
Friday, February 28, 2014

The Preacher and the Presidents: Billy Graham in the White House

The Preacher and the Presidents: Billy Graham in the White HouseThe Preacher and the Presidents: Billy Graham in the White House by Nancy Gibbs
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

An excellent book that not only gives you an inside view of Billy Graham but also of several presidents and some of their family members. If you are interested in Billy Graham and/or American Presidents this is a book you will enjoy! I trust you will enjoy the quotes below:

The Preacher and the Presidents
Nancy Gibbs and Michael Duffy

We are all sinners, he said, in search of grace. – Billy Graham

The presidents called for comfort; they asked the simplest questions: How do I know if I’ll go to heaven? Eisenhower wanted to know. Do you believe in the Second Coming? Kennedy wondered. Will I see my parents when I die? Johnson asked. They asked about how the world would end, which was not an abstract conversation for the first generation of presidents who had the power to make that happen.

By 1969, Graham was so important--and so well positioned—with both political parties that he could seamlessly spend the last weekend of Johnson’s presidency in the White House and stay over to spend the first night with Nixon as well. The week before Gerald Ford pardoned Nixon, he tracked Graham down to talk it through; that conversation, Ford said later was crucial. Nancy Reagan called him to the hospital the day her husband was shot, twenty-three years later he was the first person outside the family she called when he died. When Hillary Clinton felt no one in the world understood how she could forgive her husband, Graham pointedly praised her for it.

p. xiv – “If I had not been a friend of the presidents,” he argued, “in most of these places, they wouldn’t have invited me to see them. The reason Yeltsin invited me was because he knew that I knew the president…. And so it was a way of the Lord using presidents for me to reach other people for Christ.”

His meetings with Reagan—the president with who he says he was closest of all—were almost entirely private, under the radar.

I didn’t have any other motives throughout my life but to proclaim the gospel. I’m amazed myself that I was able to see all those men become president.  –Graham on his calling

I know that I didn’t have any fear—and I should have, because I asked him about his personal faith. He said he believed in the Sermon on the Mount, tried to live by the Golden Rule. And I told him, “I don’t think that’s enough! – Graham on his first meeting with Harry Truman

To which Graham replied [to an old friend] in a way he often would to critics he respected. “I want and need your suggestions, counsel, advice,” he wrote back. “And any time you feel like jacking me up and kicking me in the pants, please do. I have enough people patting me on the back…. I need some real friends from time to time who will talk turkey to me.”

Eisenhower would soon become the first president to be baptized in office, and the second, after Calvin Coolidge, to join a church after being elected.

What followed was a burst of official religious promotion such as America had not seen in years. Eisenhower announced that cabinet meetings would begin with a moment of silence. (This took some getting used to; appointments secretary Tom Stephens recalled the time the president emerged from the cabinet room when he suddenly realized, “Jesus Christ, we forgot the prayer!”) The first National Prayer Breakfast was held in 1953, with Eisenhower and Graham both in attendance.

In 1954 the phrase “Under God” was added to the Pledge of Allegiance. A newly formed Foundation for Religious Action in the Social and Civil Order brought together all the pillars of Eisenhower’s civil faith; its board included Graham, Norman Vincent Peale, Henry Luce, Henry Ford Jr., Herbert Hoover, and Charles Wilson of General Electric. In 1955 Congress opened a prayer room in the Capitol, and ruled that all coins and bills had to have the phrase “In God We Trust” on them. The following year that became the national motto, an improvement, lawmakers felt, on “E Pluribus Unum.”

When it was all over, Graham was heading to Scotland for a holiday to recover, but on the morning of May 25 he got a surprise call. Could he come have a visit with Prime Minister Churchill?

Churchill struck him as being in one of his dark moods. They talked about the state of the world: “I am a man without hope,” Churchill said. “Do you have any real hope?” Whether he was talking about the world or himself was not clear, so Graham acted a pastor.
“Are you without hope for your own soul’s salvation?”
“Frankly, I think about that a great deal,” Churchill said. And so Graham pulled out his New Testament and did what he always did, explaining the possibilities of grace and God’s plan.
And then, Graham said, he prayed for the prime minister, and as he was leaving they shook hands. “Our conversations are private, aren’t they?”
“Yes sir,” Graham said, having learned his lesson.

Graham’s historic journey through Asia – Graham’s reception was astonishing in its own way, in a country of 380 million with perhaps 5 million Protestant church members. The crowds were immense, curious, captivated: a hundred thousand people came to hear him in Kottayam—a town of forty thousand. William Stoneman, head of the foreign service of the Chicago Daily News, noted that the “objective observers” had concluded that “no American in this postwar period has made so many friends for America and gone so far toward offsetting the widespread conviction that material rather than spiritual matters are America’s sole significant concern as Billy Graham during his amazing tour of Asia.

Graham was on his way to Vietnam when he stopped to see the dying President Eisenhower. So Graham told him one more time, and they prayed together. He told him his whole past had been forgiven and he had nothing to worry about. “I’m ready,” Eisenhower said. “And before I left the room,” Graham said, “he gave his big smile, big wave, and he said ‘You tell those fellows over there that there’s an old doughboy here, thinking about ‘em and praying for them.’”

It was in West Virginia that Kennedy found his lines and his strategy: make the issue not religion, but tolerance; voters who were undecided between the candidates could at least enjoy the satisfaction of showing they were not bigots by voting for Kennedy. Sorenson had quietly drafted a letter to be signed by prominent Protestant clergy, urging their colleagues to fight religious prejudice; he made it clear to the ministers he approached that the statement would not come from Kennedy’s office or have Sorensen’s fingerprints: it was just a nonpartisan appeal for tolerance.

“We regarded Graham as a conservative who was at least implicitly if not explicitly backing Nixon,” Sorenson recalled. Kennedy’s team was more successful with other ministers, like the Very Reverend Francis Sayre, the dean of Washington’s Episcopal Cathedral and grandson of Woodrow Wilson. The ministers’ letter won 144 signatures from clerics testifying, “We are convinced that each of the candidates has presented himself before the American people with honesty and independence, and we would think it unjust to discount any of them because of his chosen faith.”

And now Johnson had one more favor to ask. Would Billy preach at his funeral? And make sure the message got through, because the world listens when a president dies. “Don’t use any notes,” he said, because the wind will just blow them away. And no fancy eulogizing either. “I want you to look in those cameras and just tell ‘em what Christianity is all about. Tell ‘em how they can be sure they can go to heaven. I want you to preach the gospel.” And he paused. “But somewhere in there, you tell ‘em a few things I did for this country.”

Graham wrote to Johnson when he got home, saying he was honored that Johnson would even think of him. “I love you and your family so much that it would be one of the most difficult tasks I have ever performed,” he wrote. “Yet in another sense, it will be a triumph: for I know that not only in your head but in your heart you have put your trust in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. We are not saved because of our own accomplishments or good works; we are saved totally and completely because of what Christ did on the cross for us….I am not going to Heaven because I have preached to great crowds or read the Bible many times—I’m going to Heaven just like the thief on the cross who said in that last moment: ‘Lord, remember me.’”

After Nixon was elected, he asked me to come and see him. He said, “Billy, what job do you want? I’ll appoint you to any ambassadorship if you want it.” I said, “Mr. President, I don’t want anything.” I said, “God called me to preach and I’m never gonna do anything but that.” That’s what I told him. – Graham on political temptation

The first service was held on Nixon’s first Sunday in office, with Graham as the preacher. Nixon’s aides Dwight Chapin and John Ehrlichman picked Graham’s brain for how the service should work: Nixon would preside like a master of ceremonies, welcome the congregation, introduce the preacher, and praise the visiting choir. So which preachers should they invite, should there be a denominational quota? Graham sent them a list that included Norman Vincent Peale, Graham’s brother-in-law and surrogate Leighton Ford, his father-in-law L. Nelson Bell, National Council of Churches head Dr. R.H. Edwin Espy, Christianity Today editor Harold Lindsell, several prominent black preachers, and prominent Christian sports figures like Dallas Cowboys coach Tom Landry.

If God is, then what God says must be absolute—man must have moral boundaries. He cannot devise his own morals to fit his own situation. ~Billy Graham

“To be President is a great and thrilling attainment,” he [Graham] wrote. “However, there is one thing far greater than being President—and that is being a committed child of God. There is a thrill, a joy, an adventure, an excitement, a satisfaction awaiting you in that direction, no matter what the circumstances around you, that is indescribable.”

Ford began each day in the White House by quietly repeating the same verses from Proverbs that his mother taught him years earlier or help in times of trouble: “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct your paths.” It was the same verses he had thought of as he clung to the side of an aircraft carrier in a December 1944 typhoon in the Pacific. And it was the passage he and Betty cited in their prayers the night before he became president.

Graham’s worries about Nixon did not abate. That fall, after Nixon was admitted to a hospital with phlebitis, Ruth Graham appealed to a friend to hire a private plane and troll back and forth about the hospital, pulling a banner that read, “Nixon—God Loves You and So Do We.” Nixon saw it from his hospital window, but did not know its source until later. “We would like to think it was an encouragement,” Graham said.

For the most part, Graham watched the Ford presidency from a distance. In May 1975, Billy and Ruth went to hear him speak in Charlotte, sitting in a special section at the front of the crowd. When a shirtless and barefoot demonstrator moved adjacent to Ruth in the aisle, holding up a sign that read, “Eat the Rich,” and apparently blocked her view, Ruth grabbed the sign and placed it under her feet. When he asked for it back, she refused. Later, when he sued her, she vowed to go to jail rather than pay a fine. (The case was dismissed after a forty-five minute hearing, but Ruth caught up with her accuser afterward and presented him with a Bible.)

For the lead epigraph of (Jimmy Carter’s book, Carter chose Niebuhr’s observation that the “sad duty of politics is to establish justice in a sinful world.

Graham gathered twelve fellow preachers at a Dallas hotel to talk and pray about the future of the country. Graham didn’t merely attend the early October session; he organized it and composed the guest list, according to Dallas evangelist James Robison. Attending were many of the nation’s regional, if not national, evangelical powerhouses. Among them, Robison, televangelist Rex Humbard, and Adrian Rogers, who had just led a conservative theological takeover of the Sothern Baptist Convention that was to alter the character and direction of the SBC. Joining them were Charles Stanley and Jimmy Draper, who had played key roles in Roger’s SBC election, as well as Clayton Bell, Graham’s brother-in-law. The men took over the entire floor of a hotel near the Dallas airport. These men were not part of the new breed of preachers who had one foot in the pulpit and another in the Republican National Committee. They were older and, at least in public, far less partisan. None was buying, as Falwell’s Moral Majority soon would, millions of dollars in radio spots across the South to defeat Carter. But each was a conservative Christian, who had by 1979 given up on the notion that Carter was a partner worth keeping.

Robison added, “We did not see Carter as the necessary strong leader in the face of a grave threat.” And he said, “No one was talking about Jimmy Carter’s faith. It was his ability to lead.

As president, Reagan would often, before an important speech or meeting, tell his chief of staff, James Baker, “I need a minute.” Baker would turn and see Reagan saying a silent prayer in preparation. “Faith was part of him and always was,” said Deputy Chief of Staff Michael Deaver, who began working for Reagan in 1966. “Whenever there was a disappointment or a setback, his response was always, ‘There’s a reason for this and we’ll find out someday what it is. But it’s all a part of God’s plan.’ He wasn’t sappy about it. He as almost matter-of-fact.”

“You don’t face a problem but what God can help you solve it.” – Billy Graham writing to Ronald Reagan

Reagan wrote both Graham and his wife a letter of thanks for all their help over the previous eight years. “Thank you for your prayers, I know they have been answered, and to steal Lincoln’s words, I have had help from One Who is stronger and wiser than all others.”

Graham sent Reagan off into private life with a letter… the bulk of the letter is devoted to Graham’s dissection of Reagan’s success in office. “You had a philosophy of government and life that did not change, no matter what the circumstances. You believed America could be great…. Secondly, your strong faith in God and your willingness to talk about it publicly, no matter what the critics might say…. Thirdly, you have a compassion for people. God gave you a marvelous charisma that did not come just from your Hollywood days as some would like to assert. It came from something God gave you. No matter how bad the circumstances or how harsh the questions from the reporters were, you always had a smile, you had a way of saying the right thing. I doubt if America will ever see another Ronald Reagan.

“When we come before the Lord in humble prayer, that’s the most we can do.” Billy Graham writing to Nancy Reagan as she cared for her sick husband

Both Reagans asked Graham to preach at the president’s funeral, but when the time came, Graham was too frail from a pelvis injury to make the trip.

When Reagan passed away, the first call that Nancy placed outside the family was to her husband’s old friend in the hills above Montreat.

Her [Hillary Clinton] faith was one place where she touched the ground. It was in the first six months that she joined a bipartisan prayer group; a circle of friends took turns praying for her that spring and throughout her time in the White House. When she traveled out of town, she carried a handmade scrapbook of sayings and scriptures that raised her spirits when they needed a boost.

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Thursday, February 27, 2014

The Jesus Style

The Jesus StyleThe Jesus Style by Gayle D. Erwin
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

The is an older book written in 1983. I highly recommend it to every Christian especially those Christians in leadership. The author shares how leadership would be different if the leader modeled the style that Jesus demonstrated. As you read the quotes below I'm sure you will be challenged as I was:

Those who lead in the kingdom of God are to recognize that every Christian has a unique and direct relationship to Christ, the head of the church. Unlike world systems whose goal is control, the kingdom leader is chosen to equip people for ministry, to bring unity in faith and knowledge, and to mature people so as to provide stability.

Someone who is at the top of a pyramid of authority finds himself isolated from reality. Those beneath him no longer give complete honesty. The “top” person is told by those under him only what is necessary to protect their jobs. The only means by which the person at the top can be assured of honesty and truthfulness from those beneath him is to make himself of “no reputation” – to lay aside his power and authority and approach them as a servant. And that initiative must first be taken by the person at the top. It cannot come from those beneath him – only revolution comes from that direction in the nature of Jesus, it is only possible to submit downward in the human realm.

The law demanded righteousness – grace delivered righteousness. The law required – grace provided. The law was pressure – grace was relief. The law was bondage – grace was freedom. Grace and truth can only be modeled in the light, in being seen. Because of the very nature of grace, we have no reason to hide: “whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what he has done has been done through God” (John 3:21).

People are the realm of God. His inscription is on us. He has created us in His image and we are to be given to Him. His making Himself poor was not to create a dramatic show and this impress the world or simply prove to Himself that he could do it. No, He made himself poor for our benefit – so that by his poverty we might be made rich.

If we must have buildings, then let us break away from the theater designs of the last centuries in which the performance on the stage is the most important thing and all seats are fixed in that direction. Let us begin to design buildings that will enhance the interaction of the body and give us a chance to fulfill the call to love one another. Let it be known that the congregation is where the action is and God, nor our structure, is the center of worship. Let us drop the Saturday marquee page in the newspaper that tells what performance is going on where in our efforts to lure fish away from another fishbowl.

At a Christian festival, I had a conversation with two couples, one of which was Buddhist, in response to a session I had taught in the afternoon. About halfway through the conversation, the Christian man lit a cigarette, then apologized, saying he wanted to give them up because they hurt his witness.

The Buddhist woman responded with a statement that continues to shake me. She said, “We non-Christians, when one of our rank becomes a Christian, do not watch them to see how well they live up to some self-imposed standard of piety. We watch them to see how they start treating people.” I felt as if I had heard the word of the Lord from her. The Pharisees could accuse Jesus of being a glutton and a winebibber, but they could not accuse Him of not loving people. He had succeeded. He had been obedient to his Father.

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Friday, February 14, 2014

The Road to Grace

The Road to Grace (The Walk, #3)The Road to Grace by Richard Paul Evans
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

An excellent read. I do not remember why I decided to buy this book. More than likely I heard about it in another book I was reading. I started reading it without reading the outside cover, which I always do. So for the first 90 pages or so I thought it was a true story, but it turns out to be a novel. The book is actually a series. It is so interesting. The author makes me want to go on a walk like the character in the book. The character (Alan Christoffersen) starts out in Seattle, WA, 2 days after his wife (McKale) dies and starts walking to Key West, FL. He meets several different and interesting people along the way. He also describes many historical, fun and tourist attractions. The places he describes had me goggling them to find out more information. He describes them very well in the book. Each chapter starts with a quote (these represent thoughts Alan is writing in his journal), which I have listed below. Some of these quotes you will not understand until you read the book. This is the 3rd book in the series and I will be reading all of the other ones. Here are the quotes for each chapter:

I had a dream last night that McKale came to me. "Where are you?" she asked. "South Dakota," I replied. She stared at me without speaking and I realized that she didn't mean my location. "I don't know," I said. "Keep walking," she said. "Just keep walking."

One can never know what a new road will bring.

There are people such as Benedict Arnold or Adolf Hitler, whose names become synonymous with evil and more adjective than proper noun. For me, "Pamela" is such a name.

I don't know if poltergeists or ghosts exist, nor do I care. There's too much I don't understand about the world I inhabit for me to worry about a world I haven't been to yet.

To say that one doesn't know when to quit is either an insult or a compliment, depending on the outcome.

Last night I dreamt I was kissing McKale. As I pressed my lips against hers I was filled with the most exquisite joy. Then my joy turned to horror when I realized that I wasn't kissing her, but giving her mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.

My stalker has forced my hand.

Once you have opened the book to another’s life, the cover never looks the same.

My father used to say, “Pity is just a poor man’s empathy.”

As we walk our individual life journeys, we pick up resentments and hurts, which attach themselves to our souls like burrs clinging to a hiker’s socks. These stowaways may seem insignificant at first, but, over time, if we do not occasionally stop and shake them free, the accumulation becomes a burden to our souls.

My hair is getting long. I’ve got to find a barber before someone mistakes me for a rock star.

Heroes and angels usually arrive in disguise.

Leszek [my favorite part of this book] has taken me into his home to care for me. Would I have done the same for him? I’m ashamed to answer.

Whether cautionary or exemplary, there has not yet been a life lived that we cannot learn from. It is up to us to decide which ours will be.

To forgive is to unlock the cage of another’s folly to set ourselves free.

I once heard a preacher say, “The reason we sometimes connect so quickly with a complete stranger is because the friendship is not of this life, but is the resumption of a friendship from another.” I do not know if this is true, but sometimes it feels true.

I have discovered the ladies of the Red Hat Society. Or, more accurately, they have discovered me.

One cannot judge someone by the city they’re from, any more than one can judge a book by which bookstore sold it. Yet, still we do.

The trapped are less concerned with rules than escape.

She is a rose, blooming amidst cornfields.

You can always trust a man wearing a John Deere cap.

The man who robs a corner convenience store is a thief. The man who robs hundreds is a legend. And the man who robs millions is a politician.

History bears witness that our lives are far more influenced by imagination than circumstance.

Today I met a self-described tramp with a most unfortunate view of God.

Life is not to be found in a cemetery.

What’s wrong with me? Something’s broken.

Déjà vu.

To learn grace is to discover God.

I recommend this book to everyone!

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Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Amazing Faith: the Authorized Biography of Bill Bright, Founder of Campus Crusade for Christ

Amazing Faith: the Authorized Biography of Bill Bright, Founder of Campus Crusade for ChristAmazing Faith: the Authorized Biography of Bill Bright, Founder of Campus Crusade for Christ by Michael Richardson
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

A great book on the life of Bill Bright. The books takes you from Bill's birth through his great ministry of Campus Crusade. I trust you will be challenged by the quotes below from the book:

If we could but show the world that being committed to Christ is no tame, humdrum, sheltered monotony, but the most thrilling, exciting adventure the human spirit could ever know, those who have been standing outside the church and looking askance at Christ would come crowding in to pay allegiance, and we might well expect the greatest revival since Pentecost.   ~Dr. James Stewart

When you step down from the podium, will people say, “What a great preacher he is,” or, “What a great Lord he serves?”   ~quote Bill Bright heard at Princeton and took to heart

In one class at Fuller, Bill [Bright] took an exegetical tour of Romans 6 that so impressed him, he never forgot its four points: know, reckon, yield, obey.  Know your position in Christ as dead to sin, risen in power. Reckon or account yourself dead to the old sin nature; behave by faith as if it were dead and don’t respond to it. Yield your body as an instrument of righteousness. Obey God’s commands by faith.   ~Michael Richardson

There is no magic in small plans. When I consider my ministry, I think of the world. Anything less than that would not be worthy of Christ, nor of His will for my life.   ~Dr. Henrietta Mears

The greatness of a man’s power is the measure of his surrender. It is not a question of who you are or what you are, but whether God controls you.  ~Dr. Henrietta Mears

Are you proving that the Christian life is a joyful, happy thing? Do you look glad that you are a Christian? Make the Christian life contagious.  ~Dr. Henrietta Mears

Enthusiasm starts a hard job; determination works at it; only love continues until it is finished.  ~Dr. Henrietta Mears

Serving God with our little is the way to make it more.    ~Dr. Henrietta Mears

Kindness has converted more sinners than zeal, eloquence, or learning.  ~Dr. Henrietta Mears

You teach a little by what you say. You teach most by what you are.   ~Dr. Henrietta Mears

An efficient leader may, through his knowledge of his job and the magnetism of his personality, greatly increase the efficiency of others.  ~Dr. Henrietta Mears

All that I see teaches me to thank the Creator for all I cannot see.  ~Dr. Henrietta Mears

You must decide what you want to build and then precede with the plans.  ~Dr. Henrietta Mears

What you are is God’s gift to you. What you can become is your gift to Him.  ~Dr. Henrietta Mears

I see now that evil is endemic in man and that the Christian doctrine of original sin expresses a deep and essential insight into human nature. Reject it and you fall victim, as so many of us whose minds developed in an atmosphere of left-wing politics and rationalist philosophy have fallen victims, to shallow optimism in regard to human nature.  ~former atheist-philosopher Cyril E. M. Joad

Christianity seemed to offer … consolation, strengthening, and assistance, while the rationalist philosophy which I had hitherto done my best to maintain, came to seem intolerably trivial and superficial ….    ~former atheist-philosopher Cyril E. M. Joad

Who can this Man be who, though He never wrote a single word Himself to be read by succeeding generations, yet has by His spoken words and unparalleled deeds, created a greater literature, led to more profound thinking about and brought more light upon life’s greatest problems, than any other person who has ever walked among men? Indeed, the very words under which thousands of books about Jesus are classified are not used of any other historical person of any century, no matter how great they may have been – such as Incarnation, Virgin Birth, Sinlessness, Deity, Resurrection, Ascension, Second Advent, Prince of Peace, and Head of the Church.  ~Wilbur M. Smith

What sort of man is this, who over and over again, gave numerous details about His death, months before it occurred, and added to each such utterance that on the third day after His decease He would rise again from the dead – and DID RISE, as even the city of Jerusalem soon came to believe? No other founder of a great world religion (or a small one) ever made such statements, or ever came forth from the dead.    ~Wilbur M. Smith

The life Jesus led, the miracles He performed, the words He spoke, His death on the cross, His resurrection, His ascent to heaven, all point to the fact that He was not mere man, but more than man …. It is important to consider that Jesus Christ claimed to be God. He claimed to be the author of a new way of life ….

Either Jesus of Nazareth was who He claimed to be, the Son of God, the Savior of mankind, or He was the greatest impostor the world has ever known. If His claims were false more good has resulted from a lie than has ever been accomplished by the truth …. Historically, we know that whenever His message has gone, new life, new hope, and new purpose for living have resulted ….

Does it not make sense that this person (whom most people, knowing the facts, consider the greatest teacher, the greatest example, the greatest leader the world has ever known) would be, as He Himself claimed to be, and the Bible tells us that He is, the one person who could bridge the chasm between a holy God and sinful man?     ~Bill Bright

God looks first for availability in His servants, then provides them with the necessary ability for accomplishing His purpose.   ~Michael Richardson

Inspiration without perspiration leads to frustration and ultimately to stagnation.   ~Bill Bright

Acceptance of circumstances, Bill would explain years later, is the role of a slave. Whatever needs the Master permits in the life of the slave are the Master’s responsibility to meet. It is not for the slave to rush out and fix the situation for the Master or, even worse, to rise up and rebel. The slave is to present the need to the Master and rest in the Master’s handling of it. This requires total trust in the Master’s honor, justice, and goodness. The slave awaits the Master’s move and the Master’s provision. ~Michael Richardson

Bill was awed by the story of Kim’s survival of a communist attack on his home village in Korea. On a rainy spring day, communist guerrillas invaded the village in Korea, intent upon killing everyone in their path. Kim’s wife and father were murdered, and Kim himself was beaten and left for dead. In the cool rain of the night he revived and fled to safety in the mountains with his young daughter. They were the sole survivors.

As a man of God, Kim had learned from Scripture that he was to love his enemies and pray for those who persecuted him. What was to be his attitude concerning those who had killed his beloved wife and honored father? The Spirit of God impressed upon him that he was to seek out the communist chief who led the guerrilla attack, tell him that he loved and forgave him, and tell him of God’s love in Christ and his need for the Savior.

This he did, and God honored his obedience. The communist chief knelt in prayer with Kim and committed his life to Christ. Within a short time a number of other communists were converted to Christ as well, and Kim helped them build a church for themselves and other communists converts before he came to America to further his education.  ~Michael Richardson

He feared man so little because he feared God so much.  ~Inscription on the burial monument for Lord Lawrence

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Wednesday, February 5, 2014

There Came a Lion

There Came a LionThere Came a Lion by Carole H. Camak
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The book was loaned to me by my Mom. The author, Carole H. Camak grew up across the street from my Mom. Their families went to the same church, Central Christian in Augusta, Ga. The church is a Disciples of Christ Church. The book is basically a life story of Carole. She went through quite a bit as a child and an adult. She was very faithful to her church through the years. This story explains how she learned how being religious is different than being a Christian. The last several chapters made the book for me. If you are interested to see how the power of forgiveness and unconditional love can transform someone then this book is for you!

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