives me hope! I praise You as the resurrected
One who died so that I could have eternal life.
grip of the grave is no match for the power of God.
cannot give us a happiness and peace apart from Himself, because it is not
there. ~C.S. Lewis
we live in a combat zone or dwell in a serene neighborhood with nary a whisper
of war, Christ invites us into His peace.
~Tim Gustafson
Your Son has impacted Your world like nothing else. I’m grateful He has come
for my rescue and will come again to restore Your world.
the gift of Jesus!
Father, You created us in Your image, and we rejoice that we can share Your
love and life. Help us to see the opportunities to give to others today.
been created to share God’s love through giving His gifts.
want to be “all in” for You, Father. I trust in Your unfailing love and give myself
to You as Your servant today.
always deserves our commitment and praise.
praise satisfies us and pleases God.
God’s goodness and faithfulness can help us get a good grip on gratitude. Today
we can thank Him for the countless ways He cares for us. ~Xochitl Dixon
please enable us to be patient and kind with those who don’t agree with us
about anything or everything.
can agree to disagree – in love.
fill me up with hope and give me a tangible reminder today that things will
turn out right in Your way, in Your time.
world hopes for the best, but the Lord offers the best hope. ~John Wesley
world suffers not only from physical needs but also from spiritual brokenness.
Jesus came to meet that need and challenged His followers to join Him in this
work. He prayed that the Father would raise up workers to respond to the needs
all around us – people who struggle with loneliness, sin, and illness. May the
Father give us a heart for others that mirrors His heart. In the strength of
His Spirit, we can express His compassionate concern to those who are
suffering. ~Bill Crowder
a world filled with heartache, we can model the compassion of Jesus.
God, You are powerful and You are good. Please protect my relationship with
You, keeping out anything that would take my eyes off You.
can guard our relationship with Him.
in heaven, please open our eyes to people and hearts who are more like us than
we are inclined to believe. Help us to see our own need of You.
everywhere is more like us than less like us.
with the psalmist we pray for the honor of Your Name. Show yourself strong and
compassionate. Rise up and defend Your cause.
will defend His name.
I worship You God, as the true source of wisdom. Please show me how to make choices that bring honor to Your name.
wisdom? Seek it from the Source who alone can provide it – God.
thank You for loving us so much that You sent Your beloved Son to save us, even
though it must have broken Your heart to do so. In our times of joy or pain,
thank You for Your Spirit holding and carrying us.
loving heavenly Father promises He is always present with us, even in our
darkest moments.
Father, thank You for forgiving us when we come to You in sorrow over our sins.
Help us to receive Your forgiveness and to extend it to others.
sets us free to forgive.
thank You for forgiving me and allowing me to experience a restored
relationship with You. Help me to seek reconciliation in my broken
relationships and deeper connections with others close to me even as I await
the healing that will come in Your presence.
God’s power and love, draw closer to others while there’s time.
can model Christ’s love by doing what we can to serve others.
believers in Jesus, it’s our privilege to show love and demonstrate concern for
others through acts of kindness. Even if we don’t think we have much to offer,
we can adopt the attitude of servanthood. We can actively seek opportunities to
make a difference in people’s lives by simply doing what we can. ~Xochitl
the journey seems long and dreary, dear Lord, help me to remember the You are
traveling with me.
no need to fear where you’re going when Jesus is going with you.
of me, Father, a willing servant in times of weakness and times of strength.
offered to God are opportunities to showcase His love.
Lord, thank You for the grace You give us to obey You, and the peace You give
us as we stay near.
God requires He also inspires.
of God’s flock are in need of tender care and direction. How blessed we are to
have a Shepherd who is always leading us to green pastures! ~Amy Peterson
I listening for the voice of my Shepherd?
thank You for the hope You offer. Thank You for never discouraging us. Help us
imitate You by encouraging each other today.
is water to the soul.
body of Christ can both reflect and project God’s love, the love we so
desperately need, to both each other and to our world. May both efforts,
empowered by His Spirit, be a part of cutting through the distractions that
hinder us from seeing the wonder of God’s love in Jesus. ~Bill Crowder
a world living in the fog of distraction, we bring the light of the good news
of Jesus.
You, dear God, for being who You are – the Almighty God who loves us and
welcomes our love in return. Thank You for everything that makes You
magnificent. We stand in awe of You as we praise You with word and song.
There are countless reasons to thank God, including who He is!
Jesus, thank You for the personal way You reached out to care for hurting
people. Help me to follow Your example and extend compassion in my actions.
for others may include a compassionate touch.
we seek to follow God, wherever He places us, we may face opposition along the
way. That’s when we need to keep following Him. He will guide us and carry us
through. ~Leslie Koh
strong, for God’s eye is on you.
God, please help me know when to lovingly confront others.
following God means difficult conversations.
sometimes we feel as though we’re on the wrong side of a particular situation.
We know You are everywhere. Help us see You.
is at work in the mess. That’s the message of the Bible. ~ Matt Chandler
God put someone on your heart and mind for whom you can pray? Then do it!
hears the prayers of His people.
help me see what You’ve given me, even if it doesn’t seem like much by the
world’s standards. Help me to give generously.
loves wholehearted giving of any measure.
thank You for the assurance that we’re always under Your watchful care.
didn't remove the Red Sea. He parted it. God doesn't always remove your
problems, but He will always make a way to get through them.
heavenly Father is ever near.
God, thank You for the ongoing support available through the Holy Spirit. Help
me to rely on Your Spirit when I need help.
it is a question of God’s almighty Spirit, never say, “I can’t.”
you facing something that exceeds your own strength and ability? You can depend
on the Spirit’s constant help. God’s Spirit working in you will bring Him the
glory He deserves. ~Jennifer Benson
Father, help me to live in such a way that Your name will be honored wherever I go.
Our lives speak louder than our words.
everyday lives at home, in our work environment, or at school make an impact on
others when we let God work in us. We’re surrounded by people who are watching
the way we speak and behave. Let’s depend on God and have Him rule our actions
and thoughts. Then we’ll influence those who don’t believe, and this may lead
some of them to turn in faith to Jesus.
~Keila Ochoa
we acknowledge God, we remember His presence in both the successes and sorrows,
whether big or small, of our lives.
~Lisa Samra
Lord Jesus, please forgive me for the times I am prone to forget You. Help me to acknowledge Your presence in my life.
is always present and at work.
we celebrate Your gracious and lavish forgiveness. Thank You for the peace and
freedom it brings us as we enjoy a family relationship with You.
means there is nothing I can do to make God love me more, and nothing I can do
to make God love me less. ~Philip Yancey
one is in hell because God sends them there, but rather hell is locked from the
inside. C.S. Lewis writes in his book, The Great Divide, “There are only
two kinds of people in the end, those who say to God, ‘Thy will be done,’ and
those to whom God says, in the end, Thy will be done.’” Hell exists not because of some divine desire
for torment but because of God’s insistence on free will. ~John Lindell
always looks beyond the problem to the promise, and beyond the promise to the
person. ~John Lindell
a privilege to be sons and daughters of the King!
help us to hear and obey the words of Jesus!
are you building your life around?
you, Lord, for the gift of my life. Help me to be Your faithful servant.
lives are better off in God’s hands than in our own.
we listen to the words of Jesus and obey them, we're building our lives on a
steady, rock-solid foundation. Maybe our lives can look a little like Fallingwater,
beautiful and built to last on the Rock. ~Amy Peterson
don’t know what even the next second brings, but God is graciously able to use
any situation for good. May God give us grace to walk with Him expectantly into
His appointments for us today. ~James Banks
gratitude to God is great to Him.
is mine. Tomorrow is none of my business. If I peer anxiously into the fog of
the future, I will strain my spiritual eyes so that I will not see clearly what
is required of me now!” ~Elisabeth Elliot
There are
three ways to ultimate success:
The first
way is to be kind.
The second
way is to be kind.
The third
way is to be kind. ~Fred Rogers
It’s You I
Like: It’s not the things you wear or the way you do your hair/But it’s you I
like/The way you are right now, the way down deep inside you/Not the things
that hide you. ~Fred Rogers
You don’t
set out to be rich and famous; you set out to be helpful. ~Fred Rogers
kindness will always make life better. ~Maxwell King
It always
helps to have people we love beside us when we have to do difficult things in
life. ~Fred Rogers
can replace the influence of unconditional love in the life of a child . . .
Children love to belong, they long to belong. ~Fred Rogers
And now
here is my secret, a very simple secret: it is only with the heart that one can
see rightly; what essential is invisible to the eye. ~Antoine de Saint-Exupery
The real
issue in life is not how many blessings we have, but what we do with our
blessings. Some people have many blessings and hoard them. Some have few and
give everything away. ~Fred Rogers
A study of
more than twelve thousand adults in the United States and Germany revealed that
the character strengths of love, hope, curiosity, zest, and (particularly)
gratitude were linked to high life satisfaction. ~ Robert L. Caslen, Jr.
West point
cadets are taught to choose “the harder right” over “the easier wrong.” For
Bidger and his fellow POWs, moral courage – standing up for what is right even
when it may cause you harm – enabled them to persevere and endure. These values
came from their upbringing, the spiritual beliefs, and from values of honor and
integrity inculcated in them from their military training and culture. There
focus was on others, not themselves. It is difficult to imagine the resolve it
took to sustain this focus for the long months and years of captivity. ~ Robert L. Caslen, Jr.
moral courage makes a tremendous impact on the quality of our lives. The
actions of the student who stands up against bullies in school may not make the
headlines or the history books, but is essential nonetheless, as the foundation
of a civil society. ~ Robert L. Caslen, Jr.
My hunger
is not for success, it is for excellence. Because when you attain excellence,
success just naturally follows. ~Mike
aren’t taught, they’re caught. If the teacher has an attitude of enthusiasm for
the subject, the student catches that whether the student is in second grade or
is in graduate school. If you show them what you love, they’ll get it and
they’ll want to get it. ~Margaret
All our
lives, we rework the things from our childhood, like feeling good about
ourselves, managing our angry feelings, being able to say good-bye to people we
love. ~Fred Rogers
made this day a special day, by just you being you. There’s no person in the
whole world like you, and I like you, just the way you are. ~Fred Rogers
What do
you do with the mad that you feel/When you feel so mad you could bite/When the
whole wide world seems of so wrong, and nothing you do seems very right/What do
you do/Do you punch a bag/Do you pound some clay or some dough/Do you round up
friends for a game of tag or see how fast you can go/It’s great to be able to
stop when you’ve planned the thing that’s wrong/And be able to do something
else instead – and think this song/ I can stop, when I want to/Can stop when I
wish/ Can stop, stop, stop anytime/And what a good feeling to feel like
this/And know that the feeling is really mine/Know that there’s something deep
inside that helps us become what we can/For a girl can be someday a lady, and a
boy can be someday a man. ~Fred Rogers
There is a
poem he [Fred Rogers] liked called “Be the Best of What You Are.” If you’re a
janitor, be the best janitor – or whoever you are. Whatever you do, do it the
best way you know how. ~Maxwell King
Sharapan recalls the seminal program in the week about Mistakes: “Daniel sings
to Betty (Lady Aberlin), ‘Sometimes I wonder if I’m a mistake. I’m not supposed
to be scared, am I. Sometimes I cry. Sometimes I shake, wondering, isn’t it
true that the strong never break? I’m not like anyone else I know.’ We wept in
the studio and the whole place broke out into applause.” ~Maxwell King
You rarely
have time for everything you want in this life, so you need to make choices.
And hopefully your choices can come from a deep sense of who you are. ~Fred Rogers
Our job in
life is to help people realize how rare and valuable each one of us really is –
that each of us has something that no one else has – or ever will have –
something inside which is unique to all time. It’s our job to encourage each
other to discover that uniqueness, and to provide ways of developing its
expression. ~Fred Rogers
long to be in touch with honesty. ~Fred Rogers
I think of
discipline as the continual everyday process of helping a child learn
self-discipline. ~Fred Rogers
Hall ask Fred Rogers how to cope with the violence some kids experience in LA
neighborhoods. Fred Rogers quoted his mother, Nancy McFeely Rogers, with advice
he would repeat on several occasions on national trauma: “Look for the
helpers. You will always find people who are helping.” ~Maxwell King
Naww, I’m
afraid it don’t work that way. You can’t let a young’un decide for himself.
He’ll grab at the first flashy thing with shiny ribbons on it. Then when he
finds out there’s a hook on it, it’s too late. Wrong ideas come packaged with
so much glitter, it’s hard to convince ‘em that other things might be better in
the long run. All a parent can do is say. “Wait, trust me.” And try to keep
temptation away. ~Andy Taylor
Kindness in
words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking promotes profoundness. Kindness
in giving creates love. ~Lao-Tzu
From years
of leadership experience, we assert that trust is the most important element of
effective leadership. ~Robert L. Caslen,
factors central to trust in their leaders are the three C’s of trust:
competence, character, and caring. ~Robert L. Caslen, Jr.
factor critical to trust is communication – it may be thought of as the fourth
C. Effective communication is a prerequisite for building and sustaining trust.
And it is not one-directional. Lasting and rewarding relationships of all types
depend on regular and honest communication.
~Robert L. Caslen, Jr.
does not change because we desire to change it. Culture changes when the
organization is transformed; the culture reflects the realities of people
working together every day. ~ Frances Hesselbein, Former CEO of the Girls
Scouts of the USA
A true
measure of character is not that the crisis appeared, but how the leader and
the organization react to it. ~Robert L. Caslen, Jr.
organizations promote and sustain positive individual character. ~Robert L.
Caslen, Jr.
Nothing is
more important than not compromising your integrity to the people who trust and
depend on you. ~Alex Gorsky, CEO of
Johnson & Johnson
character is not formed in a week or a month. It is created little by little,
day by day. Protracted and patient effort is needed to develop good character.
That which
does not kill us only makes us stronger.
~Friedrich Nietzsche
An ounce
of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
~Benjamin Franklin
at the highest level is not about winning. It’s about preparation, courage,
understanding and nurturing people, and heart. Winning is the result. ~ Joe Torre
Strengths of the heart make life worth living. You can be the grittest person and most courageous person in your organization, but without kindness and the capacity to love, you will not meet your full potential. Strengths of the heart give you an edge in the workplace, but even more important, they allow you to have fulfilling and meaningful relationships with family members, coworkers, and friends. ~Robert L. Caslen, Jr.
Success in
life is founded upon attention to the small things rather than to the large
things; to the everyday things nearest to us rather than to the things that are
remote and uncommon. ~Robert L. Caslen,
Rogers weight and part of his email address was 143 and it was a reference to
the . . . letters it took to say I love you. One, I. Four, love. Three,
you. ~Maxwell King
Fred saw
the basic human values: integrity, respect, responsibility, fairness, and
compassion, and of course his signature value, kindness. ~Maxwell King
When I was
a boy, I used to think that strong meant having big muscles, great physical
power; but the longer I live the more I realize that real strength has much
more to do with what is not seen. Real strength has to do with helping others. ~Fred Rogers
The white
spaces between words are more important than the text, because they give you
time to think about what you’ve read. ~Fred Rogers
All his
[Fred Rogers] career, he emphasized the importance of listening; he felt that
silence is a gift, as is what he called “graceful receiving.” ~Maxwell King
One of the
major goals of education must be to help students discover a greater awareness
of their own unique selves, in order to increase their feeling of personal
worth, responsibility, and freedom. ~Fred
You know,
it may be that our planet, Earth, is the only spot in the entire Universe which
can sustain human life. Of all the worlds, we may be the only one where there
has ever been – or ever will be – people! That’s sort of like someone saying to
you that there is only one square inch of soil on this Earth that can grow
anything – and that square inch happens to be in your own back yard. You look
at that soil of yours with infinitely greater appreciation when you become
aware how rare and valuable it is. ~Fred
Shared joy
is doubled and sorrow shared is halved. Sharing has a healing impact. ~An old proverb
Here is my
secret. It’s quite simple: One sees clearly only with the heart. Anything
essential is invisible to the eyes. ~Antoine de Saint-Exupery, “The Little
The words
“thank you” are probably the greatest words in any language. ~ Fred Rogers
isn’t anyone you couldn’t love once you’ve heard their story. ~Sister Mary Lou
Kownacki, director, Monasteries of the Heart
and communicating with empathy is the healthy relational glue that helps us
stick together and cooperative relationships. ~Dr. Anita Knight Kuhnley
When we
love a person, we accept him or her exactly as is: the lovely with the
unlovely, the strong with the fearful, the true mixed in with the façade, and
of course, the only way we can do it is by accepting ourselves that way. ~Fred
It’s not
the honors and the prizes and the fancy outsides of life which ultimately
nourish our souls; it is the knowing that we can be trusted, that we never have
to fear the truth, that the bedrock of our lives, from which we make our
choices, is very good stuff. There is a neighborhood song that is meant for the
in each of us. “It’s You I Like.” ~Fred
It's not the things you wear,
It's not the way you do your hair
But it's you I like
The way you are right now,
The way down deep inside you
Not the things that hide you,
Not your toys
They're just beside you.
Every part of you.
Your skin, your eyes, your feelings
Whether old or new.
I hope that you'll remember
Even when you're feeling blue
That it's you I like,
It's you yourself
It's you.
It's you I like. ~Fred Rogers
A beautiful day for a neighbor.
Would you be mine?
Could you be mine?
A neighborly day for a beauty,
Would you be mine?
Could you be mine?
I've always wanted to live in a neighborhood with you.
So let's make the most of this beautiful day,
Since we're together we might as well say,
Would you be mine?
Could you be mine?
Won't you be my neighbor?
Won't you please,
Won't you please?
Please won't you be my neighbor? ~Fred Rogers
People are
just as wonderful as sunsets if I can let them be. . . . When I look at a
sunset, as I did the other evening, I don’t find myself saying, “Soften the
orange a bit on the right-hand corner. . . .” I don’t try to control a sunset.
I watch with awe as it unfolds. ~Carl Rogers
typically don’t accept influence from people who don’t accept us. ~Dr. Anita
Knight Kuhnley
Love is at
the root of everything. All learning. All parenting. All relationships. Love or
the lack of it. ~Fred Rogers
Self-acceptance is a prerequisite for other-acceptance. We must start there. ~Dr. Anita Knight Kuhnley
is incredibly good for our health and relationships. ~Dr. Anita Knight Kuhnley
As human
beings, our job in life is to help people realize how rare and valuable each
one of us really is, that each of us has something that no one else has – or
ever will have – something inside that is unique to all time. It’s our job to
encourage each other to discover that uniqueness and to provide ways of
developing its expression. ~Fred Rogers
bodies of water change the lands they run through over time, we are shaped and
impacted by those who love us. ~Dr.
Anita Knight Kuhnley
What is
most significant in your interpersonal history is not the events but how you
talk about them. ~Dr. Anita Knight Kuhnley
Many have
said, “We need a Mr. Rogers in our world today.” I believe that if you can’t
find a Mr. Rogers, you can certainly be one. Internalize his message and be a
healing, calming presence. I fail miserably, but I’m trying.
~comment on YouTube video “Remembering Mr. Rogers,” a video with Charlie
Rose, televised in 1994
7 Secrets
to bring out the best in yourself and others from America’s Beloved Neighbor (Mr.
Rogers) ~”The Mr. Rogers Effect” by Dr. Anita Knight Kuhnley:
Secret 2: Validate Feelings – Feelings are mentionable and manageable!
Secret 3: Pause and Think – Take time to discover what is inside!
Secret 4: Show Gratitude – Be kind and be thankful!
Secret 5: Develop Empathy – Be with people where they are!
Secret 6: Practice Acceptance – Who you are right now is acceptable!
Secret 7: Establish Security – People need to know they are cared for!
It helps
to be loved in order to work in this life. ~Fred Rogers
We speak
with more than our mouths. We listen with more than our ears. ~Fred Rogers
heard feels so similar to being loved that for many people the distinction goes
unnoticed. ~ Dr. Anita Knight Kuhnley
have said, “Don’t cry” to other people for years and years, and all it has ever
meant is “I’m too uncomfortable when you show your feelings: Don’t cry.” I’d
rather have them say, “Go ahead and cry. I’m here to be with you.” ~Fred Rogers
If we make
it clear that feelings are mentionable and manageable, we will have done a
great service for mental health. ~Dr. Anita Knight Kuhnley
He [Fred
Rogers] pointed to a photo on the wall, showing Roger’s favorite sign at
Rollins College, “Life is for Service” . . . ~Maxwell King
of all consequences, you must do the right thing. You will need the courage of
a lion unhesitatingly to pursue a course which shall turn your best friend into
your fiercest foe; but for the love of Jesus you must thus be courageous. For
the truth's sake, to hazard reputation and affection is such a deed that to do
it constantly you will need a degree of moral principle which only the Spirit
of God can work in you; yet turn not your back like a coward, but play the man.
Follow right manfully in your Mater's steps, for He has traversed this rough
way before you. ~Charles Spurgeon
I do not choose the colors, He worketh steadily,
Oftimes He weaveth sorrow, and I in foolish pride,
Forget He sees the upper, and I the underside.
Not till the loom is silent, and shuttles cease to fly,
Will God unroll the canvas and explain the reason why.
Will God unroll the canvas and explain the reason why.
The dark threads are as needful in the skillful Weaver’s hand,
As the threads of gold and silver in the pattern He has planned. ~Anonymous
the threads of my life have often seemed knotted, I know, by faith, that on the
other side of the embroidery there is a crown. ~Corrie Ten Boom
What I
spent, I had; what I saved, I lost; what I gave, I have. ~ Henry
Ward Beecher
. . . the
deepest darkness is outshone by the light of Jesus. ~Corrie Ten Boom
God does
not fill with His Holy Spirit those who believe in the fullness of the Spirit,
or those who desire Him, but those who obey Him. ~Corrie Ten Boom
Feelings lie buried that grace can restore;
Touched by a loving heart, wakened by kindness
Chords that were broken will vibrate once more. ~Franny J. Crosby
is an act of the will, and the will can function regardless of the temperature
of the heart. ~Corrie Ten Boom
once asked my opinion of the missionaries in a certain country. My answer was,
“They have given all, but they have not taken all. They have given homeland,
time, money, luxury, and more; but they have not taken all of the boundless
resources of God’s promises. ~Corrie Ten
Our fight
is not against a physical army, a political party, an atheistic organization –
or anything like that. Our fight is against organizations and powers that are
spiritual. ~Corrie Ten Boom
You see,
you never touch so much the ocean of God’s love as when you love your
enemies. ~Corrie Ten Boom
O love of God, how deep and great, Far deeper than man’s deepest hate. ~Corrie Ten Boom
I would
much rather be the trusting child of a rich Father, than a beggar at the door
of worldly men. ~Corrie Ten Boom
The valley
of the shadow of death holds no darkness for the child of God. There must be
light, else there could be no shadow. Jesus is the Light. He has overcome
death. ~Dwight Moody
To travel
through the desert with others, to suffer thirst, to find a spring, to drink of
it, and not tell the others that they may be spared is exactly the same as
enjoying Christ and not telling others about Him. ~Corrie Ten Boom
Then I
picked up my Bible and said, “It is the same with this Book. If you try to
analyze it as a book of science or even a book of theology, you cannot be
nourished by it. Like chocolate, it is to be eaten and enjoyed, not picked
apart bit by bit.” ~Corrie Ten Boom
“When I
was a little girl,” I said, “I want to my father and said, “Daddy, I am afraid
that I will never be strong enough to be a martyr for Jesus Christ.” “Tell me,”
Father said, “when you take a train trip from Haarlem to Amsterdam, when do I
give you the money for the ticket? “That is right,” my father said, “and so it
is with God’s strength. Our wise Father in heaven knows when you are going to
need things too. Today you do not need the strength to be a martyr; but as soon
as you are called upon for the honor of facing death for Jesus, He will supply
the strength you need – just in time.” ~Corrie
Ten Boom
There’s a land that is fairer than day,
And by faith we can see it afar.
For the Father waits over the way,
To prepare us a dwelling place there.
In the sweet by and by, we shall meet on that beautiful shore,
In the sweet by and by, we shall meet on that beautiful shore. ~Sanford Fillmore Bennett
“You are
not called to convince anyone,” he said. “You are simply called to be an open
channel for the Spirit of God to flow through. You can never be anything else,
even though you may think so at times. Follow the pathway of obedience, let the
Word of God do its own work, and you will be used by God far beyond your own
powers.” ~Corrie Ten Boom
is not dependent on happenings, but on relationship in the happenings. ~Corrie Ten Boom
God does
not take away from us. He might ask us to turn our backs on something, or
someone, we should not have. God never takes away, however; God gives. If I
reach out and take someone for myself and the Lord steps in between, that does
not mean God takes. Rather it means He is protecting us from someone we should
not have because He has a far greater purpose for our lives. ~Corrie Ten Boom
When she enters the beautiful city
And the saved all around her appear,
Many people around will tell her:
It was you that invited me here. ~Author Unknown
For some
reason, Americans seemed to have a need to surround themselves with noise all
the time. [Isn’t this true? Even during prayer time in our churches often we
have background music playing.] ~
KP Yohannan
[western churches] usually took an offering and presented me with a check for
what seemed like a great amount of money. Then with their usual hospitality,
they invited me to eat with the leaders following the meeting. To my horror,
the food and “fellowship” frequently cost more money than the money they had
just given to missions. And I was amazed to find that American families
routinely eat enough meat at one meal to feed an Asian family for a week. No
one ever seemed to notice this but me, and slowly I realized they just had not
heard the meaning of my message. They were simply incapable of understanding
the enormous needs overseas. ~ KP Yohannan
The $74
million spent on one new building in the United States could build nearly 7,000
average-sized churches in India. The same $74 million would be enough to
guarantee that the Good News of Jesus Christ could be proclaimed to a whole
Indian state – or even some of the smaller countries of Asia. ~ KP
There is
such an emphasis on church buildings in the United States that we sometimes
forget that the Church is the people – not the place where people meet.
I discovered, is a multi-billion dollar business in the United States. Entering
churches, I was astonished at the carpeting, furnishings, air-conditioning and
ornamentation. Many churches have gymnasiums and fellowships that cater to a
busy schedule of activities having little or nothing to do with Christ. The
orchestras, choirs, “special” music – and sometimes even the preaching – seemed
to me more like entertainment than worship.
~ KP Yohannan
concern is a natural fruit of the Gospel. But to put it first is to put the
cart before the horse; and from experience, we have seen it fail in India for
more than 200 years. It was an attempt to exclusively concentrate on people’s
obvious needs. ~ KP Yohannan
changes the heart and spirit, the physical changes also. If you want to meet
the needs of the poor in this world, there is no better place to start than by
preaching the Gospel. If has done more to lift up the downtrodden, the hungry
and the needy than all the social programs ever imagined by secular
humanists. ~ KP Yohannan
However, this does not mean that we must not
be involved in compassion-type ministries that reach out to the poor, needy and
hurting people all around us. ~ KP Yohannan
In Matthew
22:38-40, Jesus clearly marked the Christian’s social responsibility when He
said that loving God is the first and greatest commandment and “the second is
like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. On these two
commandments hang all the law and the prophets.” All the Law and Prophets are
summed up in both – loving God and loving others. It was not one or the
other – but again both, for the glory of God. ~ KP
Lewis, that great British defender of the faith, wrote, “There is no doctrine
which I would more willingly remove from Christianity than this [hell]. I would
pay any price to be able to say truthfully, ‘All will be saved.’” But Lewis,
like us, realized that was neither truthful nor within his power to
change. ~ KP Yohannan
Joseph came to realize that God is able to use even offensive and intentionally
evil acts to accomplish His purpose. Why would Joseph seek revenge or maintain
animosity toward tools that God used to bring about good? With this awareness,
he was free to forgive his brothers. When Jesus said, “Father, forgive them,
for they do not know what they are doing” (Luke 23:34), He recognized that
behind those wicked hands was the hand of God, accomplishing the most glorious
event in history (Acts 2:23-24). Walking in righteousness keeps us alert to the
fact that God is at work in everything, even the things we tend to find
offensive. This then enables us to forgive those who hurt and offend us. God
will deal with those people. In the meantime, He will use their negative
actions to produce His best through us". ~Joseph Stowell
and steadiness is what we crave, but overstaying our welcome in one place can
rob us of the work God intends to do in us at the next one. In His wise and
sovereign way, He often includes seasons of unsettledness where He transfers us
out of the comfort and complacency of familiarity and moves us into a new place
and position. It's a necessary part of His process". God says, "I deposited
you into one season, with its own unique set of joys, challenges, people, and
problems, and I'm going to let you sit there a while....pressing you, sifting
you, purifying you. Then at the right time, when the work that needs to happen
there is done, I'll unsettle you - sometimes in a way that feels forcible,
sudden, and very painful. I'll strategically pour you into a new place and
space - with new people, with new circumstances, with new life dynamics -
knowing this new environment will be the most suitable for whatever I want to
reshape in you next". ~Priscilla Shirer
He’s an “I
don’t care how far you have run, just come home” kind of God!
If God didn’t forgive sinners, heaven would be empty.
A true legacy . . . is conceived in wisdom, nurtured by principle, and sustained by character. ~ David Green
The questions we ask at the end of life are the ones we should begin with. ~ David Green
Generosity and legacy happen only when we return everything to the rightful owner [God]. ~ David Green
Wealth can be a hindrance if it’s seen as something you own rather than steward. ~ David Green
I sensed God saying to me, “This company [Hobby Lobby] belongs to me. Don’t you touch it. It’s mine.” ~ David Green
I knew who controlled my fate no matter what those justices decided. And peace reigned. (This was when his company was being judge by The Supreme Court over the health issue). ~ David Green
Choose the eternal in the everyday mundane. ~ David Green
Honoring the people in your life, respecting them, doing what’s right, acting with integrity. This is true virtue, and it begins with people. ~ David Green
Valuing the eternal means putting people first. ~ David Green
The first thing that will help your children is to show them a marriage they want to emulate. ~ David Green
Whether it is in your marriage, your parenting, or your work ethic, integrity always wins. ~ David Green
The greatest blessings are the ones that can never be lost. ~ David Green
Having money does not equal being blessed. Money can actually be a curse if it is not handled the right way. ~ David Green
Blessing carries a purpose that goes beyond ourselves, and even beyond this lifetime. ~ David Green
Beyond Christ, everything else is just frosting. ~ David Green
Every journey requires a destination. ~ David Green
Generosity can start ever so small, but eventually have massive impact for God’s kingdom. ~ David Green
To invest in eternal things is the most important thing we can do with our lives, our energies, and our resources. ~ David Green
If we don’t use Hobby Lobby’s earnings to touch people for the Lord, I really don’t see the reason for me to be in business at all. ~ David Green
Through giving, we join God in His divine work. ~ David Green
Those who plan to give, do. ~ David Green
Let your mind play a bit, and see whether God ignites your heart with the fire of generosity. ~ David Green
Ask, “Is this going to matter a thousand years from now?” If not, it might be a good thing, but it’s not a great thing. ~ David Green
Don’t underestimate the power of making a plan and writing it down. ~ David Green
What you know, you can change. What you don’t know controls you. ~ David Green
One of the great needs in families is to talk with one another about money and the responsibility it brings. ~ David Green
You can spend your life either on the eternal or on things that aren’t going to matter. ~ David Green
Work is not a curse. It is our calling. ~ David Green
We simply must raise kids and grandkids to be independent. Otherwise, we make cripples out of them. ~ David Green
No family member, of whatever generation, must ever view Hobby Lobby as his or her source of well-being for all of life. God is our source! ~ David Green
Give even when it seems impossible. ~ David Green
You won’t know whether you can out-give God until you try. ~ David Green
It settled permanently inside of me that God had a purpose for a businessman. He had called me. ~ David Green
The more this business gives, the more God blesses us to keep giving. ~ David Green
When to give? I humbly suggest always. ~ David Green
Passing on wealth means passing on all forms of wealth. ~ David Green
It doesn’t matter if you’re a wealthy business owner, a rookie entrepreneur, or a couple planning their family and the next five years – breaking up your family’s vision is never a good thing. ~ David Green
We want [Hobby Lobby] to continue for decades, perhaps even centuries, as an ongoing source of financial fuel for God’s work around the world. ~ David Green
Stockpile treasure in Heaven! ~ David Green
Legacy is not just what we leave behind, but what we send ahead. ~ David Green
Don’t hoard treasure down here where it gets eaten by moths and corroded by rust or – worse! – stolen by burglars. Stockpile treasure in heaven, where it’s safe from moth and rust and burglars. It’s obvious, isn’t it? The place where your treasure is, is the place you will most want to be, and end up being” (Matthew 6:19-21). ~ David Green
I want to be remembered more for the size of my soul than for the size of my bank account. ~ David Green
You don’t develop courage by being happy in your relationships every day. You develop it by surviving difficult times and challenging adversity. ~Epicurus
All the adversity I’ve had in my life, all my troubles and obstacles, have strengthened me. . . . You may not realize it when it happens, but a kick in the teeth may be the best thing in the world for you. ~Walt Disney, who went bankrupt and had his first cartoon character stolen from him before he went on to create Mickey Mouse, Disneyland, and Disney World
Comfort and prosperity have never enriched the world as much as adversity has. ~Billy Graham
Where there is no struggle, there is no strength. ~Oprah Winfrey
Most of the verses written about praise in God’s Word were voiced by people who were faced with crushing heartaches, injustice, treachery, slander, and scores of other difficult situations. ~Joni Eareckson Tada
The question for believers is never, "Will God provide?" but "How is He going to do it?" God provides in His own way and in His own timing, but He is always faithful to His role as Provider. If you need transportation to get to work, God may provide a car to you free of charge as a gift from someone. Or He may provide the money to buy the car. Or a way to earn the money to buy the car. Or send you a bicycle. Or change your job so you can walk or even work from home. But you can rest assured that He is on it and in the end will deliver what you need so you can get food on the table. And in the meantime, you need to walk by faith and stay busy asking, seeking, and knocking until He reveals what He has provided. But He will; you can rest on it. ~ The Kendrick Brothers
And you must show mercy to those who faith is wavering. Rescue others by snatching them from the flames. ~Jude 1:22-23 NLT
There’s something about the human heart, that when the heat is on, it softens toward things of the Lord. ~Charles R. Swindoll
Sorrow is better than laughter, for sadness has a refining on us. ~Ecclesiastes 7:3 NLT
Enjoy prosperity while you can, but when hard times strike, realize that both come from God. Remember that nothing is certain in life. ~ Ecclesiastes 7:14
The flame shall
not hurt thee; I only design Thy dross to consume and thy gold to refine. ~How
Firm A Fountain
If our
foundations are in place, then nothing else really matters. ~ Charles R.
The righteous –
people whose lives are rightly related to God by faith in Jesus Christ – stand
on a firm foundation. ~ Charles R. Swindoll
Now, should the
foundation of a life be destroyed, that life crumbles. But if the foundation
remains secure, no amount of stress, no brutal attack, or painful backstabbing
– would cause life to fracture or ultimately crumble. ~ Charles R. Swindoll
A refuge is a
place of hiding – a place of secure protection. The term is chasah in
the ancient Hebrew. A chasah is a protective enclosure that provides safety
from that which would otherwise consume everything in its past. It’s an impenetrable
firewall of protection from danger and distress – from anxiety and fear. ~Charles
R. Swindoll
The old country
preacher was right when he said, “I may tremble on the rock, but the rock don’t
tremble under me.” ~Charles R. Swindoll
Faith is our
solid foundation too. A foundation of faith, not fear, is our refuge; it
enables us to stand firm against the advancing threats of terror. ~Charles R.
God is our
refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. ~ Psalm 46:1 NIV
He is a very
present help in those tight places of fear and uncertainty. ~Charles R.
He is fully in
control, absolutely sovereign, not almost sovereign. ~Charles R.
In biblical
days, the word selah probably indicated a pause. A breather, a moment to
reflect. “Pause and let that sink in.”
~Charles R. Swindoll
In place of
worry and anxiety, pause . . . The Lord is our refuge. ~Charles R. Swindoll
Don’t panic; pause.
Don’t fret and fear; pause. ~Charles R. Swindoll
In place of
worry and anxiety, pause. The foundation stands firm. The Lord is our refuge.
He is our very present help in tight places. Even when the flames seem more
like a blast furnace. ~Charles R. Swindoll
We will not
fear, though the earth should change and though the mountains slip into the
heart of the sea. ~Psalm 46:2
Our God is in
sovereign control of all the events of this earth. ~Charles R. Swindoll
We do not fear
because the Lord our God is our chasah – our refuge, our hiding place He is our
strength. He Himself is the rock. All such catastrophes surprise and shock us,
but nothing surprises or shocks Him. Our God is in sovereign control of all the
events of this earth. They occur exactly as He has planned or permitted them.
~Charles R. Swindoll
surprises God. However, He does permit events that often puzzle us, and His
reasons are too profound for us to grasp. They are put together in the counsel
of His own will, and they fit perfectly into His plan for His glory and for His
purposes. As His servant, I say in response, “I will not fear. Though I don’t
understand it, I will not fear. Though You, Lord, take something that’s deeply
significant to me, though You allow catastrophe to strike, I will not fear. I
will not blame you, I will not doubt Your goodness, and I will not question
Your intentions. ~Charles R. Swindoll
And though this
world with devils filled, should threaten to undo us, we will not fear, for God
hath willed His truth to triumph through us! ~Martin Luther
When my anxious
thoughts multiply within me, your consolations delight my soul. ~Psalm 94:19
Cease striving
and know that I am God. ~Psalm 46:10
God’s Word
became the ammunition to weaken the enemy’s position and strengthen the Christians’. ~Charles R. Swindoll
Verse 10 of
Psalm 46 announces: We will not worry. The psalmist writes, “Cease
striving.” The Hebrew uses a single term in that command that means, literally,
“stop!” What a great directive. Stop! ~Charles R. Swindoll
You can almost
imagine the Lord of heaven thundering this command to His people as they shrink
in fear: “Stop. Stop it. Stop worrying about the future! Have you forgotten
that I am your very present help in tight places? Your worry and fear imply
that I am no longer here or that I have become impotent and out of touch. But I
am not indifferent. Nothing has escaped My panoramic gaze and powerful control.
I’m not like the swallows that flutter away in the winter, to return only when
the weather clears.” ~Charles R. Swindoll
Because God is
our refuge, we will not fear. ~Charles R. Swindoll
If the
foundations are in place, if the Lord our God is your refuge and strength, then
you can cease striving and know that He is God. He is not moved. He is
not distant or disinterested. Those who trust in Him stop worrying, as fear is
sent packing. ~Charles R. Swindoll
Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. ~1 Peter 5:8 NIV
We can resist the enemy even battle him and be victorious. ~Charles R. Swindoll
We are facing
hardships, conflicts, terror, and worldwide disruptions like none of us would
have ever imagined, because we are encountering our adversary on his turf.
Everything God’s people love, he hates. For instance, he hates your lifelong
commitment to your marriage. Chances are good that more marriages are in
conflict in these fearful days than in times past. Chances are you’ve got more troubles
than usual in your family, troubles rooted in anxiety and its kissing cousin,
fear. ~Charles R. Swindoll
We should
expect enemy attacks in any number of areas. While we ought not to live in fear
of them, we’re not to be ignorant of them either. ~Charles R. Swindoll
Ready for some
good news? It’s found in Scripture. We can resist the enemy – even battle him –
and be victorious! ~Charles R. Swindoll
Look closely and read carefully the opening line of 1 Peter 5:9: “But resist
him, firm in your faith.”
The enemy’s
attacks may be directed toward the vulnerable part of your life, but the shield
of faith will protect you from them like a firewall. Trust the scriptural
promise. You can resist him. ~Charles R. Swindoll
The shield of
faith will protect you . . . like a
firewall. ~Charles R. Swindoll
yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that He may lift you up in due
time ~1 Peter 5:6 NIV
The Lord’s
direction for us in these perilous times is “humble yourselves.” ~Charles R. Swindoll
We need to
understand – this isn’t human strategy based on human strength that requires
human giftedness to lead to human accomplishments. This is altogether contrary
to what any of us would imagine. The Lord’s direction for us in these perilous
times is “Humble yourselves.” Peter paints a picture of falling on your face
before God in submission and trust. Trace “humble yourself” back as far as
possible, and you will find people literally on their faces before God. ~Charles R. Swindoll
God commands us
to humble ourselves under His hand. This means you and I don’t get our own way.
It isn’t about getting what we want. When you humble yourself under the
Master’s hand, you humble yourself to the Master. It’s about doing what He
wishes. It’s what He plans that matters. You hardly need to be told that
everything in our culture works against that simple, clear direction. No
matter. The command stands: “Humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God,
that He may exalt you at the proper time” (1 Peter 5:6). ~Charles R. Swindoll
Keep in mind
that God has shaped a plan that will lead to victory, hope, peace, and joy.
~Charles R. Swindoll
Be on the alert,
stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong. ~1 Corinthians 16:13
Be alert! Stand
alone! Grow up! Get tough! ~Charles R. Swindoll
In the end, God
wins. ~Charles R. Swindoll
Allow the Lord to
transform those long-held negative attitudes that do nothing to advance His
cause. ~Charles R. Swindoll
If you’re a
preacher or otherwise engaged in communicating biblical truth, you proclaim
what needs to be proclaimed, not what others want you to
proclaim. You stand tough even if they don’t want to hear it and even if they
run you off. Being tough, you stand like a steer in a blizzard. ~Charles R.
The times in
which we live are tough, so they require tough-minded maturity. ~Charles R.
Now is the time
for a courage transfusion. We must remain alert against the enemy. We must
stand alone against the evil, even if others choose not to do so. We must grow
up as people with convictions – stand tall, act like mature men and women. And
we must be strong – not mean, not paying back evil for evil – but strong in
character and stout in convictions. Meet the challenge. Face the flames with
faith, not fear. ~Charles R. Swindoll
Let all that
you do be done in love. ~1 Corinthians 16:14
It is love that
compels us into the flame. ~Charles R. Swindoll
There’s a final
command in 1 Corinthians 16:14: “Let all that you do be done in love.”
We are
compelled to love everyone – even our enemies. Yes, our enemies. ~Charles R.
Love is the
ultimate offense. ~Charles R. Swindoll
Let me tell you
who needs your love the most – those who are out of touch with God. ~Charles R.
The lost need
the Savior’s redeeming love to touch them deeply and to hold them close and to
draw them to Himself, to change them from within. ~Charles R. Swindoll
“Do you show
contempt for the riches of His kindness, forbearance, and patience, not
realizing that God’s kindness is intended to lead you to repentance? ~Romans
2:4 NIV
If it was God’s
wonderful kindness that brought us to repentance, then that same kindness ought
to be our ultimate strategy. ~Charles R. Swindoll
It is
remarkable how potent a weapon love is against the enemy’s fierce and
relentless tactics. ~Charles R. Swindoll
Lost people are
not the enemy. They are victims of the enemy. ~Howard G.
Remember the
wholesome fruit that comes from Him? Love (there’s our word), joy, peace,
patience, kindness (there it is again), goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and
self-control (Galatians 5:22-23). And here is the kicker: against such
things there is no defense! We render the enemy virtually powerless when we
move toward lost people with these qualities – which, by the way, cannot be
mustered from the flesh. ~Charles R. Swindoll
One person, one
family at a time, as they encounter in us and in our families the irresistible
kindness of Christ. His love initially shocks them, then ultimately, it
transforms them. ~Charles R. Swindoll
It’s Christ’s
all-conquering love that wins the ultimate battle – not anger or hate or
retaliation. ~Charles R. Swindoll
Let us pause in
the calm for prayer. ~Charles R. Swindoll
There is
nothing new in the world except the history you do not know. ~Harry S. Truman
The buck stops
here. ~Harry S. Truman
I never played
high school football, but if it were me, I would get there early, keep my mouth
shut, and do what I was told. ~Jim Stovall
It is
understanding that gives us an ability to have peace. When we understand the
other fellow’s viewpoint, and he understands ours, then we can sit down and
work out our differences. ~Harry S. Truman
In reading the
lives of great men, I found that the first victory they won was over themselves
. . . self-discipline with all of them came first. ~Harry S. Truman
If you can’t
stand the heat, get out of the kitchen. ~Harry S. Truman
If you can read
this, thank a teacher. ~Harry S. Truman
I come to the
office each morning and stay for long hours doing what has to be done to the
best of my ability. When you’ve done the best you can, you can’t do any better.
~Harry S. Truman
I shall
continue to do what I think is right, whether anybody likes it or not. ~Harry
S. Truman
A pessimist is
one who makes difficulties of his opportunities, and an optimist is one who
makes opportunities of his difficulties. ~Harry S. Truman
There are a lot
of things we cannot control, but two things we can always control are our
effort and our attitude. ~Jim Stovall
If you do
anything less than your best, you not only let the guy next to you down, but
you make it easier to be mediocre again next time. ~Jim Stovall
people are put on this earth for different reasons. For some individuals, there
is no higher calling than being a parent, a carpenter, a banker, a pilot, or an
accountant. Each of those professions require dedication and devotion. There
are certain poignant moments in every human endeavor that epitomize who we are
and why we’re on this earth. ~Jim Stovall
It is amazing
what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit. ~Harry S.
Tact is the
ability to step on a man’s toes without messing up the shine on his shoes.
~Harry S. Truman
I hope you can
understand that there are times, if you’re going to be who you need to be, you
have to learn what you don’t know. ~Jim Stovall
I hate times in
life when lying seems more comfortable and convenient than telling the truth.
It’s like my grandfather used to tell me about fishing lures. The brightest,
shiniest ones have the sharpest hooks. ~Jim Stovall
Sometimes, if
you’ll give away what you lack, you’ll get what you need. ~Jim Stovall
It’s a
recession when your neighbor loses his job. It’s a depression when you lose
yours. ~Harry S. Truman
When even one
American who has done nothing wrong is forced by fear to shut his mind and
close his mouth, then all Americans are in peril. ~Harry S. Truman
Men make
history and not the other way around. In periods where there is no leadership,
society stands still. Progress occurs when courageous, skillful leaders seize
the opportunity to change things for the better. ~Harry S. Truman
America was not
built on fear. America was built on courage, on imagination, and an unbeatable
determination to do the job at hand. ~Harry S. Truman
Actions are the
seeds of fate. Deeds grow into destiny. ~Harry S. Truman
It’s what you
learn after you know it all that counts. ~Harry S. Truman
We must have
strong minds, ready to accept facts as they are. ~Harry S. Truman
Human life is
something that comes to us from beyond this world. The purpose of our society
is to cherish it and to enable the individual to attain the highest achievement
of which he is capable. ~Harry S. Truman
In a free
society, the rules are the servants, and the people are their superiors and their
sovereigns; and, therefore, for the former to return to the latter was not to
degrade them but was to promote them. ~Benjamin Franklin
Fame is a
vapor, popularity is an accident, riches take wings, those who cheer you today
may curse you tomorrow, and only one thing endures – character. ~Harry S.
leaders balance pride with humility: your absolute pride in performance; total
humility before the magnitude of the task. ~James Kerr
The challenge
is to always improve, to always get better, even when you're the best.
Especially when you're the best. ~James Kerr
A collection of
talented individuals without personal discipline will ultimately and inevitably
fail. Character triumphs over talent. ~James Kerr
Only by knowing
yourself can you become an effective leader. ~Vince Lombardi
From self-knowledge,
Lombardi believed, we develop character and integrity. And from character and
integrity comes leadership.
What is my job
on the planet? What is it that needs doing, that I know something about, that
probably won't happen unless I take responsibility for it? ~Jon Kabat-Zinn
Winning takes
talent, John Wooden would say. To repeat it takes character.
You get nowhere
without character. Character is essential to individuals, and their cumulative
character is the backbone of your winning team. ~Bill Walsh
The challenge
of every team is to build a feeling of oneness, of dependence on one another. ~Vince
Because the
question is usually not how well each person performs, but how well they work
together. ~Vince Lombardi
character is vital to success. Focus on getting the culture right; The results
will follow. ~ James Kerr
Performance =
capability + behavior. ~ James Kerr
Vision without action
is a dream. ~James Kerr
Our values
decide our character. Our character decides our value. ~James Kerr
A culture of
asking and re- asking fundamental questions cuts away unhelpful beliefs in
order to achieve clarity of execution. Humility allows us to ask a simple
question: how can we do this better? ~James Kerr
Humility does
not mean weakness, but its opposite. Leaders should understand the strength of
humility. It allows them to connect with their deepest values and the wider
world. ~James Kerr
Sweep the
sheds. Never be too big to do the small things that need to be done. ~James
A winning
organization is an environment of personal and professional development, in
which each individual takes responsibility and shares ownership. ~James Kerr
Leaders create
leaders. ~James Kerr
decline is inevitable unless leaders prepare for change - even when standing at
the pinnacle of success. ~James Kerr
It is not the
strongest species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the ones most
responsive to change. ~Charles Darwin
Go for the Gap.
When you're on top of your game, change your game. ~James Kerr
Play with
purpose. Ask why? ~James Kerr
The person with
a narrow vision sees a narrow horizon, the person with a wide vision sees a
wide horizon. ~James Kerr
Leaders connect
personal meaning to a higher purpose to create belief in a sense of direction.
~James Kerr
Humans, by
their nature, seek purpose- a cause greater and more enduring than themselves.
The most convincing arguments for his theories are the simplest to understand:
we leave well paying jobs for purpose driven ones, we volunteer, We have
children. ~Daniel Pink
The idea that
emotional reward is more important than material compensation. That intrinsic
rather than extrinsic motivation rules the world. ~Hawthorne Effect
Victor Frankel,
who, in his book, Man's Search for Meaning, cites research from John
Hopkins University: Asked what they considered very important to them now, 16%
checked making a lot of money; 78% said their first goal was finding a meaning
and purpose to my life.
“What man
actually needs”, argues Frankel, “is not a tensionless state but rather the
striving and struggling for a worthwhile goal, a freely chosen task.”
People don't
buy what you do they buy why you do it. ~Simon Sinek
leaders, organizations and teams find their deepest purpose- their why? -and
attract followers through shared values, vision, and beliefs. ~James Kerr
Leaders create
leaders by passing on responsibility, creating ownership, accountability, and
trust. ~James Kerr
responsibility means shared ownership. A sense of inclusion means individuals
are more willing to give themselves to a common cause. ~James Kerr
Leaders don't
create followers they create more leaders. ~Tom Peters ~James Kerr
Instill in your
team members a sense of great self-worth - that each, at any given time, can be
the most important on the battlefield. ~General David Petraeus
The mission
command model requires the leader to provide 1.) A clear defined goal, 2.) the
resources 3.) the time-frame. ~James Kerr
By arming staff
with intention, leaders can enable their people to respond appropriately to
changing context, without losing sight of the tactical imperative. ~James Kerr
Leaders create
leaders. They armed their subordinates with intent. And then step out of the
way. ~James Kerr
Look for a
leader who can bring people together. ~James Kerr
Leaders are
teachers. ~James Kerr
In Drive,
Daniel Pink lists the three factors that he believes creates motivation in a
human being: mastery, autonomy, and purpose. ~James Kerr
“The best
sports people in the world practice more than they play,” Sean Fitzpatrick, states
in, New Zealand Management Magazine. “Businesspeople should practice too. They
should go home at night and analyze their day's performance. They don't and
they need to. To be good at something takes practice, and lots of it.”
firms don't believe in excellence,” wrote Tom Peters in Thriving on Chaos,
only in constant improvement and constant change. He argues that success is
result of a long-term commitment to improving excellence - the small steps
leading to a mighty leap.
Excellence is a
process of evolution, of cumulative learning, of incremental improvement.
~James Kerr
leadership promotes a structured system for the development of the team,
combined with a tailored map for the development of the individual. ~James Kerr
A map of daily
self-improvement acts as a powerful tool to develop teams and organizations; this
living document provides fresh goals and develops new skills so people push
themselves harder, become more capable and achieve more for the team. ~James
Leaders or
learners. ~James Kerr
You find out
that life is just a game of inches. So is football. Because in either game,
life or football, the margin for error is so small . . . On this team, we fight
for that inch. On this team, we tear ourselves, and everyone around us to
pieces for that inch . . . Cause we know when we add all those inches that's
going to make the difference between winning and losing. ~Al Pacino character
in Any Given Sunday
Marginal gains:
100 things done 1% better to deliver cumulative competitive advantage. ~James
Computer programmers have a phrase: garbage in/ garbage out. If we apply the analogy, this means:
· the verbal, visual, and gestural language that will allow to take up residence in our heads;
· the toxins like alcohol, drugs, or sugar that will allow to take up residence in our bodies parentheses and mines);
· the people will allow to take up space in our lives. ~James Kerr
Sometimes it
only takes one encounter - one teacher - to change their life, and many lives
after that. ~James Kerr
leaders look beyond their own field to discover new approaches, learned best
practices, and push the margins. Then they pass on what they have learned.
~James Kerr
The first stage
of learning is silence, the second stage is listening. ~James Kerr
information. Follow the spearhead. This is the being of team and the essence of
successful organization. ~James Kerr
For the Strength
of the Pack is the Wolf, and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack. ~Rudyard
The being of
team begins from inside. High standards must come from within. Leadership works
best when your team takes the lead. ~James Kerr
No one is
bigger than the team and individual brilliance does not automatically lead to
outstanding results. One selfish mindset will affect a collective culture.
~James Kerr
It's better to
have 1000 enemies outside the tent than one inside the tent. ~An old Arab
A little water
seeping through a small hole may swamp a canoe. ~Maori saying
Success can be
traced back to the connections between members of the team and their collective
character, something true of all winning organizations. Great leaders
ruthlessly protect their people, encouraging connection, collaboration, and
collective ownership, nurturing a safe environment of trust, respect, and
family ~James Kerr
Let us be
united, not pulling against one another. ~James Kerr
EXPECTATIONS: Aim for the highest cloud. ~James Kerr
leaders have high internal benchmarks. They set their expectations high and try
to exceed them. ~James Kerr
We learned best
- and change - from hearing stories that strike a chord with us . . . those in
leadership positions who fail to grasp or use the power of stories risk failure
for their companies or for themselves. ~John Kotter
Aim for the
highest cloud, so that if you miss it, you will hit a lofty mountain. ~James
The way the
sapling is shaped determines how the tree grows. ~James Kerr
TRAIN TO WIN: Practice under pressure.
~James Kerr
Intensity of preparation Who- training to win - conditions the brain and body to perform under pressure. It lets peak performance become automatic. It develops the mindset to win. ~James Kerr
In business, training is often seen as a soft option and is
limited to the occasional away-day. However, effective training is intense,
regular, and repetitious. For world-class results, it should be central to the
culture. ~James Kerr People
Training with intensity accelerates personal growth. ~James
“Most people have the will to win,” says basketball coach
Bobby Knight, “few have the will to prepare to win.”
A Person who is taught at home will stand with confidence in
the community. ~James Kerr
(RED HEAD means tight, inhibited, results-oriented, anxious, aggressive, over- compensating, desperate.) (BLUE HEAD means loose, expressive, in the moment, calm, clear, accurate, on task.) ~James Kerr
Bad decisions are not made through a lack of skill or innate
judgment: they are made because of an inability to handle pressure at the pivotal
moment. ~James Kerr
Mantras are the way in which we can tell our story to
ourselves; they are tools for effective thinking, a mental road map in times of
pressure. ~James Kerr
From listening comes knowledge; from knowledge comes
understanding; from understanding comes wisdom; from wisdom comes well-being.
~James Kerr
The best leaders remain true to their deepest values. They
lead their own life and others follow. ~James Kerr
The key to strong peer-to-peer interaction is a high level
of trust. This is trust in the sense of safe vulnerability. The leaders need to
create an environment where individuals get to know each other as people and
gather insight into their personal story and working style. This needs to be
supported by the leader’s role-modelling behavior around admission of mistakes
and weaknesses and fears . . . this is essential by safe conflict and safe confrontation,
where the most important interactions often occur. ~Owen Eastwood
High-performing teams promote a culture of honesty, authenticity,
and safe conflict. ~James Kerr
Integrity means that our thoughts and words and deeds are as
one, a chiropractic alignment in which our core values, purposes, beliefs, and
behaviors all flow in the same direction. It's useful to think of integrity not
as morality, as many people do, but workability. It's not about being pure or
noble - it's about getting stuff done. Though the end result is trust, belief,
and respect, these are merely the by-products of the fact that when we say
something will happen it actually does happen. This means that others can count
on us to deliver. And, most importantly, that we can count on ourselves. ~James
Integrity in our model is honoring your word. As such,
integrity is a purely positive phenomenon. It has nothing to do with good
versus bad, right versus wrong behavior. Like the law of gravity, the law of
integrity just is, and if you violate the law of integrity . . . you get hurt just
as if you try to violate the law of gravity with no safety device. The personal
and organizational benefits of honoring one's word are huge - both for
individuals and for organizations - and generally unappreciated. ~“Integrity:
Where Leadership Begins”
To the degree that integrity is diminished, the opportunity
for it is diminished. ~Jansen
If integrity is a central leadership tool and everyone in a
team does exactly what they say they will do, clarity, certainty, productivity,
and momentum are the results. ~James Kerr
Authenticity is the alignment of head, mouth, heart, and
feet - thinking, saying, and doing the same thing consistently. This builds
trust, and followers love leaders they can trust. ~ Lance Secretan
Honesty = integrity = authenticity = resilience =
performance. ~James Kerr
CHAMPIONS DO EXTRA: find something you would die for and
give your life to it. ~James Kerr
Companies that maintain their core values are those that
stand alone, stand apart, and stand for something. ~James Kerr
First we shape our values; Then our values shape us. ~James
Based on strong resonant values, using a common language
that employs mantras, mottos, and metaphors, storytelling helps leaders connect
their people’s personal meaning to their vision of the future. ~James Kerr
What is the food of a leader? It is knowledge. It is
communication. ~James Kerr
RITUALIZE TO ACTUALIZE: Create a culture. ~James Kerr
Inspiring leaders establish rituals to connect their team to
its core narrative, using them to reflect, remind, reinforce, and reignite
their collective identity and purpose. ~James Kerr
Rituals tell your story, involve your people, create a
legacy. Rituals make the intangible real. ~James Kerr
You are but a speck in the moment of time situated between
two eternities, the past and the future. ~James Kerr
BE A GOOD ANCESTOR; plant trees you'll never see. ~James
True leaders are stewards of the future. They take
responsibility for adding to the legacy. ~James Kerr
A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade
they will never see. ~ An old Greek proverb
What is my job on the planet? What is this that needs doing, that I know something about, that probably won't happen unless I take responsibility for it? ~Albert Schweitzer
The word “character” comes from the ancient Greek, kharakter,
meaning the mark that is left on a coin during its manufacture. Character is
also the mark left on you by life, and the mark we leave on life. It's the
impact you make when you're here, the trace you leave once you're gone.
Character rises out of our values, our purpose, the standards we set for
ourselves, our sacrifice, and commitment, and to the decisions we make under
pressure, but is primarily defined by the contribution we make, the responsibility
we take, the leadership we show. ~James Kerr
They're more concerned with your character than your
reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your
reputation is merely what others think you are. ~John Wooden
Character is forged by the way we respond to the challenges
of life and business, by the way we lead our life in teams. If we value life,
life values us. If we devalue it, we dishonor ourselves and our one chance at
living. ~James Kerr
This is our time. Leadership is surely the example we said
the way we lead our own life is what makes us a leader. It is what gives us
mana. ~James Kerr
Our time is limited. Understanding the fragility of life is
the first step in understanding our role and responsibility as a leader. Our
greatest responsibility is to honor those who came before us and those who will
come after, to leave the jersey in a better place. We are the stewards of our
organizations, the caretakers of our own lineage. Our action today will echo
beyond our time. They are our legacy. Care for the land, Care for the people, Go
forward. ~James Kerr
Grow and branch forth for the days of your world. ~James
To be significant, all you have to do is make a difference
with others wherever you are, with whatever you have, day by day. ~ John C
When you intentionally use your everyday life to bring about
positive change in the lives of others, you begin to live a life that matters.
~ John C Maxwell
If your story isn't as meaningful or significant or
compelling as you want it to be, you can change it. ~ John C Maxwell
To dare is to lose one’s footing momentarily. Not to dare is
to lose oneself. ~Soren Kierkegaard
Be the change you want to see in the world. ~Mahatma Gandhi
Here's to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The
troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things
differently. . . . Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can
change the world are the ones who do. ~ Steve Jobs
If you want to live a life that matters, don't start when
you get good; start now so you can become good. ~ John C Maxwell
What is the number one catalyst for change? It's action. ~
John C Maxwell
In life, it is not what we get that makes us
valuable. Is what we become in the process that brings value to our
lives. Action is what converts human dreams into significance. It brings
personal value that we can gain from no other source. ~ John C Maxwell
A butterfly cannot go back to being a caterpillar. When you
start living the significant story, you get a taste for making a difference and
you won't go back. ~ John C Maxwell
When I die, I cannot take with me what I have, but I can
live in others by what I gave. ~ John C Maxwell
Having a heart to help people and add value to them make
sure a better person. But if you don't act on it in an intentional way it won't
make a difference. ~ John C Maxwell
If you're going to grow, you have to be intentional. ~ Curt Kampmeier
You need to put details to your dreams and attach deadlines
to them. You need to examine yourself and where you are. You need to look at
your strengths and weaknesses. You need to identify your goals every week. ~
John C Maxwell
An unintentional life accepts everything and does nothing.
An intentional life embraces only the things that will add to the mission of
significance. ~ John C Maxwell
Intentional leaving always has an idea. Unintentional living always has an excuse. ~ John C Maxwell
Intentionally living fixes the situation. Unintentionally living fixes the blame. ~ John C Maxwell
Intentional living makes it happen. Unintentional living wonders what happened. ~ John C Maxwell
Intentional living says, “Here's something I can do.” Unintentional living says, “Why doesn't someone else do something?” ~ John C Maxwell
Intentional living turns the doubt-filled question “Can I?”
Into the invigorating, possibility-inducing “How can I?” ~ John C
When you know what you want and can't find what you need,
you must create what you need, so you can get what you want! ~ John C Maxwell
Most people don't aim too high and miss. They aim too low in
hit. ~Bob Moawad
If you will first help others get what they want, they will
help you get what you want. ~ Zig Ziglar
Make every day your masterpiece. ~ John Wooden
Nobody finishes well by accident. ~ John C Maxwell
Once you find your why, you will be able to find your
way. Why is your purpose. Way is your path. ~ John C
If the why comes before the way, your ability to make a
difference will come more quickly and immediately be more effective. ~ John C
Humans were made to have a meaning. Without purpose, life is
meaningless. A meaningless life is a life without hope or significance. ~ Rick
The sooner you know your why, the sooner you can shift your
focus from yourself to others. ~ John C Maxwell
Purpose is the rudder of your boat. It gives you direction
and keeps you going in the right direction when the wind is blowing and the
waves are crashing against you. It provides calm and confidence in the midst of
the storm. ~ John C Maxwell
Purpose is like a snowball rolling downhill-it builds over
time. ~ John C Maxwell
Having a life that matters comes from the ability to add
value to others. ~ John C Maxwell
The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful,
to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you
have lived and lived well. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
Our souls are not hungry for fame, comfort, wealth, power.
These rewards create almost as many problems as they solve. Our souls are
hungry for meaning, for the sense that we have figured out how to live so our
lives matter, so that the world will be at least a little different for our
having passed through it. ~ Rabbi Harold Kushner
People who matter most are aware that everyone else does,
too. ~ Malcolm Forbes
Self-centeredness is the root of virtually every
problem-both personally and globally. And whether we want to admit it or not,
it's a problem all of us have. ~ John C Maxwell
Self-centeredness and fulfillment cannot peacefully coexist.
They're incompatible. ~ John C Maxwell
People need to have found themselves, achieved something,
and made themselves valuable before they have something to give to others. ~
John C Maxwell
Significance is always about others, serving them
intentionally. ~ John C Maxwell
When you change your thinking from “What am I going to
receive?” to “What am I going to give?” your entire life begins to turn around.
~ John C Maxwell
There isn't anyone you couldn't learn to love once you've
heard their story. ~ Fred Rogers
As you start your day, are you wondering what you will reap,
or are you wondering what you will sow? ~ John C Maxwell
John Wooden described an unselfish player as one who “showed
an eagerness to lose himself to the group for the goal of the team.”
If you want to be significant and live a life that matters,
you must add value to others. ~ John C Maxwell
You know you truly value yourself when each day you silently
affirm that you are the type of person with whom you would like to spend the
rest of your life. ~ John C Maxwell
Availability-I will choose to spend time with others.
Listening-I will listen my way to common ground.
Questions-I will be interested enough in others to ask questions.
Thoughtfulness-I will think of others and how to connect with them.
Openness-I will let people into my life.
Likability-I will care about people.
Humility-I will think of myself less so I can think of others more. ~ John C Maxwell
If you have the heart to make a difference, there is always an answer, but if you have a heart of indifference, there is never an answer. ~ John C Maxwell
Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction ends up being the biggest step in your life. ~ John C Maxwell
Fear is the most prevalent reason why people stop. Faith is
what makes people start. ~ John C Maxwell
Faith does not make things easy, but it makes things
possible because it puts everything, including fear, into the right
perspective. ~ John C Maxwell
My dream allows me to continue and discourage, for where
there is no faith in the future, there is no power in the present. ~ John C
Dreams often come one size too big so that we can grow into
them. ~ John C Maxwell
Life isn't made by what you can accomplish. It's made by
what you can accomplish with others. ~ John C Maxwell
Most people miss opportunities in life, not because the
opportunity wasn't there, but because they didn't have a clue what it looked
like when it arrived. ~ John C Maxwell
I cannot do what you can do. You cannot do what I can do.
Together we can do great things. ~ Mother Teresa
If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go
together. ~African Proverb
A strong partnership divides the effort and multiplies the
effect. ~ John C Maxwell
You can't take action if you're spending too much of your
time trying to get on the front lines. You need to be on the front lines. ~
John C Maxwell
Anticipation is a wonderful proactive and intentional word for seeking out significance. ~ John C Maxwell
When you live with intentionality, you know and understand
that every day is your time to make a difference . ~ John C Maxwell
You don't really know if you're going to be afraid of death
until you've been close enough to touch it, taste it, and smell it. ~ John C
The difference between the assuming and numbering your days
is huge. ~ John C Maxwell
Most hockey players follow the puck on the ice. I never skate
to where the puck is. I skate to where it's going. ~ Wayne Gretzky
You anticipate that you can and will make a difference, you
prepared differently. ~ John C Maxwell
There is not one door of opportunity. There's not one door
to significance. There is a series of doors. ~ John C Maxwell
The compounding potential and return of working with others
makes my sense of anticipation soar. ~ John C Maxwell
A transformational leader intentionally engages people to
think and act in such a way that it makes a positive difference in their lives
and in the lives of others. ~ John C Maxwell
Where you are in the process doesn't matter. As long as
you're engaged in it and anticipate positive results, you're on your way. ~
John C Maxwell
There are those that look at things as they are and asked, “Why?”
I dream of things that never were and asked, “Why not?” ~John F Kennedy
Every generation gets an opportunity to make a difference,
but the people of that generation have to seize that opportunity. ~ John C
Opportunities do not multiply because they are seen. . . .
They multiply because they are seized. ~ John C Maxwell
The people who most often make the biggest difference are
the people who are first to step up and help at a time when it makes a
difference. ~ John C Maxwell
People most often regret the chances they failed to take,
not the chances they took that failed. ~ John C Maxwell
The classroom is the molder of the opinion of the lives of
people. I came back because if I can change a 19 year old's life, that is much
more significant than what I was doing because I get them on the front end. ~ Condoleezza
Unless Someone Like You cares a whole lot, nothing is going
to get better period it's not. ~Doctor Seuss
You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes.
You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. ~Doctor Seuss
You're off to great places! Today is your day! Your mountain
is waiting! So get on your way! ~Doctor Seuss
Attitude is a choice.
Maturity is seeing things from another person's point of view and being flexible.
Always plan ahead. You're either prepared or repaired.
You are what you do every day.
Failure is inevitable, but learning is optional.
Once you taste significance, success will never satisfy you
again. ~ John C Maxwell
Significance is not a destination thing-it's a daily thing. ~ John C Maxwell
I don’t promise you it will be easy. I do promise you it will
be worthwhile. ~Art Williams
If you desire to fulfill a bold vision or do something
great, you have to let go of a microwave mindset for leadership. ~John C.
People too often overvalue their dream and undervalue their
team. . . . A big dream with a bad team
is a nightmare. ~John C. Maxwell
For a leader who develops leaders, there's something scarier
and much more important than ability. It is the ability to recognize ability.
~John C. Maxwell
I’m a success today because I had a friend who believed in
me and I didn't have the heart to let him down. ~Abraham Lincoln
Great leaders help people have a larger vision of
themselves. ~ Mark Sanborn
We will do everything in our power to measure up to the
spoken belief we have received. ~John C. Maxwell
Encouragement is oxygen to the soul for the leader, and if
you're a leader who wants to develop other leaders, you need to encourage them
and help them breathe. ~John C. Maxwell
Attitude is a choice, and at the heart of a good attitude is
willing willingness -willingness to learn, to improve, to serve, to think of
others, to add value, to do the right thing, to make sacrifices for the team. Leadership
skill may come from the head, but leadership attitude comes from the heart.
~John C. Maxwell
Good leaders want more for the people they lead then
they want from them. ~John C. Maxwell
At Delta, we hire for attitude but train for aptitude.
Always start with attitude. Bring people on the team that the other members
will enjoy working with. ~Ed Bastian
The formation of our character creates predictability to our
leadership. Predictability, dependability, and consistency: these three
qualities ensure that our leadership is reliable and motivates people to place
their confidence in us. Our effectiveness as leaders is built on trust. ~Gayle Beebe
Character is about managing your life well, so you can lead
others well. ~John C. Maxwell
Talent is always conscious of its own abundance and does not
object to sharing. ~Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
The vision gap is the space between what we are doing
and what we could do. Builders are impatient to close that gap. ~John C.
People often say, “I'll know it when I see it.” That's not a
good strategy. I say, “know it and you'll see it!” ~John C. Maxwell
A company’s culture is the expression of the values of the
people within the organization. It is the sum of the behavior of the people,
not a reflection of what you wanted to be. People do what people see - and they
keep doing it. What people do on an ongoing, habitual basis creates culture.
~John C. Maxwell
Knowledge isn't the key to success. Applying knowledge is.
~John C. Maxwell
Leadership is more caught than taught. ~John C. Maxwell
If someone is always at the head of the class, he or she is
in the wrong class. ~John C. Maxwell
The only way for any person to learn leadership is to lead.
Leading isn't a theoretical exercise. ~John C. Maxwell
Leaders touch a heart before they ask for a hand. ~John C.
Good leadership requires a perspective shift from it's
all about me to it's all about others. ~John C. Maxwell
If you will sweat with your people, they can handle the
heat. ~John C. Maxwell
Ten ways to make connections with people:
· Most people are insecure. Give them confidence.
· Most people want to feel special. Compliment them.
· Most people want a bright future. Give them hope.
· Most people need to be understood. Listen to them.
· Most people want direction. Walk with them.
· Most people are selfish. Speak to their needs first.
· Most people get emotionally low. Encourage them.
· Most people want to be included. Ask their opinion.
· Most people want success. Help them win.
· Most people want to be appreciated. Give them credit. ~John C. Maxwell
Always ask questions. Here's what questions do:
Create a space for open conversation
Place value on others and their opinions
Help people know one another better
Invite everyone to participate
Clear up assumptions
Causes people to think
Gather conversation ~John C. Maxwell
Leadership isn't control - it's influence . ~John C. Maxwell
You do not want to control people's responses. You want to
influence their thinking and actions. ~John C. Maxwell
Front-end questions set the agenda, while back-end questions maximize the agenda. Front-end questions encourage preparation, while back-end questions encourage reflection. ~John C. Maxwell
What others have to say to you really must remain more important than what you have to say to them. Why? Because the higher leaders rise, the farther they get from the front lines, and the more they have to depend on what others tell them to know what's really going on. Listening is still the best way to gather information, to learn, to understand people, and to connect with them. ~John C. Maxwell
A suffering person does not need a lecture; he needs a
listener. ~Billy Graham
Being heard is so close to being loved that for the average person, they are almost indistinguishable. ~David Augsburger
Listening draws people to you, which works much better than
trying to push your leadership on them. Empathy builds trust. ~John C. Maxwell
People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither
does bathing-that's why we recommend it daily. ~Zig Ziglar
Good leaders inspire others only to the extent that they
inspire themselves. ~John C. Maxwell
2. Autonomy - Leaders Want The Freedom To Control Their Lives.
3. Relationships - Leaders Want To Do Things With Other People.
4. Progress - Leaders Want To Experience Personal And Professional Growth.
5. Mastery - Leaders Want To Excel At Their Work.
6. Recognition - Leaders Want Others To Appreciate Their Accomplishments.
7. Money - Leaders Want To Be Financially Secure. ~John C. Maxwell
The partnership principal: working together increases the odds of winning together. ~John C. Maxwell
Excellence is the gradual result of always striving to do better. ~Pat Riley
People don't determine their future. They determined their habits, which determined their future. ~John C. Maxwell
The best way to set your people up for success is:
Believe in them.
Encourage them.
Show them.
Train them.
~John C. Maxwell
Survival of the fittest is not the same as survival of the
best. Leaving leadership development up to chance is foolish. ~ Morgan McCall
The function of leadership isn't together more followers. It’s
to produce more leaders. ~John C. Maxwell
Five-step plan for equipping:
· I model.
I mentor.
I monitor.
I motivate.
I multiply. ~John C. Maxwell
Next level equipping:
· I'll do it.
· I do it and you are with me.
· You do it and I am with you.
· You do it.
· You do it and someone else is with you. ~John C. Maxwell
Being An Example Others Want To Follow. Here's what you need to be asking yourself:
Learning:“What am I learning?”
Experiencing: “What am I experiencing?”
Applying: “What am I applying?”
Developing: “Who am I developing?” ~John C. Maxwell
Telling others to do what you haven't done yourself isn't equipping. It's bossing. ~John C. Maxwell
The position doesn't make the leader; the leader makes the position. ~John C. Maxwell
It's very difficult for people to rise up if their leader refuses to put the wind of empowerment under their wings. ~John C. Maxwell
Only secure leaders give power to others. ~John C. Maxwell
The greatest leaders aren't necessarily the ones who do the greatest things. They are the ones who empower others to do great things. ~John C. Maxwell
If we start with the attitude that different viewpoints are additive rather than competitive, we become more effective because our ideas or decisions or honed and tempered by that discourse . ~ Ed Catmull
Leadership is like swimming. It can't be learned by reading about it. Leaders become leaders by practicing. ~John C. Maxwell
Never tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do and they will surprise you with their ingenuity. ~George S Patton
The deepest principle of human nature is the craving to be appreciated. ~William James
Advice from John Wooden's father:
1. Be true to yourself.
2. Help others.
3. Make every day your masterpiece.
4. Drink deeply from good books, especially the Bible.
5. Make friendship a fine art.
6. Build a shelter against a rainy day.
Pray for guidance and count and give thanks for your blessings every day.
In talking to the top executive coaches who worked for the John Maxwell company, they've told me that poor self-awareness is the number one problem they see in leaders. ~John C. Maxwell
A dream is a compelling vision you see in your heart that is too big to accomplish without the help of others. ~Chris Hodges
Area |
“We” Needs |
“Me” Needs |
Purpose |
I am really enthusiastic about the mission of my
company. |
At work, I clearly understand what is expected of
me. |
Excellence |
In my team, I am surrounded by people who share my values. |
I have a chance to use my strengths every day at work. |
Support |
My teammates have my back. |
I know I will be recognized for excellent work. |
Future |
I have great confidence in my company's future. |
in my work, I'm always challenged to grow. |
If you have a dream and no team - the dream is impossible.
If you have a dream and a bad team - the dream is a
If you have a dream and are building a team - the dream is
If you have a dream and a good leadership team- the dream is
inevitable. ~John C. Maxwell
Members of trusting teams:
Admit weaknesses and mistakes
Ask for help
Accept questions and input about their areas of
Give one another the benefit of the doubt before
arriving at a negative conclusion
Take risk and offering feedback and assistance
Appreciate and tap into one another’s skills and
Focus time and energy on important issues, not
Offer and accept apologies without hesitation
Look forward to meetings and other opportunities
to work as a group ~ Pat Lencioni
Growth plans for members of my leadership team:
Give them a growth environment.
Recognize each person's growth needs.
Open up opportunities for them to grow.
Walk with them in challenging times.
Teach them to learn from every experience.
Help them add value to their teammates. ~John C.
In teamwork, silence isn't golden, it's deadly. ~Mark
When people get to weigh in on their development, they more
readily buy into owning their personal growth progress. ~John C. Maxwell
I think if you truly understand the meaning of mentoring,
you understand it as important as parenting; in fact, it is just like
parenting. As my father often said, “there is nothing you know that you haven't
learned from someone else.” Everything in the world has been passed down. Every
piece of knowledge is something that has already been shared by someone else.
If you understand it as I do, mentoring becomes your true legacy. It is the
greatest inheritance you can give to others. It is why you get up every day- to
teach and be taught. ~John Wooden
Quotes and what John Maxwell learned from people
throughout his life:
Having a great attitude is a choice. He taught me
that attitude is the difference maker. ~Melvin Maxwell (John Maxwell’s father –
There's power in proximity. He taught me to get close
to the people who can make you better. ~Elmer Towns (Faithfulness)
Go to places that inspire you. He gave me the idea of
visiting presidential libraries, and I've been to all of them. ~Lon Woodrum (Reflectiveness)
Be the first to see potential in others. He saw the
potential in me when I was 25, and I've never looked back. ~Bob Kline (Duty)
Expand your influence beyond your personal touch. He
encouraged me to start writing books. ~Les Parrott (Creativity)
Be a rancher, not just a shepherd. He challenged me
to not just feed the sheep I had, but to build and make room to reach other
sheep. ~Jerry Falwell (Faith)
Become your mentee’s champion. He was more than a
mentor; he was a sponsor who put his reputation on the line for me so I could
take risks and live outside the box. ~ Tom Phillippe (Humility)
Carry the baton with excellence. He asked me to be a
successor and handed the leadership baton to me for the organization he founded
and led for 31 years. I worked to carry it out with excellence for 14 years and
then handed it off to the next leader. ~Orval Butcher (Joy)
“Who luck” is the best luck a person can have. Chuck
introduced me to the leaders much bigger and better than me, and they accepted
and helped me. ~Chuck Swindoll (Possibilities)
Everything rises and falls on leadership. He mentored
me from a distance through his book, Spiritual Leadership, which lit my
fire to lead; I was able to meet him 20 years later to express my gratitude. ~J.
Oswald Sanders (Fulfillment)
The gift is greater than the person. He taught me
that I should be grateful for the amazing gifts God gave me, but to remember
that I'm flawed, not amazing; that awareness grounded me. ~Fred Smith (Perspective)
Develop different streams of income. A
talented businessman, he instructed me to create passive income that would work
for me when I wasn't working. ~Larry Maxwell (John Maxwell’s brother – Focus)
Have a vision for the world. He wanted to change the
world, and every time I was with him, he expanded my vision and purpose. ~ Bill
Bright (Vision)
Help others get what they want, and they will help you
get what you want. His statement prompted me to change the way I saw and
practiced leadership, and I loved him for it. ~ Zig Zigler (Reciprocity)
Take your message to the business world. He
encouraged me to include the business market when I wrote my books, at 31
million books later, we're still helping people. ~Sealy Yates (Opportunity)
Will the reader turn the page? Les coached me in how
to write and make my written message more compelling. ~ Les Stobbe (Servanthood)
Make every day your masterpiece. He modeled his
philosophy last Friday and was my greatest mentor; my book Today Matters
was inspired by him. ~John Wooden (Intentionality)
Mentorship is both cult and talk. The catching part of
mentorship is totally dependent upon the credibility of the person mentoring you.
~John C. Maxwell
The underlying purpose of mentoring is not for people to act
differently but rather to become different. ~ Dale Bronner
The difference between coaching and mentoring: ~John
C. Maxwell
Coaching |
Mentoring |
Skill centered |
Life Centered |
Formal setting |
Informal setting |
More structured |
Less structured |
Directive |
Advisory |
Short- term |
Long- term |
narrow in scope |
broader in scope |
Drives the agenda |
Receive the agenda |
Positional |
Relational |
Skill awareness |
Self- awareness |
Trains |
Develops |
Do something |
Be something |
Transactional |
Transformational |
Mentors do not seek to create a new person; they simply seek
to help a person become a better version of himself. ~John Wooden
Mentoring is discipling another person. It involves
discerning where they are, knowing where they are supposed to go, and giving
them what they need to get there. ~John C. Maxwell
Good mentors don't hesitate to have difficult conversations
with the people they mentor. They deal with the “elephants” in the room even
when others won't. ~John C. Maxwell
The greater an individual’s leadership ability, the greater
the success or impact he or she can make ~John C. Maxwell
The only thing limiting the future of any organization is
the number of good leaders it develops. ~John C. Maxwell
I strive to model the six C's of of reproducing a culture.
You should too.
CHARACTER - BE IT. Everything starts with
strong character. That's not something you can just talk about; it's something
that has to be at the core of who you are. You have to live it every day. You
must maintain integrity, treat others with respect, desire the best for people,
and go out of your way to help them.
CLARITY - SHOW IT. You have to spend time
developing leaders yourself. You need to be personally involved, and your team
needs to see you doing it so that you understand how it's done and how
important it is.
COMMUNICATION - SAY IT. You have to constantly
talk about leadership development, so it becomes part of the common language in
everyday conversation.
CONTRIBUTION - OWN IT. If you're the
leader the buck stops with you. You need to own your responsibility for
developing leaders, and others will too. And when others step up and say, “I'll
own this,” the entire team gets stronger.
CONSISTENTLY - DO IT. The development of
leaders is never once and done. Is something that needs cultivating every day.
Why? Because the need for more and better leaders never ends.
development of leaders is recognized, rewarded, and celebrated continually, it
becomes elevated in the organization and woven into the culture. Every leader
aspires to become part of it and join in.
~John C. Maxwell
Nothing is easier than saying words. Nothing is harder than
living them, day after day. What you promised today must be renewed and
re-decided tomorrow and each day that stretches out before you. ~Arthur Gordon
David Ogilvy, founder of the giant advertising agency Ogilvy
and Mather, used to give each new manager in his organization a Russian doll.
The doll contained five progressively smaller dolls. A message inside the
smallest one read: “If each of us hires people who are smaller than we are, we
shall become a company of dwarfs. But if each of us hires people who are bigger
than we are, Ogilvy and Mather will become a company of giants.” Commit to
finding, hiring, and developing giants. ~Dennis Waitley
Winning companies win because they have good leaders who
nurture the development of other leaders at all levels of the organization. ~Noel
Every day every leader you work with should ask, “Am I using
my gifts for myself or others?” ~John C. Maxwell
When you begin developing leaders, the most important thing
you can do is let them know what you're thinking and why. ~John C. Maxwell
The 80/ 20 rule:
20% of the workers produce 80% of the product
20% of the Salesforce close 80% of the sales
20% of the products return 80% of the revenue
Accumulative advantage: what begins as a small advantage
gets bigger over time. ~James Clear
Intentional living turns good intentions into good actions.
~John C. Maxwell
If the vision is right, the right leaders will show up. ~John C. Maxwell
A good leader will always have those around him who are
better at particular task than he is. This is the hallmark of leadership. Never
be afraid to hire or manage people who are better at certain jobs than you are.
They can only make your organization stronger. ~John C. Maxwell
I am aware that a man of real merit is never seen in so favorable
a light as seen through the medium of adversity. The clouds that surround him
are shades that set off his good qualities. ~Alexander Hamilton
A study of more than 12,000 adults in the United States and
Germany revealed that the character strengths of love, hope, curiosity, zest,
and (particularly) gratitude were linked to high life satisfaction. ~Caslen,
Seligman and Peterson classify 24 character strengths into
six overarching categories called moral virtues. These six moral virtues, with
their associated character strengths, are:
wisdom and knowledge (creativity,
curiosity, open mindedness, love of learning, perspective)
courage (bravery, persistence, integrity,
justice (teamwork, fairness, leadership)
humanity (capacity to the love, kindness,
social intelligence)
temperance (forgiveness, humility,
prudence, self- regulation)
transcendence (appreciation of beauty,
gratitude, hope/optimism, humor, spirituality).
We each have a unique profile of
character strengths. This helps define who we are as individuals.
I learned that courage was not the
absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not
feel afraid, that he who conquers that fear. ~Nelson Mandela
Authority without wisdom is like a
heavy axe without an edge, fitter to bruise than polish. ~Anne Bradstreet
Kindness in words creates
confidence. Kindness in thinking promotes profoundness. Kindness in giving
creates love. ~Lao-Tzu
One of the most powerful strengths
of the heart is the capacity to give and receive thanks in life. The greatest
thing about gratitude is that practicing it may bring greater positive benefits
for you than it does for the recipient of thanks. ~Caslen, Matthews
I came to believe that a leader
isn't good because they are right; they're good because they're willing to
learn and to trust. ~ Stanley McChrystal
Culture does not change because we
desire to change it. Culture changes when the organization is transformed; the
culture reflects the realities of people working together every day. ~ Francis Hesselbein,
former CEO of the Girl Scouts of the USA
Patrick Sweeney, retired from the
army and now the director of Wake Forest universities allegiances Center for
leadership and character, created a conceptual model that captures how high-
performing organizations maintain excellence in the face of purple personal
turbulence and curator failures. The individual- relationship- organization-
contacts (I Roc) model describes the complex relationships are nine
organizations, individuals, and the context in which they operate, and how
these relationships influence trust and sustain high performance. The following
chart summarizes the IR OC model.
Open communications
Shared values, beliefs, norms, and goals
Structure, practices, policies, and procedures
Dependencies and needs
Organizational systems
In determining “the right people,” the good-to-great
companies place greater weight on character attributes than on specific
educational background, practical skills, specialized knowledge, or work
experience. ~ Jim Collins
Good character is not formed in a week or a month. It is
created little by little, day by day. Protracted and patient effort is needed
to develop good character. ~Heracleitus
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. ~Benjamin Franklin
at the highest level is not about winning. It’s about preparation, courage,
understanding and nurturing people, and heart. Winning is the result. ~ Joe Torre
of the heart make life worth living. You can be the grittiest person and most
courageous person in your organization, but without kindness and the capacity
to love, you will not meet your full potential. Strengths of the heart give you
an edge in the workplace, but even more important, they allow you to have
fulfilling and meaningful relationships with family members, coworkers, and
friends. ~Robert L. Caslen, Jr.
Success in
life is founded upon attention to the small things rather than to the large
things; to the everyday things nearest to us rather than to the things that are
remote and uncommon. ~Robert L. Caslen,
Rogers weight and part of his email address was 143 and it was a reference to
the . . . letters it took to say I love you. One, I. Four, love. Three,
you. ~Maxwell King
Fred saw
the basic human values: integrity, respect, responsibility, fairness, and
compassion, and of course his signature value, kindness. ~Maxwell King
When I was
a boy, I used to think that strong meant having big muscles, great physical
power; but the longer I live the more I realize that real strength has much
more to do with what is not seen. Real strength has to do with helping others. ~Fred Rogers
The white
spaces between words are more important than the text, because they give you
time to think about what you’ve read. ~Fred Rogers
All his
[Fred Rogers] career, he emphasized the importance of listening; he felt that
silence is a gift, as is what he called “graceful receiving.” ~Maxwell King
One of the
major goals of education must be to help students discover a greater awareness
of their own unique selves, in order to increase their feeling of personal
worth, responsibility, and freedom.
~Fred Rogers
You know,
it may be that our planet, Earth, is the only spot in the entire Universe which
can sustain human life. Of all the worlds, we may be the only one where there
has ever been – or ever will be – people! That’s sort of like someone saying to
you that there is only one square inch of soil on this Earth that can grow
anything – and that square inch happens to be in your own backyard. You look at
that soil of yours with infinitely greater appreciation when you become aware
how rare and valuable it is. ~Fred Roger
Shared joy
is doubled, and sorrow shared is halved. Sharing has a healing impact. ~An old proverb
Here is my
secret. It’s quite simple: One sees clearly only with the heart. Anything
essential is invisible to the eyes. ~Antoine de Saint-Exupery, “The Little
The words
“thank you” are probably the greatest words in any language. ~ Fred Rogers
isn’t anyone you couldn’t love once you’ve heard their story. ~Sister Mary Lou
Kownacki, director, Monasteries of the Heart
and communicating with empathy is the healthy relational glue that helps us
stick together in cooperative relationships. ~Dr. Anita Knight Kuhnley
When we
love a person, we accept him or her exactly as is: the lovely with the
unlovely, the strong with the fearful, the true mixed in with the façade, and
of course, the only way we can do it is by accepting ourselves that way. ~Fred
It’s not
the honors and the prizes and the fancy outsides of life which ultimately
nourish our souls; it is the knowing that we can be trusted that we never have
to fear the truth, that the bedrock of our lives, from which we make our
choices, is very good stuff. There is a neighborhood song that is meant for the
in each of us. “It’s You I Like.” ~Fred
It's not the things you wear,
It's not the way you do your hair
But it's you I like
The way you are right now,
The way down deep inside you
Not the things that hide you,
Not your toys
They're just beside you.
Every part of you.
Your skin, your eyes, your feelings
Whether old or new.
I hope that you'll remember
Even when you're feeling blue
That it's you I like,
It's you yourself
It's you.
It's you I like. ~Fred Rogers
A beautiful day for a neighbor.
Would you be mine?
Could you be mine?
A neighborly day for a beauty,
Would you be mine?
Could you be mine?
I've always wanted to live in a neighborhood with you.
So let's make the most of this beautiful day,
Since we're together we might as well say,
Would you be mine?
Could you be mine?
Won't you be my neighbor?
Won't you please,
Won't you please?
Please won't you be my neighbor? ~Fred Rogers
People are
just as wonderful as sunsets if I can let them be. . . . When I look at a
sunset, as I did the other evening, I don’t find myself saying, “Soften the
orange a bit on the right-hand corner. . . .” I don’t try to control a sunset.
I watch with awe as it unfolds. ~Carl Rogers
typically don’t accept influence from people who don’t accept us. ~Dr. Anita
Knight Kuhnley
Love is at
the root of everything. All learning. All parenting. All relationships. Love or
the lack of it. ~Fred Rogers
is a prerequisite for other-acceptance. We must start there. ~Dr. Anita Knight
is incredibly good for our health and relationships. ~Dr. Anita Knight Kuhnley
As human
beings, our job in life is to help people realize how rare and valuable each
one of us really is, that each of us has something that no one else has – or
ever will have – something inside that is unique to all time. It’s our job to
encourage each other to discover that uniqueness and to provide ways of
developing its expression. ~Fred Rogers
bodies of water change the lands they run through over time, we are shaped and
impacted by those who love us. ~Dr.
Anita Knight Kuhnley
What is
most significant in your interpersonal history is not the events but how you
talk about them. ~Dr. Anita Knight Kuhnley
Many have
said, “We need a Mr. Rogers in our world today.” I believe that if you can’t
find a Mr. Rogers, you can certainly be one. Internalize his message and be a
healing, calming presence. I fail miserably, but I’m trying.
~comment on YouTube video “Remembering Mr. Rogers,” a video with Charlie
Rose, televised in 1994
7 Secrets
to bring out the best in yourself and others from America’s Beloved Neighbor (Mr.
Rogers) ~”The Mr. Rogers Effect” by Dr. Anita Knight Kuhnley:
Secret 2: Validate Feelings – Feelings are mentionable and manageable!
Secret 3: Pause and Think – Take time to discover what is inside!
Secret 4: Show Gratitude – Be kind and be thankful!
Secret 5: Develop Empathy – Be with people where they are!
Secret 6: Practice Acceptance – Who you are right now is acceptable!
Secret 7: Establish Security – People need to know they are cared for!
It helps
to be loved in order to work in this life. ~Fred Rogers
We speak
with more than our mouths. We listen with more than our ears. ~Fred Rogers
heard feels so similar to being loved that for many people the distinction goes
unnoticed. ~ Dr. Anita Knight Kuhnley
have said, “Don’t cry” to other people for years and years, and all it has ever
meant is “I’m too uncomfortable when you show your feelings: Don’t cry.” I’d
rather have them say, “Go ahead and cry. I’m here to be with you.” ~Fred Rogers
If we make
it clear that feelings are mentionable and manageable, we will have done a
great service for mental health. ~Dr. Anita Knight Kuhnley
He [Fred
Rogers] pointed to a photo on the wall, showing Roger’s favorite sign at
Rollins College, “Life is for Service” . . . ~Maxwell King
of all consequences, you must do the right thing. You will need the courage of
a lion unhesitatingly to pursue a course which shall turn your best friend into
your fiercest foe; but for the love of Jesus you must thus be courageous. For
the truth's sake, to hazard reputation and affection is such a deed that to do
it constantly you will need a degree of moral principle which only the Spirit
of God can work in you; yet turn not your back like a coward, but play the man.
Follow right manfully in your Mater's steps, for He has traversed this rough
way before you. ~Charles Spurgeon
I do not choose the colors, He worketh steadily,
Oftimes He weaveth sorrow, and I in foolish pride,
Forget He sees the upper, and I the underside.
Not till the loom is silent, and shuttles cease to fly,
Will God unroll the canvas and explain the reason why.
Will God unroll the canvas and explain the reason why.
The dark threads are as needful in the skillful Weaver’s hand,
As the threads of gold and silver in the pattern He has planned. ~Anonymous
the threads of my life have often seemed knotted, I know, by faith, that on the
other side of the embroidery there is a crown. ~Corrie Ten Boom
What I
spent, I had; what I saved, I lost; what I gave, I have. ~ Henry
Ward Beecher
. . . the
deepest darkness is outshone by the light of Jesus. ~Corrie Ten Boom
God does
not fill with His Holy Spirit those who believe in the fullness of the Spirit,
or those who desire Him, but those who obey Him. ~Corrie Ten Boom
Feelings lie buried that grace can restore;
Touched by a loving heart, wakened by kindness
Chords that were broken will vibrate once more. ~Franny J. Crosby
is an act of the will, and the will can function regardless of the temperature
of the heart. ~Corrie Ten Boom
once asked my opinion of the missionaries in a certain country. My answer was,
“They have given all, but they have not taken all. They have given homeland,
time, money, luxury, and more; but they have not taken all of the boundless
resources of God’s promises. ~Corrie Ten
Our fight
is not against a physical army, a political party, an atheistic organization –
or anything like that. Our fight is against organizations and powers that are
spiritual. ~Corrie Ten Boom
You see,
you never touch so much the ocean of God’s love as when you love your
enemies. ~Corrie Ten Boom
Far deeper than man’s deepest hate. ~Corrie Ten Boom
I would
much rather be the trusting child of a rich Father, than a beggar at the door
of worldly men. ~Corrie Ten Boom
The valley
of the shadow of death holds no darkness for the child of God. There must be
light, else there could be no shadow. Jesus is the Light. He has overcome
death. ~Dwight Moody
To travel
through the desert with others, to suffer thirst, to find a spring, to drink of
it, and not tell the others that they may be spared is exactly the same as
enjoying Christ and not telling others about Him. ~Corrie Ten Boom
Then I
picked up my Bible and said, “It is the same with this Book. If you try to
analyze it as a book of science or even a book of theology, you cannot be
nourished by it. Like chocolate, it is to be eaten and enjoyed, not picked
apart bit by bit.” ~Corrie Ten Boom
“When I
was a little girl,” I said, “I want to my father and said, “Daddy, I am afraid
that I will never be strong enough to be a martyr for Jesus Christ.” “Tell me,”
Father said, “when you take a train trip from Haarlem to Amsterdam, when do I
give you the money for the ticket? “That is right,” my father said, “and so it
is with God’s strength. Our wise Father in heaven knows when you are going to
need things too. Today you do not need the strength to be a martyr; but as soon
as you are called upon for the honor of facing death for Jesus, He will supply
the strength you need – just in time.”
~Corrie Ten Boom
And by faith we can see it afar.
For the Father waits over the way,
To prepare us a dwelling place there.
In the sweet by and by, we shall meet on that beautiful shore,
In the sweet by and by, we shall meet on that beautiful shore. ~Sanford Fillmore Bennett
“You are
not called to convince anyone,” he said. “You are simply called to be an open
channel for the Spirit of God to flow through. You can never be anything else,
even though you may think so at times. Follow the pathway of obedience, let the
Word of God do its own work, and you will be used by God far beyond your own
powers.” ~Corrie Ten Boom
is not dependent on happenings, but on relationship in the happenings. ~Corrie Ten Boom
God does
not take away from us. He might ask us to turn our backs on something, or
someone, we should not have. God never takes away, however; God gives. If I
reach out and take someone for myself and the Lord steps in between, that does
not mean God takes. Rather it means He is protecting us from someone we should
not have because He has a far greater purpose for our lives. ~Corrie Ten Boom
And the saved all around her appear,
Many people around will tell her:
It was you that invited me here. ~Author Unknown
For some
reason, Americans seemed to have a need to surround themselves with noise all
the time. [Isn’t this true? Even during prayer time in our churches often we
have background music playing.] ~
KP Yohannan
[western churches] usually took an offering and presented me with a check for
what seemed like a great amount of money. Then with their usual hospitality,
they invited me to eat with the leaders following the meeting. To my horror,
the food and “fellowship” frequently cost more money than the money they had
just given to missions. And I was amazed to find that American families
routinely eat enough meat at one meal to feed an Asian family for a week. No
one ever seemed to notice this but me, and slowly I realized they just had not
heard the meaning of my message. They were simply incapable of understanding
the enormous needs overseas. ~ KP Yohannan
The $74
million spent on one new building in the United States could build nearly 7,000
average-sized churches in India. The same $74 million would be enough to
guarantee that the Good News of Jesus Christ could be proclaimed to a whole
Indian state – or even some of the smaller countries of Asia. ~ KP
There is
such an emphasis on church buildings in the United States that we sometimes
forget that the Church is the people – not the place where people meet.
I discovered, is a multi-billion dollar business in the United States. Entering
churches, I was astonished at the carpeting, furnishings, air-conditioning and
ornamentation. Many churches have gymnasiums and fellowships that cater to a
busy schedule of activities having little or nothing to do with Christ. The
orchestras, choirs, “special” music – and sometimes even the preaching – seemed
to me more like entertainment than worship.
~ KP Yohannan
concern is a natural fruit of the Gospel. But to put it first is to put the
cart before the horse; and from experience, we have seen it fail in India for
more than 200 years. It was an attempt to exclusively concentrate on people’s
obvious needs. ~ KP Yohannan
changes the heart and spirit, the physical changes also. If you want to meet
the needs of the poor in this world, there is no better place to start than by
preaching the Gospel. If has done more to lift up the downtrodden, the hungry
and the needy than all the social programs ever imagined by secular
humanists. ~ KP Yohannan
However, this does not mean that we must not
be involved in compassion-type ministries that reach out to the poor, needy and
hurting people all around us. ~ KP Yohannan
In Matthew
22:38-40, Jesus clearly marked the Christian’s social responsibility when He
said that loving God is the first and greatest commandment and “the second is
like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. On these two
commandments hang all the law and the prophets.” All the Law and Prophets are
summed up in both – loving God and loving others. It was not one or the
other – but again both, for the glory of God. ~ KP
Lewis, that great British defender of the faith, wrote, “There is no doctrine
which I would more willingly remove from Christianity than this [hell]. I would
pay any price to be able to say truthfully, ‘All will be saved.’” But Lewis,
like us, realized that was neither truthful nor within his power to
change. ~ KP Yohannan
Joseph came to realize that God is able to use even offensive and intentionally
evil acts to accomplish His purpose. Why would Joseph seek revenge or maintain
animosity toward tools that God used to bring about good? With this awareness,
he was free to forgive his brothers. When Jesus said, “Father, forgive them,
for they do not know what they are doing” (Luke 23:34), He recognized that
behind those wicked hands was the hand of God, accomplishing the most glorious
event in history (Acts 2:23-24). Walking in righteousness keeps us alert to the
fact that God is at work in everything, even the things we tend to find
offensive. This then enables us to forgive those who hurt and offend us. God
will deal with those people. In the meantime, He will use their negative
actions to produce His best through us". ~Joseph Stowell
and steadiness is what we crave, but overstaying our welcome in one place can
rob us of the work God intends to do in us at the next one. In His wise and
sovereign way, He often includes seasons of unsettledness where He transfers us
out of the comfort and complacency of familiarity and moves us into a new place
and position. It's a necessary part of His process". God says, "I
deposited you into one season, with its own unique set of joys, challenges,
people, and problems, and I'm going to let you sit there a while....pressing
you, sifting you, purifying you. Then at the right time, when the work that
needs to happen there is done, I'll unsettle you - sometimes in a way that
feels forcible, sudden, and very painful. I'll strategically pour you into a
new place and space - with new people, with new circumstances, with new life
dynamics - knowing this new environment will be the most suitable for whatever
I want to reshape in you next". ~Priscilla Shirer
He’s an “I
don’t care how far you have run, just come home” kind of God!
If God
didn’t forgive sinners, heaven would be empty.
A true legacy .
. . is conceived in wisdom, nurtured by principle, and sustained by character.
~ David Green
The questions
we ask at the end of life are the ones we should begin with. ~ David Green
Generosity and
legacy happen only when we return everything to the rightful owner [God]. ~ David
Wealth can be a
hindrance if it’s seen as something you own rather than steward. ~ David Green
I sensed God
saying to me, “This company [Hobby Lobby] belongs to me. Don’t you touch it.
It’s mine.” ~ David Green
I knew who
controlled my fate no matter what those justices decided. And peace reigned.
(This was when his company was being judged by The Supreme Court over the
health issue). ~ David Green
Choose the
eternal in the everyday mundane. ~ David Green
Honoring the
people in your life, respecting them, doing what’s right, acting with
integrity. This is true virtue, and it begins with people. ~ David Green
Valuing the
eternal means putting people first. ~ David Green
The first thing
that will help your children is to show them a marriage they want to emulate. ~
David Green
Whether it is
in your marriage, your parenting, or your work ethic, integrity always wins. ~ David
The greatest
blessings are the ones that can never be lost. ~ David Green
Having money
does not equal being blessed. Money can actually be a curse if it is not
handled the right way. ~ David Green
carries a purpose that goes beyond ourselves, and even beyond this lifetime. ~ David
Beyond Christ,
everything else is just frosting. ~ David Green
Every journey
requires a destination. ~ David Green
Generosity can
start ever so small, but eventually have massive impact for God’s kingdom. ~ David
To invest in
eternal things is the most important thing we can do with our lives, our
energies, and our resources. ~ David Green
If we don’t use
Hobby Lobby’s earnings to touch people for the Lord, I really don’t see the
reason for me to be in business at all. ~ David Green
Through giving,
we join God in His divine work. ~ David Green
Those who plan
to give, do. ~ David Green
Let your mind
play a bit, and see whether God ignites your heart with the fire of generosity.
~ David Green
Ask, “Is this
going to matter a thousand years from now?” If not, it might be a good thing,
but it’s not a great thing. ~ David Green
underestimate the power of making a plan and writing it down. ~ David Green
What you know,
you can change. What you don’t know controls you. ~ David Green
One of the
great needs in families is to talk with one another about money and the
responsibility it brings. ~ David Green
You can spend
your life either on the eternal or on things that aren’t going to matter. ~ David
Work is not a
curse. It is our calling. ~ David Green
We simply must
raise kids and grandkids to be independent. Otherwise, we make cripples out of
them. ~ David Green
No family
member, of whatever generation, must ever view Hobby Lobby as his or her source
of well-being for all of life. God is our source! ~ David Green
Give even when
it seems impossible. ~ David Green
You won’t know
whether you can out-give God until you try. ~ David Green
It settled
permanently inside of me that God had a purpose for a businessman. He had
called me. ~ David Green
The more this business gives, the more God blesses us to keep giving. ~ David Green
When to give? I humbly suggest always. ~ David Green
Passing on
wealth means passing on all forms of wealth. ~ David Green
It doesn’t
matter if you’re a wealthy business owner, a rookie entrepreneur, or a couple
planning their family and the next five years – breaking up your family’s
vision is never a good thing. ~ David Green
We want [Hobby
Lobby] to continue for decades, perhaps even centuries, as an ongoing source of
financial fuel for God’s work around the world. ~ David Green
treasure in Heaven! ~ David Green
Legacy is not just what we leave behind, but what we send ahead. ~ David Green
Don’t hoard
treasure down here where it gets eaten by moths and corroded by rust or –
worse! – stolen by burglars. Stockpile treasure in heaven, where it’s safe from
moth and rust and burglars. It’s obvious, isn’t it? The place where your
treasure is, is the place you will most want to be, and end up being” (Matthew
6:19-21). ~ David Green
I want to be
remembered more for the size of my soul than for the size of my bank account. ~
David Green
You don’t
develop courage by being happy in your relationships every day. You develop it
by surviving difficult times and challenging adversity. ~Epicurus
All the
adversity I’ve had in my life, all my troubles and obstacles, have strengthened
me. . . . You may not realize it when it happens, but a kick in the teeth may
be the best thing in the world for you. ~Walt Disney, who went bankrupt and had
his first cartoon character stolen from him before he went on to create Mickey
Mouse, Disneyland, and Disney World
Comfort and
prosperity have never enriched the world as much as adversity has. ~Billy
Where there is
no struggle, there is no strength. ~Oprah Winfrey
Most of the
verses written about praise in God’s Word were voiced by people who were faced
with crushing heartaches, injustice, treachery, slander, and scores of other
difficult situations. ~Joni Eareckson Tada
The question
for believers is never, "Will God provide?" but "How is He going
to do it?" God provides in His own way and in His own timing, but He is
always faithful to His role as Provider. If you need transportation to get to
work, God may provide a car to you free of charge as a gift from someone. Or He
may provide the money to buy the car. Or a way to earn the money to buy the
car. Or send you a bicycle. Or change your job so you can walk or even work
from home. But you can rest assured that He is on it and in the end will
deliver what you need so you can get food on the table. And in the meantime,
you need to walk by faith and stay busy asking, seeking, and knocking until He
reveals what He has provided. But He will; you can rest on it. ~ The Kendrick
And you must
show mercy to those who faith is wavering. Rescue others by snatching them from
the flames. ~Jude 1:22-23 NLT
something about the human heart, that when the heat is on, it softens toward
things of the Lord. ~Charles R. Swindoll
Sorrow is
better than laughter, for sadness has a refining on us. ~Ecclesiastes 7:3 NLT
prosperity while you can, but when hard times strike, realize that both come
from God. Remember that nothing is certain in life. ~ Ecclesiastes 7:14
The flame shall
not hurt thee; I only design Thy dross to consume and thy gold to refine. ~How
Firm A Fountain
If our
foundations are in place, then nothing else really matters. ~ Charles R.
The righteous –
people whose lives are rightly related to God by faith in Jesus Christ – stand
on a firm foundation. ~ Charles R. Swindoll
Now, should the
foundation of a life be destroyed, that life crumbles. But if the foundation
remains secure, no amount of stress, no brutal attack, or painful backstabbing
– would cause life to fracture or ultimately crumble. ~ Charles R. Swindoll
A refuge is a
place of hiding – a place of secure protection. The term is chasah in
the ancient Hebrew. A chasah is a protective enclosure that provides safety
from that which would otherwise consume everything in its past. It’s an impenetrable
firewall of protection from danger and distress – from anxiety and fear. ~Charles
R. Swindoll
The old country
preacher was right when he said, “I may tremble on the rock, but the rock don’t
tremble under me.” ~Charles R. Swindoll
Faith is our
solid foundation too. A foundation of faith, not fear, is our refuge; it
enables us to stand firm against the advancing threats of terror. ~Charles R.
God is our
refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. ~ Psalm 46:1 NIV
He is a very
present help in those tight places of fear and uncertainty. ~Charles R.
He is fully in
control, absolutely sovereign, not almost sovereign. ~Charles R.
In biblical
days, the word selah probably indicated a pause. A breather, a moment to
reflect. “Pause and let that sink in.”
~Charles R. Swindoll
In place of
worry and anxiety, pause . . . The Lord is our refuge. ~Charles R. Swindoll
Don’t panic; pause.
Don’t fret and fear; pause. ~Charles R. Swindoll
In place of
worry and anxiety, pause. The foundation stands firm. The Lord is our refuge.
He is our very present help in tight places. Even when the flames seem more
like a blast furnace. ~Charles R. Swindoll
We will not
fear, though the earth should change and though the mountains slip into the
heart of the sea. ~Psalm 46:2
Our God is in
sovereign control of all the events of this earth. ~Charles R. Swindoll
We do not fear
because the Lord our God is our chasah – our refuge, our hiding place He
is our strength. He Himself is the rock. All such catastrophes surprise and
shock us, but nothing surprises or shocks Him. Our God is in sovereign control
of all the events of this earth. They occur exactly as He has planned or
permitted them. ~Charles R. Swindoll
surprises God. However, He does permit events that often puzzle us, and His
reasons are too profound for us to grasp. They are put together in the counsel
of His own will, and they fit perfectly into His plan for His glory and for His
purposes. As His servant, I say in response, “I will not fear. Though I don’t
understand it, I will not fear. Though You, Lord, take something that’s deeply
significant to me, though You allow catastrophe to strike, I will not fear. I
will not blame you, I will not doubt Your goodness, and I will not question
Your intentions. ~Charles R. Swindoll
And though this
world with devils filled, should threaten to undo us, we will not fear, for God
hath willed His truth to triumph through us! ~Martin Luther
When my anxious
thoughts multiply within me, your consolations delight my soul. ~Psalm 94:19
Cease striving
and know that I am God. ~Psalm 46:10
God’s Word
became the ammunition to weaken the enemy’s position and strengthen the Christians’. ~Charles R. Swindoll
Verse 10 of
Psalm 46 announces: We will not worry. The psalmist writes, “Cease
striving.” The Hebrew uses a single term in that command that means, literally,
“stop!” What a great directive. Stop! ~Charles R. Swindoll
You can almost
imagine the Lord of heaven thundering this command to His people as they shrink
in fear: “Stop. Stop it. Stop worrying about the future! Have you forgotten
that I am your very present help in tight places? Your worry and fear imply
that I am no longer here or that I have become impotent and out of touch. But I
am not indifferent. Nothing has escaped My panoramic gaze and powerful control.
I’m not like the swallows that flutter away in the winter, to return only when
the weather clears.” ~Charles R. Swindoll
Because God is
our refuge, we will not fear. ~Charles R. Swindoll
If the
foundations are in place, if the Lord our God is your refuge and strength, then
you can cease striving and know that He is God. He is not moved. He is
not distant or disinterested. Those who trust in Him stop worrying, as fear is
sent packing. ~Charles R. Swindoll
Your enemy the
devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. ~1 Peter
5:8 NIV
We can resist
the enemy even battle him and be victorious. ~Charles R. Swindoll
We are facing
hardships, conflicts, terror, and worldwide disruptions like none of us would
have ever imagined, because we are encountering our adversary on his turf.
Everything God’s people love, he hates. For instance, he hates your lifelong
commitment to your marriage. Chances are good that more marriages are in
conflict in these fearful days than in times past. Chances are you’ve got more
troubles than usual in your family, troubles rooted in anxiety and its kissing
cousin, fear. ~Charles R. Swindoll
We should
expect enemy attacks in any number of areas. While we ought not to live in fear
of them, we’re not to be ignorant of them either. ~Charles R. Swindoll
Ready for some
good news? It’s found in Scripture. We can resist the enemy – even battle him –
and be victorious! ~Charles R. Swindoll
Look closely and read carefully the opening line of 1 Peter 5:9: “But resist him, firm in your faith.”
The enemy’s
attacks may be directed toward the vulnerable part of your life, but the shield
of faith will protect you from them like a firewall. Trust the scriptural
promise. You can resist him. ~Charles R. Swindoll
The shield of
faith will protect you . . . like a
firewall. ~Charles R. Swindoll
yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that He may lift you up in due
time ~1 Peter 5:6 NIV
The Lord’s
direction for us in these perilous times is “humble yourselves.” ~Charles R.
We need to
understand – this isn’t human strategy based on human strength that requires
human giftedness to lead to human accomplishments. This is altogether contrary
to what any of us would imagine. The Lord’s direction for us in these perilous
times is “Humble yourselves.” Peter paints a picture of falling on your face
before God in submission and trust. Trace “humble yourself” back as far as
possible, and you will find people literally on their faces before God. ~Charles R. Swindoll
God commands us
to humble ourselves under His hand. This means you and I don’t get our own way.
It isn’t about getting what we want. When you humble yourself under the
Master’s hand, you humble yourself to the Master. It’s about doing what He
wishes. It’s what He plans that matters. You hardly need to be told that
everything in our culture works against that simple, clear direction. No
matter. The command stands: “Humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God,
that He may exalt you at the proper time” (1 Peter 5:6). ~Charles R. Swindoll
Keep in mind
that God has shaped a plan that will lead to victory, hope, peace, and joy.
~Charles R. Swindoll
Be on the alert,
stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong. ~1 Corinthians 16:13
Be alert! Stand
alone! Grow up! Get tough! ~Charles R. Swindoll
In the end, God
wins. ~Charles R. Swindoll
Allow the Lord to
transform those long-held negative attitudes that do nothing to advance His
cause. ~Charles R. Swindoll
If you’re a
preacher or otherwise engaged in communicating biblical truth, you proclaim
what needs to be proclaimed, not what others want you to
proclaim. You stand tough even if they don’t want to hear it and even if they
run you off. Being tough, you stand like a steer in a blizzard. ~Charles R.
The times in
which we live are tough, so they require tough-minded maturity. ~Charles R.
Now is the time
for a courage transfusion. We must remain alert against the enemy. We must
stand alone against the evil, even if others choose not to do so. We must grow
up as people with convictions – stand tall, act like mature men and women. And
we must be strong – not mean, not paying back evil for evil – but strong in
character and stout in convictions. Meet the challenge. Face the flames with
faith, not fear. ~Charles R. Swindoll
Let all that
you do be done in love. ~1 Corinthians 16:14
It is love that compels us into the flame. ~Charles R. Swindoll
There’s a final
command in 1 Corinthians 16:14: “Let all that you do be done in love.”
We are
compelled to love everyone – even our enemies. Yes, our enemies. ~Charles R.
Love is the
ultimate offense. ~Charles R. Swindoll
Let me tell you
who needs your love the most – those who are out of touch with God. ~Charles R.
The lost need
the Savior’s redeeming love to touch them deeply and to hold them close and to
draw them to Himself, to change them from within. ~Charles R. Swindoll
“Do you show
contempt for the riches of His kindness, forbearance, and patience, not
realizing that God’s kindness is intended to lead you to repentance? ~Romans
2:4 NIV
If it was God’s
wonderful kindness that brought us to repentance, then that same kindness ought
to be our ultimate strategy. ~Charles R. Swindoll
It is remarkable how potent a weapon love is against the enemy’s fierce and relentless tactics. ~Charles R. Swindoll
Lost people are
not the enemy. They are victims of the enemy. ~Howard G.
Remember the
wholesome fruit that comes from Him? Love (there’s our word), joy, peace,
patience, kindness (there it is again), goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and
self-control (Galatians 5:22-23). And here is the kicker: against such
things there is no defense! We render the enemy virtually powerless when we
move toward lost people with these qualities – which, by the way, cannot be
mustered from the flesh. ~Charles R. Swindoll
One person, one
family at a time, as they encounter in us and in our families the irresistible
kindness of Christ. His love initially shocks them, then ultimately, it
transforms them. ~Charles R. Swindoll
It’s Christ’s
all-conquering love that wins the ultimate battle – not anger or hate or
retaliation. ~Charles R. Swindoll
Let us pause in
the calm for prayer. ~Charles R. Swindoll
There is
nothing new in the world except the history you do not know. ~Harry S. Truman
The buck stops
here. ~Harry S. Truman
I never played
high school football, but if it were me, I would get there early, keep my mouth
shut, and do what I was told. ~Jim Stovall
It is
understanding that gives us an ability to have peace. When we understand the
other fellow’s viewpoint, and he understands ours, then we can sit down and
work out our differences. ~Harry S. Truman
In reading the
lives of great men, I found that the first victory they won was over themselves
. . . self-discipline with all of them came first. ~Harry S. Truman
If you can’t
stand the heat, get out of the kitchen. ~Harry S. Truman
If you can read
this, thank a teacher. ~Harry S. Truman
I come to the
office each morning and stay for long hours doing what has to be done to the
best of my ability. When you’ve done the best you can, you can’t do any better.
~Harry S. Truman
I shall
continue to do what I think is right, whether anybody likes it or not. ~Harry
S. Truman
A pessimist is
one who makes difficulties of his opportunities, and an optimist is one who
makes opportunities of his difficulties. ~Harry S. Truman
There are a lot
of things we cannot control, but two things we can always control are our
effort and our attitude. ~Jim Stovall
If you do
anything less than your best, you not only let the guy next to you down, but
you make it easier to be mediocre again next time. ~Jim Stovall
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